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I believe I 'inadvertently' started something... Many of those to your south are not card carrying 'GWB' fans. Infact our friends to the north have helped us out in many ways... Being young a lot of this might fly over head. #1 a young Pamela A. #2 Bob and Doug Mckenzie #3 Moosehead #4 SCTV #5 (most importantly) alochol during prohibition.

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Can't we all just get along?? (I know, that one has bee used way too many times). That's the problem with flags, borders and patriotism... breeds ill-feelings for the otherside. I didn't really see how this thread ended-up.

I got over my universal disliking of the US that seems to be a requirement of being Canadian a few years back... when I started travelling there frequently. I have probably been to about 30 of the states, and some many, many times over.

I do dislike the politcs and marketing there, but there is alot of beautiful country, and alot of beautiful people. Send me to the Carolinas anytime.

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This is nothing, you guys should see what's said about CAnadian- American relationships on the Major League Baseball (mlb.com) message boards. Downright disgusting at times. Rather interesting though. So, IMHO, dont get all bent out of shape (on this board especially)if your on either side, cuz really, "we all feel the same, we just sell it from a different point of view."

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Yeah, the baseball thing... I remember when Toronto won two years in a row, alot of Canada bashing over that... same as with the Olymics, when both the men's and women's Canadian team won... Americans don't like to lose, especially to Canadians.

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wow, i just read the original Bomb thread. i laughed my ass off! I hope Biggest Fan doesn't give the rest of us americans on this board a bad rep. but please keep the america-bashing focused on the US gov't, not the people. Unfornately, all of the rational americans live in the same states, so we couldn't pull off the elecotral votes needed to defeat Bush in the election. maybe i should consider moving to the south for the next election :)

BTW, here's a site you all might find interesting


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suprisingly, I guess, I didn't take any offence at all from the original 'bombs' thread... I just read some questions and answered them for fun and a chance to express some of my thoughts

just as it doesn't seem strange to me that muslim extremists are growing ever more hostile, it doesn't seem strange to me that some americans are questioning others opinions about their and our potential for becoming a victim of a terrorist act (though anyone on american soil is still 100,000 times more likely to be killed in a car accident than by a terrorist, they just don't show car accidents over and over again every night on the news so people don't worry about it as much)

rather be asked and have a chance to reply than be judged and labelled without being asked... the guy( or girl, as you never know in interweb-land) said they were a moderate and not a Bush supporter... sure beats trying to argue with some people

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Ah, a chat about the Good Ol' United States of America!!!!

Bombs??? Anyone remember Hiroshima?? Nagasaki???

Terrorists??? Didn't the United States fund Al-Q when they were fighting the Soviet Union during the 80s??

Did the now "Great" Ronald Reagan not support Saddam when he used the weapons of mass destruction during the war with Iran?? (and also sell weapons to the Iranians at the same time)

Quick American history lesson--- War equals profit...

Capitalism is nutured by expansion--- West, South America, Canada, Far East, Europe. etc, etc...

You asked are we commmunists???

Well to be perfectly honest, (and I only speak for myself) I would prefer a system of Government that considered all to be equal and was based on the ideology of sharing, whether or not that can be realistically applied under the umbrella of socialism remains to be seen, however, the grass root ideas of the manisfesto are ideal.

And last but not least, yes, 48% voted democrat, and that my friend---- "biggest fan" is the promise of a better future, hopefully next time around 51% + will vote for an administration that is not focused on combat, and sleeping with arms producers, and oil moguls, and then, maybe just maybe, a few less Americans, Iraqis, British, Iranians, Egyptians, and whomever else will have to suffer through seeing a loved die randomly from an act of war.

We all have the power to make this world a better place, if we can avoid being complacent.

Amor vincit omnia.

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Ah, the inevitable history lesson. I know that my posts and my presence are few and far between, but I must agree with Paisely on several points. The foreign extremist reactions to American foreign social, political, and economic policy shouldn't surprise anyone even vaguely aware of U.S. foreign (and domestic) policy. Especially in the historical sense. Numerodos brings up some very important points as well. It's no secret that the United States is a DECIDEDLY capitalist country, and complacency is the fuel for the fire. So few U.S. citizens are truly aware of foreign policies and their implications that it's staggering. Yet, what sociopolitical tools are more effective? Fear, or ignorance? Close race, I think. Power=profit, profit=power. I am in no way condoning communism, for I believe in individuality, but empire building is an ancient art. And The United States has done their homework. The same systems that are installed to protect our rights have an amazing capacity to sway policies in whichever direction powerful interests wish. Checks and balances can also become infinite loopholes, through which manipulation of policy can be facilitated. Patriots are those who are actively involved in staying informed, and working towards what they feel is best for the country we love. Seems a rarity these days. Please excuse my venting, but this has become more and more prevelant an issue, and I believe it deserves more open discussion than it receives. I love my country, but I fear my government.

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the world should be banding together in this day and age... all of it

we're all running out of oil and screwing up the planet's ecosystem... we all have better abilities than ever to learn and grow though available technologies... the world is no longer unfanthomably large

I don't believe communism works in the long run either but something needs to happen to begin to level the playing field... I personally believe the current american administration is simply a puppet of multi-national conglamorates who control a lot more than america... how rich is too rich? it feels like the voice of average people grows smaller than ever every day... everyone is being distracted by hate rhetoric and pointing angry fingers at each other instead of planning towards a shared future

if you're after bin laden, go catch him... but don't kill 200,000 foreigners (so far) looking for him... bin laden had a score to settle since he saw a building toppled by an american rocket killing hundreds in Lebanon decades ago... now there are hundreds if not thousands of bin ladens running around due to the way things have been handled

cheney says it may take 12 years to pull the troops out of iraq... to me, that simply says there is roughly 12 years worth of peak oil left under iraq... are haliburton and associates compensating the average iraqi with a paycheck for walking away with their region's wealth? (and hows about some reliable water and electricity 2 years after the 'end' of the war... in Baghdad people are lucky to get 3 days a week of either... still better than the outlying regions though)

I couldn't agree more, people need to start thinking and talking more... educate yourself and share that with those you can... don't be afraid to contradict media or government, they're supposed to working for you

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Let me say it again yes I am an American and no I am neither a GWB fan or a conservative. Of all the things I dislike most about GWB it would probably be his views on oil. We as a nation are oil junkies and instead of fixing the problem he wants to go up in Alaska and...

With that said 9/11 did not take place as a result of GWB. The first bombing of the World Trade Center took place before GWB. We can talk back and forth about the hows and whys but as Bin Laden said himself the 'Crusades' never ended.

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Still, he's right in his point - hes not talking about GWB's Daddy.

As for the thread in general, I feel sorry for the guy cuz all he was trying to say was that hes not a card carrying Bush supporter. Maybe his major flaw was assuming that us as Canadians believe that everyone in the states are (card carrying Bush supporters).

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As I understand one of the biggest issues in this age of terrorism is Zionism. I do not want to touch that subject but that has created one big can of worms. When I said our friends to the north could be target it was much to that fact. If you believe in equality for women, sex, drugs and alcohol (and Zionism). Your a potential target. I do not deny any number of the deeper issues brought up in these threads but... If you like to party (or friends with a Jew)they could target you. Look at our other friends in Egypt.

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