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Everything you ever wanted to know about Scientology


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all that soul searching I have done over the years, answered in a Gif.

Sweet, I'm running down to the Church of Scientology right now to join. They just opened a (Church?, office?) about two minutes from here. I should be a scientologist by this afternoon.. Tomorrow I'm audtioning for a T.V. show or a movie.

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Did L. Ron have a serious personality disorder, or just really whacked pharmaceuticals? (and what about his followers? How can someone honestly tell Xenu's story with a straight face??)

that alien stuff just keeps getting further and further out-there, just when you think it can't get any more odd!

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howler, if you really want to know how bizzarro Scientology (and its practices are), consider this: during birth, the mother (along with everybody else in the delivery room) is supposed to absolutely silent. (Most mothers I know who hear about this respond, "Bwahahahahahahah!!!!") Not only that, but the kid is supposed to be kept in silence (no talking to the kid, no music, no lullabies, nothing) for seven days after birth.



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heard about that one. yup weird. Guess as someone brought up without religeon it just ALL seems like bizzarro science fiction, fantasy land babble....though I like the bits about being nice and all that kinda jazz.

But I don't know anything...thats my claim to fame at the end of the day.

...okay back track...Buddha teahings are trey cool.

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at least scientologists are seeking spirituality.

To paraphrase Hermann Goering, when I hear the word "spirituality", I reach for my gun....

I find from what I've learned about them over the years that the whole thing is a big self-indulgence trip wrapped up in mythic language to innoculate it from criticism.

I mean, what does "spirituality" mean, anyway? That you have spirit, are alive? Sure gives an edge over people that are dead, but doesn't it mean everything and nothing - which for practical purposes means "nothing"?

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at least scientologists are seeking spirituality.

To paraphrase Hermann Goering' date=' when I hear the word "spirituality", I reach for my gun....

I find from what I've learned about them over the years that the whole thing is a big self-indulgence trip wrapped up in mythic language to innoculate it from criticism.

I mean, what does "spirituality" mean, anyway? That you have spirit, are alive? Sure gives an edge over people that are dead, but doesn't it mean everything and nothing - which for practical purposes means "nothing"?


Here's a candidate for Post Of The Year!

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at least scientologists are seeking spirituality.

a bit strange but it's logic based...and most people are logically programmed nowadays...

the statements seem pretty tangible from certain points of view.

Are you saying that it's "logical" to believe that our bodies are inhabited by the souls of people from a distant planet who were transported here by a nefarious dictator and killed by detonating bombs in volcanoes? I realize it's no more logical than believing in an invisible sky-god who knocks up a virgin without disturbing her virginity, but from exactly which points of view is Scientology "credible"?

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but from exactly which points of view is Scientology "credible"?

Who said anything about credibility? That's just an obstacle all religions (using the term loosley) have to overcome. Just like Kaballah needed Madonna to gain credibility. Every good religion should have a madonna after all. :crazy:

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