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Any TOOL fans in the house?

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I'm curious about the crossover appeal into the jam scene of TOOL. I've seen them three times in concert (and A Perfect Circle once), and I was really impressed with their hard-psychadelic rock and brilliant light show.

I wonder if any of you happy-go-lucky hippies can find it in your hearts to let a little darkness in? ;)

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Absolutely. Tool is pretty much the only heavy band I listen to. Best show I saw was a radio-contest-winners-only at the State Theatre in Detroit around the time Lateralus was released. Scalpers were looking for $100US out front, we went around back and got freebies from the tour manager! Amazing seeing them in a small venue... although the contortionists on the last arena tour were pretty freakin' cool...

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Didn't you and Low_Roller duck out of the Flaps festival to go see Tool at the Corel Centre? ISTR seeing you guys when you got back the next day, on your way to the drum'n'bass stage with some sleeping pads to "get a bit of rest"...



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Guest Low Roller
Didn't you and Low_Roller duck out of the Flaps festival to go see Tool at the Corel Centre? ISTR seeing you guys when you got back the next day, on your way to the drum'n'bass stage with some sleeping pads to "get a bit of rest"...

Well you're half right Bradm. It was me and my buddy Pete that ducked out of Flaps for the TOOL show. Dave-O played the next night at Flaps, but I seem to remember him joining us in Ottawa in between rehersals for the TOOL show. Or am I mixing it with Montreal? I don't even know anymore.

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Guest Low Roller

It's all a big blur.

And it was the ambient stage that I hit up with my ground sheet. I don't think it's possible to get any rest with Drum 'n Bass.

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No more Tool, I guess Maynard found God.

Check out Adrian Belew's new solo disc, Dany Carey on Drums and Claypool on Bass, I think its called "side one" but I can't find the damn thing anywhere in Calgary.

Tool Rocked.

I think the "finding God" thing was an April Fool's Day joke.

The new Belew disc, "One", is great. Unfortunately, Danny and Les only play on the first three tracks.

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Tool is one of my favourite road-rage/my-boss-is-a-dick kind of bands. I'd have to say that when I need to open up that window and let in a little darkness, Tool is right there on the sill. At The Drive In's a close second though. Hell yeah!

'Palooza '93...no way! Was it really that long ago? I haven't seen anything hardcore for far too long.

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Tool are/were a great band. The only metal band that mattered in the 90's. The Pink Floyd of metal.

I don't care for Tool-Light, aka A Perfect Circle. Their cover of Imagine is tepid, pompous and uninspiring. A Perfect Circle is Maynard's baby, and that's where they fail. Tool was all about the band, yet relied heavily on Adam Jones' dark arrangements and killer guitar chops.

Lone Live Tool!

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Tool gave me one of my favourite rock'n'roll quotes, in an interview after their getting back together after they took a break and Maynard did APC. The interviewer asked them if there was friction in the band, and one of them said, "Yes, but with the right lubricant, friction can be fun!"



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I like Tool.I don't have any studio albums,though I really like most of what I have heard on the radio or at some friend's place.I do have a couple great SBDs (a '93 & '98) & an '93 FM that get some play,although not regular.I dig the earlier stuff most I think.

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I dig the earlier stuff most I think.

That's interesting since I like their later stuff the best - Tool only has three full-length albums. Oh, I love the song Sober, but Undertow from which that single is from ( their first album ), isn't as dark and instrumentally adventurous as their last two albums - Aenima and Lateralus. But... Undertow is a lot better than their uneven and light sounding EP Opiate.

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Guest Low Roller

Gaaaaaay. ;)

Besides the three main albums, I did some digging into TOOL's past. I discovered TOOL's bassist Justin Chancellor's former band called Peach. Check out their album "Giving Birth To A Stone", especially the song "You Lied" which is very dark, grim, and tasty. TOOL incorporated that song into their playlist in the late 90's and even included it in the CD that was exclusive to the DVD box set "Salival".

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