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Passed out Skanks


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Wow, I did a 'last check of the Skanc' before I went off to bed and THIS is bumped?


This link is being sent to Douglas at work. We may have lost a few shots in transition, but HOT DAMN if this aint amazing. Look at that shot of BB!!!!!!!

I dont think I ever seen this thread before, no how no way. That first pic is my new wallpaper!

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Cute! But here I was looking for something really entertaining, and all I see is where I'd hope to be myself by the end of any given night. And worse, here we are up at Deb's folks' place in the middle of roughly nowhere where there's nothing but dialup available (as if huge avatars weren't enough of an issue). Canada's a big country, and not all of it, we've come to learn to our dismay recently, has high-speed access. Geez - let's see some genuine blackmail shots, if there's going to be a thread with such a compelling topic in the subject line.

(... heh heh heh, he said, like it would never come back to bite him in the ass some day; hopefully the worst of those moments might be behind me, in the days before anyone ever conceived of digital cameras.)

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oh crap...did I ever! How the hell is it you still have that picture???!!!Shoot I didn't even realize it was your camera...you're a bad egg missy! ;)

shoot do I feel stupid.... :blush: :P

I'll get ya dougie...life is lonnnng...haha!

P.S...any skanks ever thinkin of takin on the Douganator...think twice...she may look wee but she grew up with brothers....she can whoop ass!

P.S.S...note allergic reaction to marker emerging under the W....my head looks like its gonna explode but nice to know I smile when passed out wook style...

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