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10,000 Lakes Fest Lineup


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I don't know why it's so easy for everyone to get their knickers in a twist around here? If this was the lineup at the next CTMF would anyone think it was lame?

Anyway, I'm planning on hitting this one up this year. Got some friends up that way who go every year, and from what I hear it is the most beautiful venue for a festival. Planning on taking the aristocrat too so we can get a crew together. Any takers?

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if they added two indie bands to that lineup, there would be at least a half dozen skanks who would would be all over the festival.

i bet a lot of those unheard of bands at the bottom of the list are indie bands.... so your point is what?


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I don't know why it's so easy for everyone to get their knickers in a twist around here? If this was the lineup at the next CTMF would anyone think it was lame?

Anyway, I'm planning on hitting this one up this year. Got some friends up that way who go every year, and from what I hear it is the most beautiful venue for a festival. Planning on taking the aristocrat too so we can get a crew together. Any takers?

Well Put.

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first off: i love the way you guys mock me for being young...adn then insult my mother...who is a wonderful lady i might add... HI MOM!


newrider: you are a dirty hippy and i'm sure you have a drug problem

bradm: you are a computer nerd and your tapes suck.

AD: i've never met you, but i'm sure you are a homosexual that will one day die of aids.

shainhouse: you're articles suck almost as bad as your drumming.

Gateaux: judging from your avatar, you are very ugly and i'm sure you have trouble with women.

booche: you aren't even the real bouche...who's a douche bag , BTW.

backbacon: "IDIOT with a capite F U" very creative...moron.

c-towns: that moe. tape is in the mail...i swear

Hartamophone: i don't know much about cough syrup....but i'm sure you do...you fucking meth addict.

AWeeJig: you're pushing 30 and still using "yo mama" jokes...even when those were funny you were still too old for them....

secondtube: nobody cares about your crappy fishing trips, i hope you dont get that job, and Paul Metheny is pussy music snob making faggot smooth jazz for pussy music snobs.

"pual metheny took the most tasteful solo last night" eat my shit.

ike: if that line up was at CTMF, i would think the line up was incredible, but the fest would still be lame becasue i'm sure all these jambands.ca douches would be there finger banging each other and getting off on a shitty 20 minute noodle fest. and that includes you.

cully: and you cully.....you i've saved just for last.....you are the worst human being i've ever known.

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secondtube: nobody cares about your crappy fishing trips, i hope you dont get that job, and Paul Metheny is pussy music snob making faggot smooth jazz for pussy music snobs.

"pual metheny took the most tasteful solo last night" eat my sh!t.

Well, Paul certainly isn't no Kevin Schnier thats for sure....but Paul tries.

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Nah. I won't even bother. If that's the best you can come up with, than my initial thoughts of you, unfortunately enough, were correct.

You truly are about as bright as a woodpecker on an aluminum pole.

Sorry for hopping off thread topic.

I'm considering skipping Bonnaroo for 10klf. It's a little more financially viable and I do have cousins living relatively close.

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k seriously dima....

i've always respected you and been happy to see you out at shows. i've gone out of my way a bunch of times, especially when i first met you to talk with you and make you feel welcome and blah blah.

i'm seriously disappointed in what you had to say. you insulted one of my best friends, my roommate, and a bunch of other kind people i love and what you said to AD, well, should never be said to anyone, ever.

not funny man, and not cool. inside joke or no inside joke.

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thanks guys and girls! this considerably brightend my day after watching Team Canada suck it's own collective cock in the presence of the Russians.

It's appaling to know that some people can still be as obtuse and vapid these days in an on line community that has a relatively high intelligence quotient. Here's to you Dimafleck, truly a jackass' jackass

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i personally think what i wrote was halarious.

look at AD's avatar...now look at what i wrote. now put two and two together.


thanks for playing, and i guess i'll see you next time you go out of your way ....kind of a bogus remark.

you think that Freddy Mercury dying of Aids is funny? and you've referenced Hitler in your postings? I think you have NO IDEA of waht is funny and what isn't

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