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Muppet Show Guests


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I remember being 5 or 6 years old, sick as hell, watching a good chunk of the film version of Doug Henning' 'The Magic Show'- now anytime I see him I feel nauseus.. it was on T.V. recently, and I couldnt take more than 5 minutes.

As per the Muppet Show, I'll always remember the Deborah Harry episode- as I was in love with Blondie at the time, and of course the Star Wars episode.

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We watched bits of the Star Wars episode here with the girls last week. Perfectly corny :).

Star Wars on Muppets - I can no longer find the longer bits from that episode; I wonder if they've been pulled for some reason.

I'm still hoping I can figure out the video for that Peter Sellers download - I'm sure now that I saw it when it first aired, when he did a Dr. Strangelove-esque character on "Pigs in Space" and tied Link Hogthrob into knots. That was, of course, a few years before I ever saw Dr. Strangelove :).


Episode 43

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tried watching a couple episodes of season 1 on dvd but it got lame after a while (supposedly, after the first season is when the Muppets got its charm and strengthened its wit and satire). but then i discovered the "pop up" info tidbits for the dvd subtitles which made the viewing experience more enjoyable.

out of all the guests, i only remember Alice Cooper.

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Guest Low Roller

Thanks for the Muppets YSI!! Watched it last night and loved every second of it...

I need to learn that last tune they played "Cigarettes, whisky, and wild wild women..."

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That, to me, is the reason why The Muppet Show is the best example of "family" television: it has elements that appeal to children (but not teens or adults), elements that appeal to teens (but not children or adults), and elements that appeal to adults (but not children or teens), of all ages. Most so-called "family" programming is, in fact, children's programming, with very little of interest to teens or adults. (The second-best example of family programming IMO is The Simpsons.)



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I was on the simpsons since day 1, (actually i was in grade 1)...i was highly knowledged (??) on quotes and whatnot, but I definatly got very bored before the seasons broke into double digits...Its funny how the simpsons are on every day and when i catch an old episode i've seen at least 10 times I still catch something new that I never noticed before.

With the muppets though, I never watched on a regular basis...I remember some sketches very clearly - sam the eagle...and the muppet hospital with that killer organ theme song! I gotta find that one

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That, to me, is the reason why The Muppet Show is the best example of "family" television: it has elements that appeal to children (but not teens or adults), elements that appeal to teens (but not children or adults), and elements that appeal to adults (but not children or teens), of all ages. Most so-called "family" programming is, in fact, children's programming, with very little of interest to teens or adults. (The second-best example of family programming IMO is The Simpsons.)



The simpsons is an adult cartoon. There are many episodes I would not want my kids to see, for eg, last night I saw an episode where homer poses for pornographers...and many others that make for inappropriate kid viewing. Don't mistake this opinion as an attack on the simpsons--love 'em!!!~Just not a family show.

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