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some Calamitous-Evil good times

Calamity Jane

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I'm stoked that the weekend in "Mousegoode" is finally upon us. I will have the digi and will be documenting the fence painting extravaganza. Yippee!!! Tomorrow Deb & I will begin priming the fence (and our livers) for the silliness that will be Saturday.

Let's cross our fingers for no rain! Anyone got any suggestions of what should be painted on the fence? (Okay, I know I'm probably opening an ugly can of worms here, but what the hell?) Please keep in mind that my fine motor skills are often sub parr.

Roll call? Who's in? :D

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Hello Deb! -this is Tim.

Welcome to Ottawa. I met you in Stoned Phillips backyard at the pre Allmans party. I really want to come to your party but my band is opening for the Real Gone Daddies and I'm not sure if I can make it. We mite come out after our gig, if its all right with you two. Please send me directions. Hope to see you Sat.-Tim.


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Tim/traveller THANKS for chiming in -- I was doing my darnedest to remember your jambands name...I'll be PTing you shortly....hope you can make it!!!

if tomorrow's weather is like today's...we'll be all set.

We've picked up gallons and gallons of bright colourful paint, and Kaidy Mae and I are just about to start priming the fence (on the agenda immediately after we start drinking!)

We have already spent much of the day exploring Osgoode and have visited a lama farm (each walking away with deleriously expensive but wonderful lama-wool hats) and the Fagioni lingerie factory/warehouse sale. Among other awesome finds, we scored Brinapple a hot pink 'Euro-trash' thong! I say he must wear it (and nothing else) while singing show tunes with Ms. Hux!!!! (as if that'd be hard to stop!). Anyone coming out tomorrow might want to build in some shopping time there -- excellent prices and funky stuff.

can't wait to get crazy with y'all. And sorry to miss many of you!

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We've picked up gallons and gallons of bright colourful paint, and Kaidy Mae and I are just about to start priming the fence (on the agenda immediately after we start drinking!)

First off, Deb's crazy. ;) My liver is primed (thank you Bombay Sapphire!), but we have yet to touch the fence.

I've had an awesome day here in Osgoode. I've been to a llama farm, biked around the town, picked up Deb & Dave's kids from school and stopped by a lingerie shop (yes, with the kids). All we have to do now is sand/prime the fence, make dinner and make some "fun" enhanced chocolates. ;)

Bouche, who are these townie Scullys that you speak of? Do you think they know how to play Uno? Would they like pineapple? I want to see your 20" before I go home (OMG, that sounds so bad!).

We'll be thinking of all of you who can't make it. :( CoP, I'll run into you one of these days.

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Bouche, this is how crazy rumours get started. ;)

Dave, safe drive buddy. We'll have warm apple pie and other unmentionables waiting for you upon arrival. Good luck keeping Lacey awake. ;)

We actually started priming the fence! Hurray. That thing takes a lot of primer. Whew! Where's Cjamson with his professional opinion?

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Hey - I lost the directions?!?!? oopsie.

Can someone PM me directions?

I'm bringing Gentlemonkey out for a view hours, unfortunately our better-halves can't make it.

Well his better-half, and my well, ummm.....(love ya babe)

Anyway see you early this afternoon.

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More like psychedelic pussy-pops express ;) (the front gate should explain it all).

Our house is now very, very Warm. Thank you everyone; you have given reason to smile broadly every morning I wake up and look out the window. Our neighbours will have been duly confused. Once I figure out Flikr or whatnot, I'll be sure to get some photos up; it's a wonderful, wonderful montage. Stay tuned for the next annual fence convention, for touch-ups, additions, and concommittant synapse-scrambling.

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