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US Troops given E to cope


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Ecstasy trials for combat stress

David Adam, science correspondent

Thursday February 17, 2005

The Guardian

American soldiers traumatised by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are to be offered the drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares.

The US food and drug administration has given the go-ahead for the soldiers to be included in an experiment to see if MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, can treat post-traumatic stress disorder.

Scientists behind the trial in South Carolina think the feelings of emotional closeness reported by those taking the drug could help the soldiers talk about their experiences to therapists. Several victims of rape and sexual abuse with post-traumatic stress disorder, for whom existing treatments are ineffective, have been given MDMA since the research began last year.

Michael Mithoefer, the psychiatrist leading the trial, said: "It's looking very promising. It's too early to draw any conclusions but in these treatment-resistant people so far the results are encouraging.

"People are able to connect more deeply on an emotional level with the fact they are safe now."

He is about to advertise for war veterans who fought in the last five years to join the study.

According to the US national centre for post-traumatic stress disorder, up to 30% of combat veterans suffer from the condition at some point in their lives.

Known as shell shock during the first world war and combat fatigue in the second, the condition is characterised by intrusive memories, panic attacks and the avoidance of situations which might force sufferers to relive their wartime experiences.

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Dr Mithoefer said the MDMA helped people discuss traumatic situations without triggering anxiety.

"It appears to act as a catalyst to help people move through whatever's been blocking their success in therapy."

The existing drug-assisted therapy sessions last up to eight hours, during music is played. The patients swallow a capsule containing a placebo or 125mg of MDMA - about the same or a little more than a typical ecstasy tablet.

Psychologists assess the patients before and after the trial to judge whether the drug has helped.

The study has provoked controversy, because significant doubts remain about the long-term risks of ecstasy.

Animal studies suggest that it lowers levels of the brain chemical serotonin, and some politicians and anti-drug campaigners have argued that research into possible medical benefits of illegal drugs presents a falsely reassuring message.

The South Carolina study marks a resurgence of interest in the use of controlled psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs. Several studies in the US are planned or are under way to investigate whether MDMA, LSD and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can treat conditions ranging from obsessive compulsive disorder to anxiety in terminal cancer patients.


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I knew Les knew what he was talkin about...

The Army's on ecstasy so they say

I read all about it in USA Today

They stepped up urine testing to make it go away

'Cause it's hard to kill the enemy on ol' MDMA

Said the King of contradiction

To the Queen of mystery

The Prince of paradox,

He dogs me like a flea

So I'll set my troops upon him

And bring him to his knees

When all is said and done

I'll pick a fight with the Chinese

The Queen she stared at him long and hard

And then she softly said

I'll rub you down with linseed oil

To ease your throbbing head

She slipped a note in an apricot

And threw it to the whores

The jester read the words

Something wicked this way roars

The Army's on ecstasy so they say

I read all about it in USAToday

They stepped up urine testing to make it go away

'Cause it's hard to kill the enemy on ol' MDMA

The price they put upon the heads

Of folks with poignant views

Would be better spent on the children

Without shoes

And when the King condoned

The actions of the liar

He forgot to weight the awesom power

Of the village crier

The Army's on ecstasy so they say

I read all about it in USAToday

They stepped up urine testing to make it go away

'Cause it's hard to kill the enemy on ol' MDMA

The Army's on ecstasy so they say

I read all about it in USAToday

[in Japanese: The Army's on ecstasy so they say

I read all about it in USAToday

They stepped up urine testing to make it go away

'Cause it's hard to kill the enemy on ol' MDMA]

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I think this is absolutley AWESOME!!! (this from the gal, who on her first E trip, knew--just KNEW -- she had to start an E lab in her basement and bring this wonder drug to the masses!)

Several victims of rape and sexual abuse with post-traumatic stress disorder, for whom existing treatments are ineffective, have been given MDMA since the research began last year.

I had heard of this (unsubstantiated) and as someone who works with survivors of sexual violence, I would LOVE to be able to recommed, yea, PROVIDE E to women who would benefit from the experience. BTW, doesn't it only take 3 members to create and receive NGO/tax exempt status for a cult -- I mean, religion? The church of E, with a weekly sacrament. who's with me????????

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MDMA was used briefly in the '70s as a therapeutic tool (similar to what they are trying to accomplish here) and was discontinued because of the obvious abuse potential of the drug. This is interesting that it is being brought back for a clinical trial...

Though MDMA can evoke empathy, the side effets and withdrawal effects can induce possible depression and anxiety, which would, in effect, worsen their orignal diagnosis of PTSD. I wonder what the researchers plan on doing once the clinical trial is over - to prevent symptoms from re-occuring...i wonder if they will have to keep them on E?

