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just had an intense nero moment.

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I've listened to soon a few times lately to similar effect. That disc does a good job of capturing the phenomena that is/was Nero. It's definitely a dance band you can tell that for sure, and a trance band also I guess, yet one suspects while they needed the audience to feed off of they could just as easily of played the same set in a basement by themselves.

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i had a nero moment on my way to work this morning.

i was sitting on the bus trying really hard not to stare at the guy opposite me's strangled nutsack that i could plain as day see through his pants. if nutsacks could scream, i would imagine this one would be...boys, be aware of your package outline when you sit down, that or shut those damn legs!

anyways...i was thinking god, this is totally too much...i don't want to be seeing this now before i've even had coffee...and that led me to thoughts of what i can't get enough of anymore and among other things nero came to mind. then i let myself really think about them, which i never do cause i get real sad....i had to stare at the nutsack to stop from tearing up.

and now i'm going to listen to SoOn....damn it. i only have zedonk on my ipod. ok so i'll listen to it at home.

hey dima...thanks for the comments...and hey, there's a reason my dog's named Darius...and it's not just cause chocolate monkey machine would be a hard name to call out in the park.

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