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Interview - Ray Paczkowski (TAB,Vorcza Trio)


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This past weekend, the Vorcza Trio visited a few Canadian cities bringing their jazzy grooves for a little road trip. We caught up with Ray Paczkowski for a chat and have just added this great conversation online. Find out who is going to be involved in the next TAB line-up (looks real good!) as well as when to expect new recordings from Trey and the Vorcza trio.


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"This band is going to be so hot, it will turn goat's piss into gasoline. "

HAHA, my thoughts exactly.

Nice Interview.

I talked to Ray Sat night in Kingston, yet I was much more drunk thatn JB ( who I assume was sober) and I more than likely made a fool of myself. All I remember him saying is that Trey band is touring in the fall and then I put in a plug for Trey Band to go east. Ray said if it was up to him that they would as he loves the east coast.

Damn that would be sweet...even though I don't live in the east anymore.....

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From one of Tony Levin's official websites www.papabear.com This is only goes further to confirm what Ray Paczkowski told me last week in Hamilton.


Dec. 7, Bath, England

Working on an album at RealWorld Studios here in Bath. I'm finding that the dollar is very low in relation to the English pound - hence I'd better stick around the studio, and not shop for books in Bath, like I usually do.

This studio, which I've worked in a lot though the years, with Peter Gabriel and King Crimson, is much the same as always, but there are some new "statues" embedded inside the double windows. I put the word in quotes, because they're a bit unusual - they seem to be of Peter and me, and I think they may have been photographed for the last tour program. Anyway, I couldn't resist putting a photo up (on right.) Pretty odd, looking at this as I play!

The artist is a young girl, doing her first record. Her management doesn't want me putting up photos of the session, as is sometimes the case, so I'll hold myself to the Peter and Tony constructions from the window (and our dogs, back home, getting ready for the festive season.)

Next week I'll be in Vermont, recording again with Trey Anastasio (and Jerry Marotta on drums). Should be a snowy drive up there this time (last trip was in the famous Autumn foliage period) and I'll hope they've got a fire going in the fireplace. Looks like we'll be doing a lot of recording together - hopefully some live playing too.

Then, if I can get back in time for it, I'll proudly watch my daughter Maggie's directing debut - her own adaptation of Nightmare Before Christmas, in Woodstock's Bearsville Theater. It's a wild experience watching one's child grow up and enter the adult world. Maggie's first band, Hideous Underwear (the name was not run by Dad for approval) broke up last year, and she's been solidly pursuing her love of drama writing and directing. (All those tours I had her out on when she was little - I wondered if she'd be in a road crew by now!)

More soon.

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