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Losing virginity


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I find it humurous that the context of actually "losing her virginity" was being used when talking about tampons. It is not a matter of losing her virginity to a tampon,since i highly and hopefully doubt that her daughter will be having sex with it.I think what she means is, if her daughter's hymen will be broken. And with that...I beleive there are not many religions who still depend on the breaking of a hymen to prove the bride is a virgin....since women seem to be having sex way earlier these days.

I am more curious to why the mother is so concerned....and i am more curious to why that would even matter to me????????

What an odd post and "ask Iris" question.

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I know Kelly_Anne won't disappoint us in her response to this thread (she aint disappointed me, yet :blush: :blush: !!) but just in case she's gone on a soul-cleansing retreat or something, I'll field this one for her.

One may think not many cultures nowadays 'demand' proof of a gal's virginity at the time of a marital consummation, but then one may not be familiar with the rise in conservative Xtianity. Girls who can't prove their virginity (though luckily, we're past the times of blood-stained sheets being flung from a bedroom window) will be subjected to much suspicion and denigration by their new husband, and possibly community. This "mom" who wrote to Tampax is simply a conservative Xtian concerned for her daughter's future, should a tampon destroy her hymen and thereby impugn her moral rectitude!

I would, though, consider both of them clinically insane for subjecting themselves to this non-sensical and oppressive religion!!!

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