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while waiting in lines....


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for some reason my mind tends to wander and i always imagine what it would be like if people just radomly vomitted during their daily routines. It always brings a smile to my face. That is all.

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I was in line at the bank a few days ago and this girl kept bending over to adjust her shoelace, which was apparently un-tie-able. She had a big 'ol round butt and I was so fucking tempted to just smack that sugarloaf right there in line, it was like she was begging mt to do it, just wiggling away, all ready for a Rick James-style slap.

Couldn't do it though. I wonder if I made the right decision?

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i hate waiting in lines. i find one of the most frustrating line experiences is if i'm in a rush, and waiting in line for a bank machine, and the person ahead of me takes like 10 minutes to press every button AND on top of that is doing every freakin' bank transaction available to mankind. most of the things i imagine are violent and/or involve me screaming profanities at them.

canada's wonderland is awful for lines. actually, any line where you are around people who suck is extra annoying. sometimes, if i am stuck in a line, and i am surrounded by people i can't stand, i will purposely do things to piss them off.

you have to make lemonade, right. ;)

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My all time favorite are people who stand right at the store counter buying and playing lottery tickets.

I hope their genitals all rot off.

I'm with you, because I usually buy my bus pass at the info desk at a local shopping mall, and usually have to wait behind people gambling pathetically, and making me wait to watch them.



Edited by Guest
Two words, two pairs of Ss, too little coffee to notice. Thanks, rubberdinghy.
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hahahaha... today i was the bank machine guy, checkin my balance, movin this over there, payin' this, deciding not to pay that, and finally withdrawing what i needed... at least 3 or so people behind me.. i kept a smilin', cuz i've been there, but this time, it was my turn to be there . they'll get their turn one day. and im sure karma's cookin' up something extra long and boring for me to wait for...

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ah MarcO!!! I often have the same thought, but also want to yell "TARGET!" as I slap that arse!

The bank machine (or "spankmameen" as I like to call it!) line up is hell...until you get to help out an old lady who doesn't understand it. While 7 other people were in line behind this ol'wrink, she bravely turned around and asked for help. Me, being the most impatient while waiting, yet the most patient while helping, showed her how to make her enormous deposit. Jeepers...she could have paid someone to do that for her. My mom didn't learn (trust) how to use a bank machine until she was well into her 50's. And many times, she would just hit 'cancel' and run off to stand in line for a teller...until someone taught her how to do it.

As for you fackers who pay your bills at the spankmameen (ya, that includes you gWuigsy! ;) )on-line banking you fuckwads!!!

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I was in line at the bank a few days ago and this girl kept bending over to adjust her shoelace, which was apparently un-tie-able. She had a big 'ol round butt and I was so fucking tempted to just smack that sugarloaf right there in line, it was like she was begging mt to do it, just wiggling away, all ready for a Rick James-style slap.

Couldn't do it though. I wonder if I made the right decision?

absolutely NOT !!! you shouldda smacked it good & hard and followed up with an innocent smile and shrug! THANK GOD I have smacking privledges with folks such as Tigger (where are ya, you skulker!?) and Zarasue, because sometimes it really is impossible to pass up a tempting ass-smack!

as for violent fantasies for in-line, self-absorbed, oxygen-wasting, time-stealers????? I should be locked away, but honestly can't say I wish worse on them then on Lazfuk!

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