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Diesel Dog & Harvard Mouse Fri. Nov. 18 @ Lanc (Kitchener)

mark tonin

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Thanks to everyone for a great time last night. I always feel so spoiled when I get to do what I love doing best and follow it with hanging out with great people doing more of what I love doing best. DD - awesome jams last night! I miss you guys for a couple of months and you go and ratchet it up to yet another level (with great new tunes to boot). And damn how I love getting into that Organic Groove groove!

Hope to see some folks at the Boathouse in a little while....

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gee whiz...what an interesting night, Thanks Jay and miranda for letting me tag along with you after the show. Did anyone else feel like that show was too short! Man...must have been the mush. As per usual, good times after at manglerfest and cool meeting some new friends and humiliating some old. Good to see Marsha and "teet". Thanks Kevin, good to meet you, I had a great time! I heart the KW vibe...

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downstairs at the lanc is a fine place to party. diesel dog was amazing as usual...cheers to pete for not only letting me wail on his drums but for giving me the full rockstar drum roadie treatment (~);)

it was really nice to meet more folks from here, finally met mangler and saw many other great people. ..diesel dog has a very cool fanbase, it's very nice to get to be part of such a kickass party!

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It was an awesome night ... thanks to everyone who made it out to this show, especially the out-of-towners.

The downstairs worked very well for this show I thought ... I was a bit concerned that somehow things wouldn't work very well downstairs, but was pleasantly surprised. The sound was good, and there was more room than upstairs to spread out and bounce around.

Backbacon, thanks for helping to make this show happen. Your promo help and help on the night (along with PP) made this show run very smoothly. I appreciate it.

Diesel Dog, what can I say?!? You continue to be one of my favourite bands, and you sure know how to get a crowd dancin' and groovin'. And you're very easy to work with, which is very much appreciated.

To Organic Groove, thanks once again for leading such a raging drum circle! I think that we have a very unique thing going on at shows in Kitchener at the Lanc when we include a drum circle ... a few out-of-towners who have never been to a show at the Lanc before commented to me that they absolutely loved the drumming. It gives everybody a chance to participate at the show, which adds a nice element to the event.

To the Harvard Mouse extended family, thanks! It still puts a huge smile on my face knowing that my long-time jam friends have found their way into this community.

To the pre-party and after-party hosts, thanks! What a great community of friends we have. I ended up chauffering people to three of the after-parties that were going on, and then making it home to my own afterparty with my pillow (I'm sure that Lazlo with think of some witty, perverted response to this! ;) ) The pre and post partying add a huge element to these events, especially for the out-of-towners. Thanks party hosts!

After Friday night's show, I am extremely excited about two upcoming shows at the Lanc:

Wed. Dec. 28 upstairs at the Lanc

Harvard Mouse Christmas Party

no cover charge

7 until 8 p.m. (a set of music for the kids - if you have children and want to bring them out for this, feel free to do so - we'll be playing a set of music for our families and friends with children).

9 p.m. until 2 a.m. - a full-on raging jamfest hosted by Harvard Mouse, including two drummers and guest musicians

Saturday Jan. 28

Jambands.ca FUNdraiser

at the Lanc in Kitchener

two stages, two floors ... this one is going to be huge!

complete info about this show is coming soon

Peace, Mark

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Backbacon, thanks for helping to make this show happen. Your promo help and help on the night (along with PP) made this show run very smoothly.

so many people made this an awesome evening, and you 2 are at the top of the list...it was very cool to see both of you again!

what a great time!!

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It was a great night of music, folks, and fun. I like the downstairs of the Lanc... nice and taverny. Everything went smoothly; both bands sounded very tight and had the dance floor pulsating from start to finish.

Mark Tonin, pleasure working on the show with you. Thanks very much for having me aboard and chauffering me to after party #2.

PP, thanks for all your help over the night.. couldn't have done it without you! :)

To the folks of Grand Mangle Station, thanks for a crazy night and next day of mangling. It was lots of fun to do it up with y'all and look forward to the next time!

