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Perhaps Tonberry's Greatest Idea Ever?


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Hey everyone...

So... You all know I'm good for random fun ideas (that usually don't fly) -- well here's the newest one:

Given that we all have diverse tastes in music, why don't we.... put together a compilation.

Here's how it works. Post a song! (Easy, no)... then, the songs will be made into one album, in the order they're posted. (like first post will be track one, second post track two... you get the idea).

I'm thinking, if I get enough posts, I'll actually burn the compilation and play it on my show sometime... sometime SOON!


- one song per person

- must be a studio track (I can already feel the ire, but, remember, I need to be able to get ahold of it)

- ##THIS ONE'S THE KICKER## -- only one song per band. That's right... First person to post the band means that they're no longer able to be selected -- think about that folks -- only one Dead song! Who will post it... and what will it be?

- Try to make it a meaningful song for you in 2004... That'd be a nice idea, eh? A theme if you will...

All righty. Ready... set... go...

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Guest Low Roller

Good idea... and not an easy choice. There are so many bands out there I would gleefully throw into the mix, let's see I'll kick it off with...

Three Hours by Nick Drake (as mixed on the newly released Made To Love Magic)

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oooh, great idea tonberry! i'll b&p you for a copy, too!

i would like to suggest "hello johnny" by this wonderful band:


hello johnny is actually a white pepper demo that didn't make it onto the album...BUT, you should still be able to find it fairly easily if you are dowloading these songs.

however, if a demo does not quite qualify for studio work, then i would like to nominate the argus, which is found on this weenderful work:


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This CD is facing the problem that I often have in making compilations in that if you're like me, genre bending is good but extremely difficult. My latest fall mix - not yet made - is nearing completion but one of my favorite can't get out of my head tunes -Crabukkit by K-OS- isn't meshing with the vibe of more organic and slower nature of the mix (Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, Rheos, Calexico).

So is this a complex fusion gumbo or should we stay focused. Your call, Tonberry, and a great mix ahead.

Polar Bears and Trees - Rheostatics

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Push th' Little Daisies is a nice choice, though I'm afraid, Howler, Palace beat you to the punch on Ween... Another choice?

The Slip is difficult to find... but I look forward to doing this.

Oh gosh... I guess I actually have to go through with this huh? Consarn it... I'll start tomorrow. Keep the tracks coming folks... I'll make it a 2-discer if I gotta...

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