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Liberals win (suprise)


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Frankly, I don't think it's that sh!tty ... sorry, I just don't trust the current crop of Conservatives, when their leader starts saying things like "We have to harmonize our policies with the Americans" I get worried. A Liberal minority, with the NDP having the balance of power to keep them honest, isn't all that bad a thing.

All, of course, IMHO,


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I'm reading different counts at various sources.

The toronto star put the NDP at 21 which would get a combined number of 156 eh?


"Both NDP Leader Jack Layton, who won 21 seats, and Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe, with 54 seats, would demand a high price from the Liberals for their support.

The addition of the NDP's seats pushes him past the 155-seat threshold necessary for majority support in the 308-member Parliament, meaning he can cling to power without having to appease the separatist Bloc."

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I'm very happy with how this turned out. I was also happy to see my NDP vote in Hamilton Centre didn't open up any berth for the Conservatives to come sliding in - our NDP'er David Christopherson handily trounced his opposition!

I like Paul Martin and the Liberals and I think they're the only realistic choice to lead this country at this time as an entity, not as a loose coalition of regionally invested interests. However, I hope Mr. Martin awakens to the fact that he nearly lost the whole plot and that we want real change, not just four more years of the same. He should be relieved but not placated, there's not much to brag about here. Hopefully his government will lead with humility and transparency.

Very pleased to see the NDP will be strong enough to hold his feet to the flames, hopefully particularly on social policies.

Obviously, I am ecstatic to see the Conservatives marginalized, where they belong. I'm sure I'll see a Conservative government again in my lifetime, but thank Jebus it's not with these clowns at this time!

It was an interesting election! I sincerely hope it invigorated some debate and passion about the political process! I think we handled it *real* well around here!

I'm also very interested to see the voter turnout figures.

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so according to the cbc we have

lib + ndp = 154

cons + bloc = 153


so long as ndp have at least 19, we are good; by one seat!

the independent seat that was won was a former conservative who lost his nomination meeting in BC, ran as an independent, and won, so he may hold a lot of power if your numbers are correct there 2ndtube. A tie is crazy... 154 - 154


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ahess6488 - They are far apart except for one important detail: they're both for expanded powers for the provinces, a devolution of federal influence. Given the nature of the issue, they could find some (limited) common ground.

On social issues, however, they couldn't be farther apart.

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