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Applewood cheedar? Is it cheddar cheese that's been smoked with applewood, or is "Applewood" a brand name? (I remember getting hickory-smoked cheddar that, despite the fat and smoke content, was some of the yummiest stuff ever.)

Where do you buy it?



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thanks for the intro to the sweet sweet sauce, Freekerman

I do love the schwarma king, but the Marrooche sauce is the bomb diggity

so catphish couldn't find chicken wings at the grocery store today so she bought these bigass turkey wings instead- wow, talk about meaty ! Hardly any fat ta boot ta boot, and you gotta love that girl's sauceyness

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actually to be clear it was BBQ-ing hot dog man outside the bar wiener (hmmmm that really doesn't sound like an improvement) with banana peppers and onions, to keep the other kind of bar wiener away.... is it weiner or wiener? I before E... ahhhh fahgeddit.

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