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The New JSB


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I have to say that the new line up with Nick on drums is by far the best I have ever seen having seen literally every line up they've ever had (and they have had ALOT). Whether it was as PF Station, Fly Jimmy Swift or Jimmy Swift Band the only constants have of course remained Mike and Craig but with the constant improvement of Aaron (and his horde of technological lovelies) and now a completely on point drummer this line up is unstoppable. Craig and Mike were attributing a great deal of the renewed strength to Nick solely, Craig saying they are so much more 'in the pocket' now, I would say also Craig, Mike and in particular Aaron just continually continue to improve and further their dynamics are really evolving.

One new song which was particularly moving in a way that I haven't quite ever heard from them (almost a ballad) was one Craig wrote for his dog 'Carrie runs through the tall grass' - and it sounded like that. Classic standouts included 2 Hands On The Wheel, 80's Runway Model as well as absolutely monster versions of Onward Through The Fog and Now They Will Know We Were Here. Another new tune that was a serious standout was Medecine Chest. Craig is using some vox effects to particularly good result, Aaron's electronics continue to grow, they were even using some sequenced or sampled beats to flesh out certain songs. On the whole the dynamics, tension and transitions were just unbelievably on point.

As a side note the sketchiest thing I think I have ever seen at an after party in Guelph or otherwise took place. Basically this guy started acting weird to Mike in the kitchen and I thought he was just being a faded hippy and Mike handled him well. I left the room and then Crystal one of the home owners came into get me and explained he was worse off than I thought he was and was talking about 911. So I walk into the kitchen and see he is in a closet on the phone with you guessed it 911 and the display shows he's been on for three minutes and twenty seconds. I just hung up the phone and they called right back and fortunately another one of the home owners got on and said everything was okay. So I hold this guy by the arms for a minute and asked him whether they gave them the address, I knew he knew it because he had come up and asked me for it earlier (I figured he was calling a fucking cab) not that it made a difference since they would have traced the call anyways. Then the guy starts telling me how he's an undercover cop and didn't want us to get into trouble and all of this, you could just tell by the look in his eyes that he was way messed up and having some major delusions. Then the guy wriggles free from my grip, bolts through the house knocks over a bunch of shit, bolts down the stairs and down the street with guys chasing him, they grab him and he wriggles free from his sheepskin coat (which I know inherited) and is gone into the night. It was a very dark and way messed up episode. So unfortunately at least half or two thirds of the party cleared out immediately but they probably would have bailed soon anyways. Fucked up.

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I like the new JSB,caught the Casbah show,although the voice thingy Criag was using,seemed at times..overdone (IMO),I was really impressed with the new drummer & the show overall though,great to see the boys again (Been over 6 months since I caught em I believe).Great vibe & alot of unfamilar faces.Good to see a new crowd coming out to shows.

No sketch...even the afterparty was solid.But then again,we're very careful who we invite to those things now-a-days....

[edit to add]

"Now they will know we were here..." was indeed a monster.Very impressive.

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soundin awesome to be sure... enjoyed the extended vocal synthesis happening... adds kind of a disco randiness to the dancing

whole band is definately sounding solid and strong

sorry I couldn't hook you up with a place to go after the show Kevo... last minute we ran into a friend who invited just the couple of us over, would've been awkward stretching things to ask to bring extra folks he didn't know by... good to see ya as always though

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No problem Pais... Downey, myself, our friend Dave and the one and only Lazlo ended up at Ivory's for more beers. It was messy! If I had made it to that party, someone probably would've laid a citizen's arrest on my ass like that guy in Guelph. Esau's right, different crowd than what I'm used to for a JSB show.

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