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Avril turns into a fashion whore! Yipee, get out the coke!


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Here's an even better article on the Avril thing:

So long, angry Avril

And let's say hello to your Stepford replacement

Feb. 7, 2006. 01:00 AM


I'm rolling up my cuffs and winding up to take my first jab at Avril Lavigne. "Whoa, Sabrina, are you sure you wanna do that? She's rough and tough in that slightly androgynous, I'll-kick-your-ass-with-such-wrecklessness-I-won't-even-care-if-my-tooth-falls-out-after-all-I'm-from-Napanee kind of way! How would you dare open up that can of eastern Ontario whoop-ass?" Because friend, unfortunately I'm here to break the disappointing news to you: Avril sold out.

In a recent interview, the former tie pimpin', skateboard cruisin' punk chick declared that she had joined the Ford modelling agency in hopes "to do those really beautiful ads with the high-end products."

High-end products!? What happened to the girl whose old little-league tees had the lifespan of a Buddhist monk?

Well, Avril says, "I'm getting into hair and make-up and image. That's the best part of being a girl."

The best part, eh. Hey all you pre-teens, the ones who filled stadiums around the world screaming the lyrics to "Sk8er Boi" in your cargo-cut-offs and black nail polish, you'd better start saving your allowance. The new "best part" about being a girl is gonna be a little more expensive than the Napanee Home Hardware shirt you bought on eBay or one of your dad's leftover ties. Why'd Av-Av have to go make things so compli-cated?

"I look through magazines and stare at ads and think: `I'm not 6-feet tall, but I know I can do that.'" Wow, Avril — that's deep. Seriously? You actually look at those ads of women standing under waterfalls with semi-erect nipples teamed with a look of boredom on their faces and actually think you could achieve all that? Do you know how difficult it is to stay in semi-errect-nippleville? It's hard (the task, not the nipple).

"Nobody tells me what to wear. That would be bad and shallow," she told the Star's Daphne Gordon just a few years ago. Or one of my personal favourites: "I'm, like, a lot different than other famous chicks like Britney and whoever else. They're totally dolled up and have a brand new outfit on all the time. I'm totally not into that ..."

... unless, of course, someone paid you to be into that. Hopefully with some of that modelling money you'll be able to buy some Credibility Cream. Rub it in real good 'cause you'll need it when you're posing for billboards in your sequin bikini — because that's the path you're heading down and your fans can see it coming, even if you can't.

So don't be surprised if you lather up with the entire bottle and still end up with flack from the old fans. You have to understand, they've spent the past three years being made fun of for swallowing your "Punk Rocker" charade. So your new "Prada Princess" schtick is gonna take some getting used to.

But you're still right Vrilly, that you are different from Britney. She took the Intercourse-Free-way to Slutville, you took Alternative-Girl Express.

Admit it, that's where you're headed. You say "make-up and image" I hear "titties and ass." Because if there's one thing for certain when it comes to pop-starlets that start out with an original brand of integrity, it's that eventually they'll be posing half-naked with some sort of logo branded to their ass.

I wonder if there's some sort of club an artist joins once they've morphed into a hardcore product-pusher. They'd call it something catchy like, The-Sell-Out-Manufactured-By-A-Team-Of-Businessmen Ladies! They would send out official posters to new members splashed with a colourful group picture of X-tina Aguilera, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff (not next to each other, of course), the Pussycat Dolls and Britney all giving the peace sign in g-strings ... (Boys and lesbians: Enjoy the free visual.)

Now, I understand that from a market standpoint, reinvention is something that artists now have to partake in to maintain public interest. It's become so common, it's cliché.

Madonna is the queen of rebirthing herself and I'd never dream of pouncing on her the way I did Avril. Maybe it's because she invented the media reinvention, but when Madonna pulls it off, it's always somewhat believable.

But, c'mon: Avril Lavigne, originally promoted as this down-to-earth, sloppy tomboy is, seemingly overnight, re-introduced to the public as this fashion-conscious lip-gloss ditz? Why do we even attempt to swallow these ridiculous fronts? Why do pop stars get such promotion without being challenged?

We certainly don't extend this easy-going attitude to our real-life acquaintances. If my mother woke me up one day dressed in leather pants, heavy black lipstick and a trenchcoat she would need to do some 'splaining. And it'd have to be something deeper than, "Well, you see dear, I looked at some Goths on Queen St. and thought: `I'm not rejected or angry, but I know I can do that!'"

