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top 10-- come together review...


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I think I've gathered my thoughts now from the 12 days of mayhem that consumed me while visiting the home land, so I'd like to try and recall my CTMF experience. I'd like to start by trying to thank all of the people i think I met, here goes;

1st timers; Sheik, earthfreak, Willy, Marco, Paisley, Five feet of Fury, Instagator (shaking head), Number 2, New Rider, Meggo, Secondtube (sort of 1st time), J-roc, mark tonin

2nd timers; LMP, Palace, Thorgor (and lady), Ques (and some lady), Schwa, Sweet Marie, Simone (mortimers point yo)

And of course the Chatham crew (studog, scotty mac, zeddy with Kenny, rylett, gable, owen, that one guy, blair n mud, and my travel companion hemp)

So, heres my highlights of the 2 days I was able to be there;

- feeling the vibe as I strolled into Izzy's

- recognizing people I've never met before

- Zeddy's arrival "where's your shoes man?" "didn't bring any man"

- the late night fire jam with mike from BNB and stephen(*) from SFNTS with blair and mud on the xylo (* didn't even know he was there for the longest time and I know the guy, goes to show my state of being)

- witnessing first hand the dislocation of schwa's finger and watching him let Zeddy try and fix it (that was fucked dude)

- the threesome on the rope swing

- laughing hard with various people all day and night

- Studogs sunshine boy photos

- taking the soccer ball in the groin on two separate occasions

- one crazy ass drive into Simcoe, everyone seemed to be moving 10 times faster than i was.

- knowing Stephen Franke was going to blow minds and encouraging folks to come with me to check them out

- contact, mr something x 2, SFNTS, fatcats and raisinhill all kicking serious ass

- yelling at raisin hill to play raise a little hell all night

- raisin hill doing a rage aganst the machine cover

- waking up and seeing a sunshine boy stroll out of a tent that wasnt his and shaking hands with the tents owner....

- seeing only chatham folks still givener as i packed my sh!t up to go home saturday morning and witnessing the birth of the robot.

All in all, a great time was had and I wish i could have stayed for saturday, but I made the best of my situation and did it up chatham style in chatham.

Can't wait to see some more photos, I know miss pink has some gooders.

Very big thanks to everyone for the vibe i felt (except gator of course) I'll definatly be back in the fold when the time is right.


**If i met anyone and i didnt mention them, sorry, and please identify yourself, i just might remember.

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yeah schwa, that was a really good time... the platform was perfect, and i swear there were bats in them trees!

pretty ironic, too, that at one point we were talking about a fear of rope swings, and the next day you mess your finger up on a.... ROPE SWING!!!!

whoa... cosmic, dude..


lookin' forward to hangin with you guys again soon..

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For posterity sake as well, Simone was very concerned about you throwing up outside Thorgs tent. she mentioned it several times the next day and wanted to find you to make sure you were ok after she had helped you that night.

People care brah, just not all people.

stay solid.

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well some of you may have noticed I was kind of quiet this past weekend... have 3 reasons

a--sorta shy at times

b--tripping out

c--lost in thought all the time

well c--- you got my top ten things-- i thought about that alot on the weekend, but i also thought about my education...

you see,on friday night... during fat cats and raisin hill, the light bulb flashed above my head--EUREKA!!!!

i thought up a 40 page senior english literature unit plan on poetry/ short stories that focuses on opening the mind to the art of foreign cultures... just finshed my lesson plan that i have to present tomorrow, and i feel really fu©king gwood about it... thanks for the inspiration folks!!!! can't wait to get loooose with y'all at the Lanc. :: ::

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Back to CTMF for a second. Does anyone else find it dissapointing, that the Ottawa crew (bouche, ms. hux, booche, douglas, et al) have not made it to a CTMF this year and don't plan on it? They'd rather take their money across the border and give it to American bands than support the best Canadian festival around. Does that seem strange? What about when you factor in that they 'run' this place. And they don't come to CTMF?!?!

(PS: This is most certainly a poorly veiled attempt to guilt them into getting their asses down here more often.)

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Hey, I dragged Stapes (willingly, of course) down to this past CTMF... I'm trying, but all this talk of some band's last show ever (I can't seem to place their name right now), down in Vermont somewhere, seems to have a lot of kids saving their money and vacation time...

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Not to dredge up an old wound but I wanted to say something else here. Look if I can't moderate pretty much anything that's on me, and if that gets in the way of having a good time rather than complimenting it that really is a problem. At the same time it's pretty damn difficult to moderate in a culture that has it's own funny names for drugs, an entire language around giviner, and is basically hell bent on getting mashed. This causes further problems in trying to gauge whether you have real friendships or relationships or just co-dependancies. Even with everything we have in common musically it's pretty hard to have a real relationship with people when substances are almost always involved.

All of that said in hindsight we do have a good thing going here we just can't afford to turn a blind eye to this element.

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it's pretty damn difficult to moderate in a culture that has it's own funny names for drugs, an entire language around giviner, and is basically hell bent on getting mashed.

I take exception to that, kung. While I admit I'm the last person who should be talking about moderation, I think few, if any of us live our daily lives with the same reckless abandonment that is witnessed at a festival such as CTMF... Just because a person consumes nothing but booze, drugs and cigarettes for 3 days straight at a festival, does not mean that said person would be found in the same state on a Wednesday morning during their work week. Moderation is no one's responsiblity but their own. If you're doing anything to "keep up", as opposed to doing it for your own enjoyment, then you're obviously doing it for the wrong reason. If you're fu©ked, don't do more drugs; if you're wasted, don't drink more booze; if you're tired, go to bed... Seems pretty simple to me.

This causes further problems in trying to gauge whether you have real friendships or relationships or just co-dependancies.

This is insulting, in my opinion... What qualifies someone as a friend in your eyes? I don't live near you, only see you at shows and festivals, and usually you only see me cracked out... Am I just a "co-dependant", as you would call it? I consider you a friend, so who's opinion is more valid? This makes me rethink the nature of that friendship, and how you view it... I'm not looking to be anybody's "crack buddy"...

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Oh I forgot another of the funniest things I've seen and at the same time, one of the scariest things I've ever seen.

Watching more than a handful of people who were willing to pay $20 for a capsule that contained those sponges that grow when you put them in water!

(and to the defense of those who were willing to buy.....they were from someone who they would trust but.....)

Moral of the story........... :: :: :(:o :: :: ::

As well........

Sheikyurbuti (i know your name's changed but I can't remember what it is). I know you want to put this to rest and I will from your end....but I wanted to relate some stories from the other end of the spectrum;

There have been 4 or 5 different occasions that I can think of at shows/festivals where I've been helping some one who's having a tough go of it. On each occasion they welcomed the help and all of the sudden turned on me in a serious way! Became aggressive, potty mouth etc.... Needless to say I simply got out of their space and let them be (that said there have been times when people have welcomed the support until they were ready to go on there way)

My point to all of this is just to make sure you always exercise caution

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that is an interesting statement there, and I am currently contemplating your ideas. And I believe in regards to narcotics, booze, etc. that the key is to practice maderation/ self-mangement--aka--awarnenss of your limitations. Yes, these practices are part of the make-up of our community, but, I believe what makes it so attractive is the more often than not genuine caring for a brother/sister----and that's what so fine and beautiful---cus it really is all about the love.

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Agreed number 2, I have both cared for, and been cared for at events, and I know there are good genuine people out there. I just don't expect it from someone, just 'cause they're in "the scene"... Unfortunately, living in today's world has hardened my lack of faith in humanity...

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