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Great BNB show last night...


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Agreed.....great show last night ::

Not a huge crowd but everyone was diggin' it and gettin' down....nice to see lots of good people out.....but where was the Hamilton crew. (Paisley? Esau? Willy? Leanne?)

Like 2nd Tube said.....nice mix of old and new. Was it me or did I hear a "Rawhide" tease during The Bench (probably my favourite song of the night btw)

Mike, thanks for playing Speedbump ::

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i'm with you babsy...you turned to me and mentioned it (rawhide) and i heard hints of it i think

sweet show, loved the encore fellas.....ROCK OUT!

great to see you before you headed on your way, bitch about the trailer but meh, what can you do. give mudsy babsybox a big hug for me and happy trails :)

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but where was the Hamilton crew. (Paisley? Esau? Willy? Leanne?)

stuck in Kitchener! went out and figured I'd meet you guys at Diesel Dog and maybe catch a ride back with you's or someone... got seperated from my ride I had and ended up somewhere on the edge of Kitchener for 2 days... went to take a bus home today and the wheelchair ramp broke on the outside of the bus... just made it back (bus co. paid for a cab to hamilton)... phew

ah well, really sorry I missed ya's... glad to hear you had a good time though

best of luck to you both in the eastern lands!

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Not a huge crowd but everyone was diggin' it and gettin' down....nice to see lots of good people out.....but where was the Hamilton crew. (Paisley? Esau? Willy? Leanne?)

Not a huge turnout no, but right about where I expected it to be. BNB is friggin' great, but it seems the numbers aren't showin' these days. Some of the best bands always seem to struggle with their draw, while often creampuffs have the ability to pack venues.

85 folks ain't bad though for mid-September in Hamilton on a night the Fat Cats have a outdoor party/show in the region.

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that was a fun show! wasn't shoulder-to-shoulder, but it certainly seemed filled enough. i think if everyone had been in the same room all night it would have seemed a lot more packed, but it seemed things were pretty split all night between the main room & the smoking lounge section. but still a good turnout, great to see some lovely faces i don't have the pleasure of seeing every day, and the music of course, was fun. so was jumping up on the stage afterwards with vixen, babsy & backbacon for action shots of the "other band". heeheehee. (hmmm, we never did think of a band name, kids! i vote cock full of mud, since it was babsy's idea and his lovely wife was our resident rock photog. hahahaha)

huge thanks to choix for driving, and to choix & vixen for storming into my apartment & making us get up from a nap to go & dance. :D i was really glad i made the trek, even though i started out kind of crabby (heh, sorry backbacon :) ) the night was huge fun, and i was happy to be there. so nice to see the mudcocks for a night of fun before you head out! *mwa!*

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.but where was the Hamilton crew. (Paisley? Esau? Willy? Leanne?)

Sorry I wasn't able to make it to see ya Blair,but with the sh!tty summer I had this was my first chance to see any live music outdoors,aside from Van at the ampitheater (just not the same).I was planning on doing both but my ride backed out on me before I even left my house leaving me a scratch a ride with anyone I knew,which turned out to be someone going to work in Brantford who dropped me off.

Safe journeys my friends.

85 folks ain't bad though for mid-September in Hamilton on a night the Fat Cats have a outdoor party/show in the region.

That would account for about 8-10 people only,alot of folks there weren't the same folks you see at the shows.Just thought I'd let ya know. ::

edit to clarify:

8-10 folks that you would usually see at a BNB show maybe more,but I only knew & recognized those folks,I really didn't know anyone there.Great folks though.

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Yup, another fun night out in Hamilton. Very enjoyable show from bnb and enjoyable evening all around. I definitely like the Casbah better than Pepper Jack's. Although I'm looking forward to the Slip show coming up, I am disappointed it's at the PJC. It's all about poles and sideviews there... enough about that though. Yeah, good show, especially enjoyed the Fresco Lopez!

Yes, thanks to Choixtiva for the motivation... I would have slept right on through until Sunday. Big thanks to your bro too for the pre-bork hospitality, featuring the 'best neighbour ever!' (This guy sent over the fence three racks of ribs and two new yorks, all cooked and ready to be be reheated on the barby! I really wish I hadn't just ate and had room for more than one rib segment. Que lastima!) Palace Princess, don't worry about being a grump... that just means I have one me being grumpy credit to use; although I doubt I'll ever get around to it! :D

Nice to see some Hamilton friends out and was sorry to miss others. Paisley, I wish we got a hold of you before we left kw. That's too bad.

I took a coupla photos:


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Yup, another fun night out in Hamilton. Very enjoyable show from bnb and enjoyable evening all around. I definitely like the Casbah better than Pepper Jack's. Although I'm looking forward to the Slip show coming up, I am disappointed it's at the PJC. It's all about poles and sideviews there...

I can see there being issues with sight-lines there as you say, but PJC definitely has a killer vibe and a great scene surrounding it. What it lacks in technical aspects, it makes up for in vibe for sure.

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