Mostly, I sympathize with all the Avril fans who are attempting to coast through this sudden transition. Stepford Avril may prove to inflate the star's chequing account, but it's the stadium filling mini-punks who are at a loss. Those are the little girls you see on the subway giving the middle finger to creepy men who gawk at their greasy hair and torn-up jeans.

The retro-real punk version of Avril may have been a poser and a brat, but she was one of the few role models for young girls whose videos didn't leave them feeling like flat-chested cows.

Sure, Lavigne's raised-middle finger influence wasn't the greatest message. But it sure as hell beat the other mainstream options our chicks have — whose unifying lesson remains to be "index finger down throat."

Some Avril Obsessors may even be mad that I'd dare condemn her coming of commercial age. I do not fear you, though. Not you, nor even New-vril, herself.

She won't be able to fight back, for fear of breaking a nail. Or even worse, her character.


i don't particularly like Sabrina Jalees after reading this article. kudos sabrina- you picked on a kid... roll up your cuffs elsewhere.

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i think she comes across as a smug beeyatch... that entire article rubbed a 'holier than thou' sentiment all over me which ain't cool in my books.

that kind of article is what i call 'fluff'. i wonder if sabrina got some kind of satisfaction out of writing it. did she type her last key stroke, breathe a sigh of relief and say hell yah, just slammed a girl?

if there is one thing i dislike about people like us, and this is on a general scale, it's that we become snobbish in our musical tastes and highly, highly critical of most things 'pop' and almost instantaneously label those associated as 'sell outs'. i'm guilty of it just as much as the next, but i dislike it, and try to make a solid attempt not to be so critical and not to judge a book by it's cover. and then i read articles like this and marvel at myself for being so right.

the whole thing is laden with negativity.

ps. what's this 'gloves are off' stuff all about? i don't think avril's putting up a fight.

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she is not changing her philosophy at all, just her clothes. she dressed a certain way because she thought it looked cool and would make her money, now she thinks this way looks cool. she has always worn fancy clothes and make-up, put lots of effort in to her image, so what's the difference, other than where she shops? clothes are still the focus here. who gives a rat's ass what she wears?

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wow I know I am the EXACT SAME way now that I was when I was 16, 17 etc. SAME EXACT style, attitudes, beliefs, exact!

who cares....her fans who looked up to her as a role model then have probably moved on to some dreamy boy rocker now.

I'm finding it quite funny this is such big news. she was a kid who is now getting older and sees an opportunity to make a bit more money maybe someone told her she's got a pretty face and she should use it to make more money. not often are people propelled to the lifestyle that she has been thrown into and don't sell out in some small or large way....suddenly realizing her own sexuality and using it isn't a bad thing. I will wait and see what becomes of her before I order her head on a platter....

just my opinion......

wow what just happened...did I just launch into a whole spiel defending avril lavigne? I think I may be drunk or ill.

sorry don't mind me.

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If my mother woke me up one day dressed in leather pants, heavy black lipstick and a trenchcoat she would need to do some 'splaining.

The very notion that by paying to hear an artist perform, one has also bought the right to hold them accountable for who they are or what they do is ridiculous. Avril Lavigne owes no one an explanation or an apology.

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I guess you right. Just another chick celeb using/leveraging her ass for cash. Using her tats for scratch. It's not like ones body is sacred or anything...she'd obviously be foolish not exploit herself like a side of beef.

Besides the consumer world needs another pretty young face with a hot bod to sell thier products. I mean Britney is all fat and preggo, again and Christina Agullera is played out and hoed out.

Perhaps she can get branded too, I'm sure Prada would pay her big money fo' that. And you know she's hurting for the cash, given her last album only sold millions.

P.S. Avril baby if you needs work I knows peeps ya' dig..

Peace bitches! (I fully expect these inflamatory comments to spark a title wave...bring it on..) ;)

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she dressed a certain way because she thought it looked cool and would make her money, now she thinks this way looks cool.

this sounds like you know her well. :P

I do find it funny that there is gossip here about Avril Lavigne and that it's really even something that could get you 'thinking'.

geez, the girl lived in Napa-fuckin-Nee for Crissake! I think it's fantastic that she's livin' the high-life. ATTA GIRL!

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umm.. just reading some responses and i'm kinda unclear if you guys think i was attacking avril.. i wasn't. i was talking about the author of the article.

i could be completely mistaken (have been before) but just wanted to let that out.


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haha napanee.. that's kinda how i feel about country & western singer, michelle wright. cheers & heres to you michelle!!

pimpdaddy - for almost 3 seconds my blood pressure slightly raised, but then cooled back down to an even flow.. i think everyone has their own different difficult paths to go down through life, why do you have to make it a little harder for somebody else?

