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do you love are scene


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i ask? are you willing to go the extra step to make it happen? most of u complain that you never get what you want. well have you ever tryed to make it happen? most of you say no. well now is your turn. stop blaming some one else. Heres your chance. Theres no new years eve show, So book one! i'll voluntary my time to make it happen. If you can make it happen. Wish you the best of luck. You will kwikly learn that all band hate each other. Let's see what happens when you call on the scene to make something cool happen. this is what i hope will happen. That all are favroite bands will get together and play a kick ass show. but i know ego will interfear...............

sorry i'm really really drunk. but i really really want some cool new years sh!t!

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this all stated when a freind and i were talking about putting on a NYE show. we came to the conclusion that the show we wanted is all most impossible. i would love to see a Fat Cats/Burt Neison/Nero NYE show. it be a real can jam NYE through down. the show that could unite us all. the logistics of a show like that are out of sight. frist you have to get the bands to agree to play. then which band plays frist/second/thrid? is there enough money to pay each band what they deserve? where do you hold it? how much can you charge at the door? all the other sh!t that goes with being a promoter. when we stated to put it together in are heads we said fu©k it! maybe some one else is brave enough.

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NYE in Vancouver....

Blue Quarter, Themasses, Slammin Jack & (I think) Greenroom.

@ The Backstage Lounge in Grandville Island.

-Two rooms.

-Downstairs: Greenroom first, then Blue Quarter to close.

-Upstairs: Themasses & Slammin Jack (Set blender). Hasn't been decided who goes on first. I think there's gonna be some sort of competative "love in" to decide.

Ticket prices and stuff will be announced soon in http://www.hipstarproductions.com and in the bands webpages.

Come west for the love!

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I'm not going to take this thread too seriously (although it would be hard too). I was thinking about our scene a good deal this weekend particularly Saturday night using the Rancho Relaxo Caution Jam Jerry show as a staging ground for the Golden Dogs (so fu©king dope it isn't funny) around the corner at the ElMo. Holy fu©k are the Golden Dogs ever kick ass and the difference between them and say Diesel Dog is embarassing and largely indistinguishable for the average head. So what was the point again? Oh yeah Nero's eve sounds like the place to be especially if things keep going the way they are. And if you put Diesel Dog on the bill there will be one less person there.

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I always thought they were a fairly tight band. Sure you can hear their influences...guess that's why you dismiss the cheese too, Zero. Just curious...they're a totally fun band. Maybe their approach is writing good songs rather than trying to stun the world with an enormous gift of art.

I think they rock - but i also think you've go your points whenever you make a statement like that. I'm not looking for you to pick them apart...just curious, y'know?

And i'm seconding the boogieknight - what'sthe story with the golden dogs...??

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Hey shitidiot,

Why don't you change this Post subject from "do you love are scene" to "do you love our scene." I say this because you have the power to edit this Post subject.

I'm sure I've had a spelling or grammatical errors on this site. But on the Post subject? I can't even ignore it because it's right there infront of you.

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The Mark Wilson/Deisel Dog show in Dover has been awesome 2 years in a row. That's where i'll be.

holy schnikes! this is happening again? i'll be there (obviously) but i think mark wilson played with caution jam on nye 2002/03. but mark surmanski was sick so someone else played his drums, i don't remember who. but last year with dd and erin smith (i think) and mark wilson together was awesome. i think shelby and smurphy should come as "special guests" with mark wilson &twii. shelby rocks and she is a barrel of monkeys. and what would new years be without man whore murphy? :: i love smurphy.

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