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jambands.ca FUNdraiser show Sat. Jan. 28 Kitchener

mark tonin

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i've been trying to avoid this thread for so long because I had already committed to an event in Ottawa long before this brilliant show was thought up by Tonin and Keri.

I can't believe that it is this weekend already. It seemed so far away when Mark had first mentioned it to me and I always knew that you all were going to have a night to remember. These mini music fests are something that I can only recall happening at the Lancaster in K/W and I'm hoping that this sort of thing will eventually make it's way to Ottawa, taking over Maverick's and the Cafe Dekcuf.

2 floors of fun....

Have a great time everyone, and I sure hope some photographers will be there!

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i've been trying to avoid this thread for so long because I had already committed to an event in Ottawa long before this brilliant show was thought up by Tonin and Keri.

I can't believe that it is this weekend already. It seemed so far away when Mark had first mentioned it to me and I always knew that you all were going to have a night to remember. These mini music fests are something that I can only recall happening at the Lancaster in K/W and I'm hoping that this sort of thing will eventually make it's way to Ottawa, taking over Maverick's and the Cafe Dekcuf.

2 floors of fun....

Have a great time everyone, and I sure hope some photographers will be there!

I'm hoping that Guigsy, Kaidy Mae, and Stu Dog will all show up with a camera.

I wish that you could be here Mike, but I knew up front that you couldn't be. Trying to nail down a date for a show, especially one like this, can be an excercise in frustration. Finally we just decided to go for it, knowing that it didn't work for everyone, including you.

I would love to bring a version of this show to Ottawa. I was thinking of doing it at some point in the spring, but once again, nailing down a date that works for everyone has been tough. So my best guess for an Ottawa version of this show is in the fall, unless someone has an outdoor location that we could do something like this in the summer.

I am still amazed when I think of all of the wonderful people that I have met at festivals, shows and online over the last 5 years. This web site has helped in so many ways to foster and strengthen those relationships. I am a lucky man.

I am trying to remain calm, but I am so stoked about Saturday's show. Hopefully I'll get some sleep in the next few days, because I don't expect much of it this upcoming weekend. :)

Peace, Mark

I've said this in private, but I need to say it in public - Keri, thanks for all that you've done to help promote this show. It has been a treat working with you on this.

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Any tips on a hotel room (single) in a relativley close distance to the Lanc?

I tried calling the Comfort Inn on Weber but they want 113 +taxes for a single for one night (115 for the whole wknd). Thats a bit much for a place to crash in KW in my opinion.

[edit to add]

If there is a good spot of live music on sunday night also, then I'll get the room for 2 nights since its only $2 more...

What happens on sunday night in KW...in the form of live music?

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Esau isn't going to be playing WoW tonight? Dude! Don't neglect Trawloc ;)

Have fun tonight everyone! I really can't wait to read about tonight's events sometime tomorrow evening when everyone wakes up ;)

Mark and Keri, you guys really rock. when you mention fall, all I can think of is putting efforts together to carry on Wakefest. I know Jay and Kayte will be out west, but I think a team of 10 people could do what the 2 of them did last year ;)

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a genuine hats off to EVerYone involved... organizingers, contributers, music makingers and, of course, the so many beautiful smiling moving peopleses (looked like an Izzy's weekend gathered into a bar last night)

what a vibe!

2 way up thumbs from here

a perfect and fitting tribute to the skanc

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