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I dont' think I'm making Avril's life hard at all. Her life is all roses and dollar signs and I am not even on her radar screen.

I just have a problem with people whoring themselves out for products...literally.

And it's not just Avril...to be fair..for example I hate Method Man and Redman because they sell deoderant.

Bottom line...if your willing to use your ass (and I mean that literally) to sell commercial goods then you've really lost something of value. Self respect and dignity...

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying one can't use thier likeness to sell thier album or whatever (as Avril has to promote her music). What I'm saying is when you decide to use your body/sexuality to get people to part with money and buy a product..you've basically become a whore. Your tading your ass for cash... which is what a whore does.


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If I could ho my ass for a million bucks....well can't say I wouldn't....would't take to take too many of those dollars to pay a counsler to get over it nor too much time away from the home in costa rica I'm guessing. :P

lol...I think I'm kidding...not so sure though.

Though I was kidding about the rails off her titties....I think that woul be child molestation.

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I guess that's the point exactly..how much is you self-respect an dignity worth? I mean that in the grand sense.

To some people it is priceless and means everything, to others it is something to be bought and sold and means very little.

To each his/her own that is what makes the world go round.

Save your ass for those you love not for those who pay..

that's my Pimped out 2cents....

But hey if they're wern't peeps sellin' dey ass, I'd be unemployed. So lower you morals and keep this Pimp employed.

SKEET SKEET SKEET...I gots ta go a watch deez hoez on the track ya dig.....

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i don't think we can really comment on what her life is like. roses and dollar signs don't mean a thing when we all come to that inevitable conclusion of the last breath- that's the real moment when everything your entire life has been about comes to it's final summation and what you are finally becomes clear. and by then it's not up to you and me in a message board or her fans to sort out and judge and make sense of. it's all her at that point.. so what i'm saying is who really cares if she whores herself out, as you say, when in the grand scheme, she and only she will have to live with those demons.

let her be!

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oh gees...well it just seemed you were taking an extremely moral high ground about something mabey not so important...though I think I understand where your coming from. I just threw in the gas thing because it seems wars are waged over our dependance on it...kinda saying how much more moral are ya really at the end of the day...but then kinda thought I was being an ass so threw in the edit.....never mind me though...I'm not very sereous about the world we see anymore.

I'm pretty sure its all an illusion....haha but no I'm not getting into that one further here.

peace j

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who gives a fuck if avril wants to wear pretty clothes? i think she looks nice. if you put on a suit for a job interview or a friend's wedding are you a fucking sellout? what is the big deal? every girl has a right to dress up in pretty, feminine clothes if she wants. whenever she wants. it's fun.

and so she wants to model. SO WHAT! a lot of girls want to model. if anything she's setting a positive example in that she's going after something she wants to do -- and will probably succeed -- even if she isn't an ideal an ideal candidate (due to her height). her wanting to model for high end products probably has something to do with the fact that those types of ad campaigns are a little classiser than say, jessica simpson's sponserships. which i can totally respect avril for -- you're going to see turtlenecks, not string bikinis in estée lauder ads.

do you begrudge madonna for not wearing 80's clothes anymore?

do you realize you are going off about moral integrity and the evils of women sleazy whorin' themselves with a user name of pimp daddy?


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For the record...I don't like Avril's music, I like disco and funk....better theme music for a pretend cyber pimp....

And, if Avril is going to do respectful high fashion, non-ass hanging out, trying to mainpulate people with her sexuality type to sell a gucci handbags, then fine.

However my suspicion (and I may be wrong) is that she is lining up to get basically naked and sell products as she has relized she has become sexy and can use her ass for cash in a third party way. I hope I'm wrong. (I really doubt you'll see Avril hawking products in a turtleneck)

Further, I don't think leveraging your sexuality for money is a small insignificant thing. It happens all the time and is morally reprehensable.

That's why prostitutes are looked upon (by most in society) as unnacceptable.

Finally, this is not about Avril wearing pretty clothes. I don't care what she wears as long as she doesn't try to use her sexuality and body to sell products and manipulate people with it. It is also not about her selling out. You can't sell out when your as main stream as they come.

Anyways, egnough of this moral high ground stuff and trying to place a one's sexuality and body on a pedestal of sanctity.

Get nasty, get dirty, sell out and tatoo Channel on your ass cheeks and bend over!

Yipeee!!! I can't wait! I'll bring the Coke!

Back to the track where the whores really are whores and they don't try and hide it!


P.S. I really enjoyed hearing everyone's take on this issue an felt it really enlightening. :)

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