Studog, thanks for the lift out of Mangleville saturday afternoon... it was hard to pull myself away from a freshly-stocked-Lucky-supply party so early in the afternoon!

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loved every minute of the night and morning wit y'all.

Lookin' forward to a re-visit to Grand Mangle Station, one where I don;t have to leave so damn early (7 am is waaaay to early to call it a night, I say!)

Also lovin' my electric lime & acid green afgan score/trade. Thank you, MaxWebster!!!

Found item from the Lanc: a multi coloured winter scarf with a "Bluenotes" tag. Any leads as to whose it is....?

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Okay, so I'm a little late here, but I figured better late than never.

I had SO MUCH FUN last Friday night. The night did seem to fly by. :( I think I hugged all of you at least twice. It was wicked to see everyone. When I popped in the door and saw BB & PP I knew it was going to be an awesome night. I just wish that Sleepyhead and I could've stayed and the "Grand Mangle Station" longer. I hope the whole gang can make it out for the party on the 28th of Dec. I'm doing my best to organize Christmas around it. *fingers crossed*

Thanks to HM & DD for making me dance my buns off for a few hours there. It was great to see you guys. And wicked to see one of my old favourites, Studog, again. I sure do miss your harassment and threats to kick me down the stairs. Thanks for the beer, bitch.

Until next time...awesome to see you all. Thanks for the pencil, MamaPink. :)

Oh yeah, and Deb...I'm watching you, sneaky lips. :P

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"Grand Mangle Station" - That's the BEST!!! I'm calling it that from now on!

Awesome time Friday night! Thanks to everyone for participating in the raffle! Next time I want to have WAY more prizes!!

Thanks to the guys for putting this on, and getting us all together again!

The afterparty was special, as always. Good times, lots of laughs.... and I especially loved Margaret & Schwampy's corner band - fricken' hysterical! Marge - you can really belt 'em out baby!

I think it's time for a new house mascott.

Really great to get out and party with all you kooky nut jobs. I love you all SO much!



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teehee the penis pencil...I must confess. Mama Pink was kind enough to give me one as well but in my drunken state I looked at the pink juicy penis and it looked to me at the time like a jelly candy-type thing...so I bit it - to my embarassement I found out that it was plastic!

Quickly realizing my mistake I did a quick look around no one seemed to notice phew! So I discretely placed the pencil in my purse...giggled to myself and went on my drunken way. :blush:

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YA .. that was a wicked time, can't wait to see the diesel again,

oh yes it was really good seeing everyone again and i'll make sure i keep in touch more often, maybe that means going to more shows, espically more fuckin Diesel .

you guys get me dancing from the moment i step into the bar, along with everyone else. its immediate .

i think the after party was good, i can't remember it .ha.

i do remember the f'in toilet seat at gators place the next morning, gotta love dry heaving !

and ohhhhh, swifty tell your wife thanks for the ride to kuipers place, it only took 2 hours.. pfft. gas money !

no worries about the beer KM, put it this way u now owe me a beer and a 60.. gibson's will do ;)

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and I especially loved Margaret & Schwampy's corner band - fricken' hysterical! Marge - you can really belt 'em out baby!

Wasn't there some really drunk guy trying to play banjo too? That was a ton o fun!

Just reading all this now... I thought that whole Grand Mangled Jam was some kind of weird dream. Well, I guess it was in a way :) I think the drunken banjo man lost his camera that night too... shitty deal.

Anyway, fan-fucking-tastic night in KW :) I thought I was at a Come Together reunion party or something. Too many of you fabulous peeps to thank, so CHEERS (sociable!)

Peace & Love,


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yeh jay- the key playing is what really makes the difference. sometimes I get up in the morning feeling like shit and all I have to do is play a little jingle, then marsha does a little dance - before I know it its time to go to work and i still have a fucking hangover, its like a little slice of heaven. piano playing monkey bitch heaven.

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yeh jay- the key playing is what really makes the difference. sometimes I get up in the morning feeling like shit and all I have to do is play a little jingle, then marsha does a little dance - before I know it its time to go to work and i still have a fucking hangover, its like a little slice of heaven. piano playing monkey bitch heaven.


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