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Brothers Past


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Nice board they've got down there, delete anything inflammatory about the band!

This topic has been irking me all week, mostly because I was excited to see BP this weekend. A couple of things while I beat the dead horse...

First, obviously we don't know all the details about what went down in Ottawa or Montreal. But "cutting our losses" from shows in markets that BP has NEVER PLAYED BEFORE seems a touch misguided.

Second, they left a festival high and dry without a headliner. Regardless of the reasons behind it, the general public is going to remember BP as "the band that no-shows". And the keyboard player made it very clear that Sunseeker had nothing to do with the Ott-Mtl shows. The fact that they had a guaranteed pay day at the end of the run makes the whole "cutting our losses" argument even weaker.

I don't blame the band for getting the hell out of dodge if they thought they were getting screwed. But right or wrong, you can only get bad PR out of this situation.

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It just occurred to me that in "cutting their losses", they incurred what might be a far greater loss: potential new fans in Ottawa and Montreal (not to mention at Sunseeker). I doubt very much that many people in either of those two cities had seen BP before. Admittedly the promotion of the show in Ottawa wasn't strong (in fact, I think I kicked it off as far as jambands.ca goes, when I happened to notice the show on the Mavericks calendar, back in mid-May), but word was getting out, and people (including myself, and aberg83, both of us tapers) were ready and willing to give them a chance on a weeknight. Given the number of bands (The Slip, Addison Groove Project, Psychedelic Breakfast, etc.) who have been refused entry or hassled at the border to the point of almost not getting in, the fact that BP made it across the border at all is at least a minor miracle. If they had seized that opportunity and put on a good show, they could have won over people, and made them fans. By leaving, they've missed (and, I'd venture, lost forever) that opportunity. If they make it back, they're going to face the same situation (with regard to promo, and the size of venue) they did this time, but the potential fan base (not to mention the owners of venues they want to play) will be much more skeptical.



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you know, I bet when BP reschedule their gigs in Ottawa and Montreal, 95% of the people who were going to see them this time will go then.

A handful will stay at home and feel all hard done by but the rest will get out and see some live music.

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What about the old adage that any publicity is good publicity? I mean, this is getting farcical to the point that I think I actually DO want to see this band when they come back to town. And I wasn't even gonna go to the show on Wednesday.

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I don't blame the band for getting the hell out of dodge if they thought they were getting screwed. But right or wrong, you can only get bad PR out of this situation

So true. That to me is why they should have continued on. I'm not going to write the band off entirely, I listened to a couple of mp3s and they're pretty decent, but they lost more by going back then they would've carrying on to the festival.

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Hi --- I am the keyboardist for Brothers Past. I'd like to again express our apologies for the cancellations of the shows this week. We've communicated our apologies to the organizers of the Sunseeker Festival, and thankfully, they were sympathetic to our situation. We are hoping to re-schedule both shows in Montreal and Ottawa in the very near future and we hope some of you will still be interested in checking out the band when it happens. Thank you for the supportive emails that we have received, and know that we are looking forward to actually PLAYING in Canada soon. If you're looking for some kind of additional explanation as far as the cancellations go, please email us or our manager personally. (band@botherspast.com, pete@brotherspast.com) Thanks, and again, our apologies.

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Hi folks. I know this subject has been beaten into the ground but I just wanted to say a couple things real quick. I'm not in BP so I cannot speak for them, but I am admin on the BPRadio message boards and run the radio.

All I wanted to say is that I hope this unfortunate turn of events with these shows will not prevent you from experiencing what is, imo, one of the most progressive and creative bands out there today. BPRadio provides 24/7 streaming BP and I'd like to invite anyone still upset by this to please tune in and enjoy some music. If you can't do that, many people on our message boards will be happy to do b&ps.

I think if some of you guys knew BP like we do you'd know that they are generally the type of band to bend over backwards to accomodate their fans--this situation may have turned sour, but things like that are inevitable from time to time. As a fan, I know that missing these shows is a dissapointment for everyone involved. I just hope that when they come back around, and they will, people will give them another chance. You might just find yourself having a great time, and maybe even a new favorite band.

In my 3+ years of being involved with this community this is the first time I can remember anything like this happening and it is certainly a shame. But in that time I have also seen them play some of the most amazing shows I've ever been lucky enough to experience--and my bet is that when they return to Canada they will be eager to make up for lost time.

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble a bit there. Take care!

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I'll use some of that bandwidth and have a listen. Stack up the best over the weeekend ;)

Whiteyboop, I'm pretty sure you would have had a fairly decent crowd from the sounds of things. It's too bad the decision was made to head back. Honestly, crossing the border without a permit was a sign. Kinda like when the Blues Brothers saw the light and were on a mission from God ;) It sounds like you guys were very very lucky.

As other people said, the threads here and on BPRadio sure as hell created a bit more awareness for Brother's Past. [color:purple]Now I wonder if this was all a big hoax ;)

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I know this thread is quickly becoming 'road kill'. I did want to say as a fan of BP that the problem worked out bigger than I think anyone would have thought. Anyways the Boyz work hard and I believe thay have played in a number of less than ideal situations and for them not to play a show???

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Wow, I hadn't read of word of this thread until now. I guess Brothers Past didn't mean enough to me to open the thread.

I have three examples of bands coming into Ottawa and having a dilema to deal with.

GreyHound travelled thousands of miles to play to a mere 3 people. The venue was absolutely empty (and it was Babylon, a HUGE room) and they played two full sets with an enormous amount of zeal. They used the opportunity to experiment more than they normally would. The three people there were treated to a hell of a show. The fact that the show went on proved to me that they were stand up guys.

Stephen Franke who was expecting a huge turn out, showed up to Cafe Dekcuf only to find their liquor license had not been renewed. The bar tender was actually turning people away as they showed up to the door saying "you don't want to come in here tonight, we're dry". Despite this hurdle, the boys played their hearts out. This endeared me to them even more than I would have been had the show gone flawlessly. You form a bond in crisis moments.

Last night, Keven Briet and the Sisters Euclid could have easily packed their bags when the roof started leaking. The fact that the drum kit was soaked would have pissed most people off to the point of leaving. Plus, who knows? The friggin' roof could have collapsed, hurting them, damaging even more of their gear... the situation seemed pretty serious, but the show went on. We walked away more than satisfied that the band commited to putting on a great show no matter what they were up against.

In each of these circumstances, the bands pulled through and gave everything they had. This is called professionalism and shows true passion towards their music, which at the end of the day, is what makes a good musician.

Bad decision guys. Keep it real.

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