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Attn: Cigarette Smokers


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So, due to the nature of the area in which I live, I can barely make it 10 steps out my front door before someone either offers me crack or requests a cigarette. Many of these are simply kick-down requests, but, occassionally, someone will offer to buy one. What gives? Are they serious? Is there a going rate for single smokes? Am I supposed to, on the spot, do math and come up with a pro-rated offer, or is this an assinine icebreaker? Do I look like a mobile, a la carte, Phillip-Morris representative or something? Really.

Your thoughts.

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"Can I buy a smoke" is something I think I've been hearing since the drastic price increase a few years ago...one day a pack was four and a quarter, next day it was eight and a quarter. The cigarette bummers must have been met with heavy backlash when asking, so it became customary to offer money. I never take the money either; my response is usually "I can GIVE you a smoke if that's what you want". There are days I've felt like taking the dough, though.

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Going rate was 0.25 back when cigarettes were ~6.50 a pack, and dropped to a dime when cigarettes went down to the $3-$4 range (but it was rare for people to offer money when a pack was so cheap). I have no idea what it is now that smokes are about $9-$10 a pack, but sometimes people have a quarter in their hand when they ask ... sometimes two ...

(also a crack neighbourhood here. Where are you at, YATS?)

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D- he lives directly across from crack house central....a block away from you....while you get the trickle...he gets the flood. :crazy:

I sat in my car one day waiting for Moosey to return a book...eating poutine and people watching.....man alive was I ever making the dude on the corner nervous....what a dumbass....yeah the pregnant girl in the the rusty, scraped up 1990 beater, pigging out on poutine, curiously half watching you is a narc....guess it'd be a great cover if I was. :P

oh and I used to offer .50 to a buck....a)it made me feel less guilty about bugging someone and b)if I made myself give more it made me smoke less.

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