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That's it, I'm joining the US Army...

no, no Del, join my "movement". Too bad The Simpsons already took the name "Movementarians" and we wouldn't be taken seriously. So, I'm open to suggestions for the name of our cult, damn -- I mean "religion"

How 'bout the E-tards.

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Boochawan, what's your definition of "keeping them on E"? Is once or twice a month "ON" a drug? curious.....


When a subject in an experiment is put on protocol, there are risks and benefits that are evaluated prior to the implementation of that protocol. When a drug trial is taking place, part of this risk/benefit analysis takes the pharmacodynamic nature of the drug being studied. Just like most substances (caffeine, nicotine, etc), one can develop tolerance (in this case an acute tolerance) if taken over a short period of time on a regular basis. The abuse liability (the likelyhood of the drug being abused due to its positive rewarding effect) of MDMA is extremely high, because of the increased amount of Serotonin (the 'happy' chemical) in the synapses. MDMA encourages this infusion, and once drugs half life (amount of time drug is in the body) expires, one goes through withdrawal. For instance, if one does half a tab of E and comes down faster, one may take more E to eliminate the withdrawal. If these subjects in this experiment are given E on a regular basis to help with their emotional expression, what do the researchers plan on doing once the study is over? If the researchers stopped giving them the drug right after the study (cold turkey) the withdrawal effects of MDMA (anxiety, depression, increased heart rate and blood pressure, etc) can be detrimental, let alone cause a re-currence of their symptoms of PTSD...and due to the pharmacokinetic nature of MDMA (which i'll spare at this moment) their symptoms could be even worse. I don't know what the researchers will do (whether it'll be once or twice a month, it depends on the dose) but they will have to keep the subjects on, or at least attempt to ween them off the drug, with various amounts of drug in their system because they would have reached a steady-state of the drug in their blood at this point. It's more a matter of ethics then anything else.

However, another ethical concern is the fact that there is such a high abuse liability. Is it ethical to potentially get someone addicted to the drug? That's what I'm interested in and on what grounds the ethical review board approved this study. I know it's a long response, but i hope it answers your question.

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I've done more "e" than most people I know combined... It's not addictive, at least not on a physical level. I can see how some people might become psycologically addicted, although I have yet to meet many people who are able to do enough "e" to become that way... Also, while some people get depressed after coming down off of it, I and quite a few other people I know have no serious after effects. I think that there's a lot of misinformation regarding this drug, and that if proper research was done on it, it would be deemed a lot less harmful than many people believe...

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agreed, Del. Lotsa misinformation on this drug. In fact, when I finally got around to trying E, it was the drug not "living up" to the "horrors" of wanton orgy-sex in public music venues that had me wondering just why/how E had gotten such a bad rap in the media. I've since reads scads of stuff on-line with personal anecdotes of E "curing" everything from stuttering to late-stage shaky Parkinson's-- at least while the drug is in the person's system.

Personally, I've had way worse after-mornings from LSD, than E. I find the "adam" (I love the world and all beings in it) effects of E last long past the drug leaving my system, so I wonder about this "depression" thing. I know everyone has individual reactions/side-effects, but I can't see once-twice monthly therapeutic use of E as something potentially dangerous, causing potential re-lapse of original symptoms.

Now on to more practical matters -- apparently the lab is a really intensive investment and the simpler solution is to marry into the mob. Any one have mob connections? Del, you're single, right? Would ya do it for the "movement"?

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it's all a matter of serotonin levels. you take e and get a rush of serotonin in your system. then there's all this loose serotonin floating about and your brain won't absorb anymore of it so you feel like crap until you take e again. but this time you need just a little more. and then you take it once a week instead of once every two weeks. and by now you're doing two pills a night. then there's more loose serotonin with no where to go. so you take more e............

but anyways, i just finished watching fahrenheit 9/11 and i could use a serotonin rush right now. i balled all the way through. the only other movie that ever made me feel that way was welcome to sarejevo. i saw it in grade nine just after my friend millica's dad went missing in sarajevo. and by missing they mean kidnapped from his house one night.

war is bullsh!t.

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it's all a matter of serotonin levels. you take e and get a rush of serotonin in your system. then there's all this loose serotonin floating about and your brain won't absorb anymore of it so you feel like crap until you take e again. but this time you need just a little more. and then you take it once a week instead of once every two weeks. and by now you're doing two pills a night. then there's more loose serotonin with no where to go. so you take more e............

I like your posts bokonon, but that is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen posted about ecstasy... Totally wrong...

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MDMA has very little effect on me.

but E is another story. its dirty, speedy and full of fun thats why i like it.

" Also, while some people get depressed after coming down off of it, I and quite a few other people I know have no serious after effects."

del are you saying here you dont think YOU get depressed or suffer serious after effects after eating E. me and you both know thats bullsh!t.

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