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QOTD - A fun exercise


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I've been spending some time in the Sanctuary Archives lately. I've had a blast looking at posts from 2 and 3 years ago. What a different place this site was back then.

So here's an exercise for you.

1. Post a link to your very first post here.

2. Post a link to any other amusing thread that you come across in the archives. Let's keep it to at least a year old.

Have fun!

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Exactly Mike. Been there, done that with Phish.......SCI wont sell out because the music isnt all about one guy (IE- Trey)..They collectively create music and dont all follow one player.....they know what making music is all about and they dont have a piano player that just stares at his keys all night unsure of what to do........

Say What Booche?

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As far as I can tell,this was my first post.Great thread for a first post I figure.

10 yrs ago?

Lets see,well I was at the first night of Hamilton and scorin, my ride for the remainder of the tour,but was arrested at the border,(reasons n/a)two days later.I remember it well.

Where were you 10 years ago today?

Joined on feb 28 2002 and was member number 228 until the account issues occured.

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Guest Low Roller

The Blue Grassy High Anthology: A Band of Firsts

Once in a blue moon there emerges a band that defies the boundaries of decency, that denies the mainstream of classification, and that causes an eruptive epidemic of biblical proportions so that the entire known musical landscape is irreversibly mutated. This is the story of such an agamemnonic band.

The roots of music can be traced back to the dawn of time where cave drawings depict neandrathal man beating two stones together to create the first beat, then nothing happened for a very long time. Finally, in 2003, the musical pantheon and society as a whole was shaken to its very core by a band so utterly novel that the world was forced to take notice. It was in the year two thousand and three of Our Lord that Blue Grassy High exploded onto the Ottawa music scene like a wet fart after a night of burrito and Mountain Dew binging.

It is then with great humility that I present the documented history of Blue Grassy High.

The first gig:

Roll call: TMNS & BGH tonight at Dekcuf!!!! by Hux, 12/05/02

The first controversy:

This just in: Infighting in the BGH camp by Davey Boy, 01/23/03

The first breakup:

Blue Grassy High Exposed by Low Roller, 01/24/03

The first reconciliation:

Blue Grassy High teases reunion by Low Roller, 01/28/03

The first reunion gig:

!!!!!!!!!BGH BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Low Roller, 01/30/03

The first spin-off band:

Turmoil Within Blue Grassy High? by Low Roller, 02/07/03

The first fan:

Okay, I'm Confused. What or Who is BGH? by Shainhouse, 02/10/03

The first fan club newsletter:

The Blue Grassy High Gazette by Low Roller, 03/11/03

The first line-up change:

Roll Call: Uncle Seth, Jiva Ju, BGH @ Dekcuf! by Hux, 03/12/03

The first gratuitous use of Low Roller to draw fans:

Low Roller launches BGH power grab!!! by Hux, 03/13/03

The first drummer lashes out:

Jamspaces/BGH Suck by Van Wheelan, 04/07/03

The first radio gig:

Jamband radio tonight by Bouche, 04/14/03

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hahaha! cute thread idea, ms hux! i've only been here since '03 so i don't have too far back to scour into, but anyway here is my very first post.

and heeheehee, this thread was enough to give me a schoolgirl calibre crush on backbacon *sigh* (haha)

oooh, can't forget this all time classic! freakin' gold medal material, especially qqc's reply

i'd also like to give honourable mentions to lowroller's mandatory fun at work thread, the first survivor all star thread, the ctmf threads are always worth a smile or ten, ween threads, the random song lyric and post a random picture threads, and even if they do annoy some people on here, the good old fashioned give'r gang threads (in particular the first govna's ball one, and the $1.75 beers at phil's ones) generally have me laughing WAY too hard. ::

(sorry, i'd post actual links, but i'm kinda doing this on the d/l at the moment & my time is up!)

*edit* :: d'oh! sorry ms. hux, i just caught the "at least one year old" bit now... heh, well colour my me crimson. stupid speed reading... :o oh well, hope they were enjoyed anyway! heehee

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Seems I made my first post in Summer of 2001, when The New Deal had infiltrated my brain, I guess that may be what led me to the board, seeing as though my first bunch of posts seemed to concentrate on tND. I really don't remember how I got here, there was Colin's Canadian Phish Traders Page and then I think someone posted a link to here on that site, and there ya go. There was the infamous Northernheads in there sometime too, although it didn't (near as i can remember) have a message board.

Funny, now I can't imagine a time when I didn't have access to this community. I feel lucky indeed! ::

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This is fun! Okay, my first post was Tudes, tunes and talk to you soons and featured a commentary on effect that cyberrelations were having on the head scene and featured introductions and tenative hellos from the most of the people I now consider to be at least very solid acquiantences and more than a few good friends.

It also marked the debut of the "Five Disc Rotation" Threads (correct me if I'm wrong, but I did start that right?) Not bad for a first post and worth checking out.

My favorite thread to look back on is this support that I got from all of you during my operations and radiation. Part of my success is large and in part the support I received here. My gratitute is ongoing and eternal.

I'm going in tomorrow....

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Hey this is a fun one Ms. H, I love looking at look posts and pages. http://www.archive.org/ has always been one of my faves!

I've always believed in consistency, and I'm proud to say nearly 2400 posts later, I still think Chicago's 80s remake of their own classic "25 Or 6 To 4" is a travesty.

Still looking for a good amusing thread...

- M.

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