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from an out of towners perspective, I've always wanted to check out the Black Sheep... used to help book people out of town and was always impressed by the Black Sheep's line-up and it also sounds like a beautiful place

when they say Black Sheep "Inn" does that mean they have rooms you can rent? any other hotel/motels in that neck of the woods that could hold a hundred or so too drunk to drives?

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With all the debate the Slip might just say "fuck it" and not play here at all. Let's get it together people.


Capital Music Hall - Too big, no re-entry, shit staff

Barrymore's - Too big, but if this is thew only canadian date it might be the best option, def. has the best atmosphere/sound/lights

Zaphod's - Bands done at 11pm nuff said.

Bourbon St. - Too far (fuck you bouche;)) Too small, no walk up, bad logistics all around

Maverick's - Leaky ceiling, but what other bar in Ottawa has had consistent 200 people jamnbands shows in Ottawa, the've proven them selves and we owe it to them, they better call a plumper though

Black Sheep - I love this idea, but I worry it might not work out for the band/promoter causing The Slip to never want to play here again

Babylon - If only Canadian Show, then this venue would be perfect size, perfect location (fuck you booche;))

Rainbow - Maybe, I've only been there a couple times, found it too small and too hot and the bands were always shit. Might work, somebody sell me on it.

Irene's - too small, shitty sound

Tucson's - WTF?!?!? Let's get serious

Our Backyard - Great idea, but you stinky wooks would trash the place. Besides we have new yuppie neighbors the might not like it.

Horrible news about no Montreal, it makes no sense. We would have burned the Econolodge to the ground this time!

Shane - ready and willing to steet team it up, no incentive nessecary.

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Capital Music Hall - shit staff

They'd never say anything bad about you without meeting you, so perhaps you could shove it up your ass? Who do you think brings the bands, pours your drinks, hangs your coat, keeps you safe, provides sound and lights....?

Middle finger salute for that one, Trevor.

No hard feelings though :)


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Nah, no fighting. It was a one time salute. I just don't like people slagging on close friends of mine for doing their job, which is serving people.

I don't think anyone here would tell their bus driver or clothes salesperson to fuck off, so why would you do it to bar staff?

And like I said, no hard feelings. Better things to do.


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Whoa AD...I knew i was going to get this but i said it anyway. No beef with owner I'm sure he's gold or the bouncers for the matter the bouncers are usually the meanest looking nicest guys ever. As for pours my drinks the bar staff are mildly retarded pricks who suck at life and their jobs, the door staff think there guarding the gates of heaven of something, chill the fuck out, the coat check....fuck coat check I never bring a coat to a show so fuck them too, useless bastards. And sound and lights, i can do better than that in my backyard. AS for bringing in the bands insert no name hip hopper, boy band posi-core/grindcore, cover band bullshit...oh wait i think Loverboy is coming back, I stand corrected. Capital sucks mmmkay pumpkin.

Middle finger right back at cha.

No offence taken bro. :)

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i don't know all the venues...

but i might throw my vote in for babylon.

i do like mavericks, and the rainbow is cool, and i'll go wherever they do play, but babylon is a good size and it's dark and dank, which will be good for when they get all dark and crazy and blow our minds to shreds.

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1, freeker what is a 'plumper'?

2, i'm pretty sure the black sheep inn no longer sleeps people... tried that a few months ago when i thought i was going to run out of gas, no dice.

3, i have nothing new to say RE votes. my favourite pick would be barrymore's b/c it's a great size and very close to my bed. black sheep b/c it's cool. and maverick's b/c it's familiar. however, the whole "leaky ceiling" thing is a very big problem which hopefully will never happen again. i do like that place, though.

thass'all. :)

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1. barrymore's

2. the rainbow

find a new room and approach the manager

4. babylon/maverick's

5. 'that place'

I think there could be enough people to break even on the slip with the right promotion and some pilgrimage.

ideally - get a good local band with a draw that's got ahold of the indie market or a choice local jazzy outfit...SJO?? Lure?? the acorn? department of foreign affairs??

I am totally with bouch on the theatre venue bringing a 5/28/04 vibe. that's my favourite slip experience to date even though it's only been 5 experiences...

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