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post deleted, with apologies...

Calamity Jane

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::reads above and immediately closes window::

Oh, Chewie! I never meant to offend....hope you're not offended! Really!

but hey, buddy, if you're not a parent already (are ya?) then prepare yerself!

This is "tip-of-the-iceberg" stuff, I figure, in terms of what a tough gig parenting can be. Much rather discuss this (sexuality) than deal with the much HUGER issues (I think, anyway) of teen-pregnancy, suicide, OD-ing, etc.

many of us approach parenting with the belief that we can do better than our own parents. If my girls grow up to feel NO SHAME in their bodies and to enjoy their sexuality, then I've done a good job, I reckon.

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ugh... personal stories on this board are getting WAY out of hand. I can't believe you would write such a thing to the general public about your own daughter. If my mom ever told the world about my personal life, I would be mortified. You might have handled that situation well, but you sure blew it when you came on a music message board to tell everyone all the details.

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well, clearly I'm a 'boundary pusher'...and no apolgies there...but I do apologize that some people were offended by the frankness of my post/story about my daughter and I do hear the accusation that this was the wrong forum (a parenting forum would have been better of course)

But this is a community of people I know and love...many of whom know my children. If we want a better world for them, want them to be innately happy in their place in the world --- especially girls -- then we need to acknowledge, not repress, that every single human being --- from infant to 92 years old is a SEXUAL being (and acts on that drive). Personally, I would never take offence at that....but I do apologize that some of you did!!



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oh, it was a doozie, ollie... :)

hey deb, no offence taken here, but my biggest concern was more or less the stereotypical middle-aged internet pedophile googling certain words and coming across your post - you may have helped someone sleep better last night, and i shudder to think of that.

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Guigsy… this was one of my concerns regarding this thread aswell. If you actually read my post you’ll see that I was never offended by the content of your post Deb, I just thought it was inappropriate to post it on the internet.

If you want me to keep my opinions to a private message, then maybe you should tell your daughter’s personal stories in a private message aswell.

And thank you for enlightening me with the fact that humans are sexual from birth. If you’ve ever been to one of my Fantasia presentations, you’ll hear me say that exact statement. But all of my sales are done in PRIVATE, all the stories we share are done in PRIVATE and I would never tell anyone what a customer bought or thought, let alone, come on the INTERNET and divulge such personal events. It’s called tact.

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No please don't.

I nearly threw up all over myself upon reading it.

My opinions on whether children are sexual before puberty aside....the reality of just how many pedophiles exist is what made me feel ill.

This entire thread should go away.

p.s. this is no diss towards Calamity whom I think is an amazing gal...just a thread that shouldn't be.

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yes Howler...I agree..let it all quietly slide to the bottom of the page...please.

sometimes I am a REALLY slow learner.

As I've said to some people already, the story I shared is one I would share in person with many people on the board.....but not having physical access to all of you, I used the 'cyber' access we share, and ended the post by saying I'd hoped people had enjoyed a little slice of life (a humorous, challenging parenting moment) from our home.

The fact I forgot (and too often do forget, unfortunately) is that this is a PUBLIC forum and not just full of friends and not-yet-friends. I now realize how vulnerable I made my daughter...I really had no clue this stuff could be googled!

for those still pissed they missed this thread....it'll at least make for interesting conversation when we are together in meat-space.

For those bothered by the CONTENT, and not just the fact it was publicly posted, well, I guess the only thing to say is that this board has never been accused of unanimity/agreement...the varied responses are just that...varied. It's never my intention to offend or bait, only to be true to my ideas and beliefs...and as all the rest of you out there are trying to do the same, it's no wonder conflicts arise.



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