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The Great White North Salutes MarcO... Happy Birthday Buddy

little black dog

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Thank you so much for the kind words and homoerotic content, friends. It is my birthday gift to myself to be as unproductive as possible in the office today, so I shall respond to each and every one of you!

little black dog – I miss you my friend! Why did you have to move so far away?!? Ah well, there’s always a cold beer waiting in my fridge for you and a couch for you fall aslepp sitting upright in front of the tv on! Thanks buddy.

NewRider – my favorite wookie! Of course, now in his de-wookification process, which is going swimmingly! Pop that collar boy! Strap on those chinos! Gel that hair! You’re a good man and you always put a smile on my face, rock on brah.

Lazlo – I know that underneath that filthy, crusty exterior beats the heart of a man who is more horrible and disgusting than any of us could ever imagine. You never fail to upset me and occasionally ruin my day. Thanks for that, you fat bastard.

Davey Boy – although we’ve only met once, you feel like a friend I’ve known for a long time. I mean, I have yet to feel you but you know what I mean. Thanks for the laughs. Please give Holly a little kiss for me, I hope she’s happy!

hamilton – thanks for not wishing me a happy birthday. I’m going to miss you when I kill you.

Calamity Jane – I often think that you are a lot like your hair Deb. Free, slightly twisted, a little out of control, nice smelling and beautiful. You never fail to penetrate my radar with your opinions and outlooks and I respect your individuality and self-assurance. Watching you dance and groove is a delight and inspiration.

Dr. Evil Mouse – man where do I start? An academic hippie with a taste for Bruce Cockburn? I think I’m in love! Best of luck with that finger of yours; it was a treat to hear you play with HM back in January and I do hope to hear you again soon enough (but unfortunately not at CTMF I’m afraid…)

secondtube – thanks for being such a good friend for all these years. It’s been quite a ride hasn’t it? You and Mighty T are in my heart forever – good people, good times.

Booche – who loves ya buddy? Me, that’s who. I can’t thank you enough for the many times you have just made my day with a message or a call. You are the vinegar in the water, something I appreciate immensely. You call things as you see them, make no excuses for anyone ‘cause you know it’s the right thing to do, and that’s why I’m proud to call you a friend!

edger – what a gift it is to have known you for so long, and it’s funny – it seems like we’re just getting started! You’re a kind and beautiful person. Truly some of my happiest memories of the past few years involve our weekends up north with you and Todd, or the campfires up at your country home. I know we’re gonna be friends forever and that is something I prize greatly and do not take for granted. You rock!

peipunk – now here’s a man I have a lot of respect for. Talented and kind, I love your pursuit of music no matter where it takes you. Your enthusiasm and spirit came through every time I heard your nasty bass tones and I pray the same holds true today, no matter what instrument is front of you. Thanks for the example, dude.

Deeps – I couldn’t have asked for a more quality person for my dear friend Sara to spend her days with. You’re a class act, a good man and a blast to party with. We have a long road ahead of us and I’m glad that, at the age of 32, I can still look forward to developing deeper friendships with cool cats like you. Can’t wait to break in your new place!

Willy – often late at night, I lay awake in the dark just staring at the ceiling and blinking and thinking about your hair. We will hook up for that pint one day and quibble about music, it is long overdue. Thanks for the birthday wish my friend.

c-towns – your withering comments and sharp-tongued barbs do no go unnoticed by MarcO! No sir. I think I see a kindred spirit in you – we both know that with good comes bad, that not everything is vanilla and that anyone who thinks this is not the case is a deluded and dangerous pervert. I think you’re quite fucking hilarious, so thanks for that.

payce-ley – I’ll never forget those nights at Polo’s, when Brendan and I would be playing and you’d be the only one there. Your enthusiasm and kind spirit will never be forgotten. But that was a long time ago and it’s still a joy to see you. The world is too beautiful for a man like you but you bear the weight of it all well. You have a beautiful soul in there, my friend. Thanks for sharing.

StoneMtn – a much-needed voice of reason in a world of flights of fancy and hyperbole. I never fail to read your viewpoints and posts and glean great insight from them. I hope one day to cross paths with you so I can shake your hand and maybe have a cold one with ya.

Asparagus – you are my favorite vegetable. I love to douse you in olive oil and salt and pepper and throw you on the grill. You’re also lovely in an omelette. I’m not sure if we have met but when we do please don’t be offended if I should start nibbling on your arm. You’re just too delicious.

bouche – your dog is awesome. Is that cranky enough for ya? Seriously, thanks for all that you do. I don’t always share your enthusiasm for all things “jammy†but I do know my life would be far less rich if you didn’t host this place for me to ramble on like an insane person. And your crème brulee is to die for. You’re an artist with a blowtorch. But seriously, few people have made feel as welcome and at home as you and Sharon did last Summer, I’ll always appreciate that. You are good people, indeed.

gentlemonkey – rock on, drummy. It’s been too long since we’ve crossed paths. I hope all is well and next time I’m in Ottawa, we’ll have to scarf down some pizza together, a’ight?

basher – I appreciate your constant bashing. Bash me harder. Bash bash bash! Always a pleasure to see you; I hope it’s sooner than later!

ollie – some time ago I was having a bad day and I lashed out at you. I’ll always regret that because I really respect your posts and I can tell by the company you keep that you are a fine person. Thanks for the birthday wishes, that made me feel good to see.

jay – thanks bro, it’s been a while. I hope the little one is happy and healthy and the jams are still happening. Hopefully one day we could jam a little bit.

backbacon – you’re like a warm hug, when you say “it’s good to see you†and give me a hug, I know you mean it. I wish the world had more beautiful cats like you. Thanks for all you do to make this scene a better place, you’re always a joy to run into and I’m sure we’ll cross paths soon enough! Peace, bro.

timouse – thank you for the birthday wishes. I am aware I can come across as crusty and acerbic but most of the time it’s all in good fun – I have a cynical nature that deflects pain and suffering with attmepts at humour, some succesful, others not so much. It was a pleasure to meet you a few months back – maybe one day we could jam a little and hang out. Hope so.

palaceprincess – it has been far too long since we’ve had a chat!! You’re a most beautiful person with a heart of gold. I have always found great strength through your support, it means a lot to me although I don’t always have a chance to tell you as much. What can you say about an independent, strong young woman who digs on Ween and Madonna? I say she’s pretty damn cool and one day we’ll crank up “Vogue†and have a dance party. I’ll add it to my “1000 things to do before I die†list. My mom and dad love you too, although they have never met you. They are just like that. Rock on, sister.

Thanks again for the kind words and birthday wishes! It makes me feel good, a kind birthday present indeed. Peace!

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i knew there was a reason you were in my dream last night... dancing... and i was an old woman. at first i thought it strange, but now i know it was my own little subconscious birthday celebration in YOUR honour!!

happy birthday MarcOhmygodlookatthatthing!!! (what is that? a finger? baby arm?)

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