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thanks greatly for keeping us informed Willie and Lee-Anne... super to hear she's out of the woods after her initial surgery and mostly (to me) breathing on her own

will work on a booklist...

of the top of the head, Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael" and H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" worked pretty good for me in the hospital... long term laid up at home I enjoyed Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov"

any Kurt Vonnegut is always fun... Frank Herbert's Dune series can help pass a few weeks... Narnia Chronicles / The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe etc is very fun reading

right on Christine... prayin for your speedy and thorough healin

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Will & Leanne: I know so many of us on here want her to know that we're thinking of her and sending our love and healing thoughts, sooooo, can you post a mailing address for her just as soon as she's in the place she'll be in for her laid-up recovery phase; that way those of us who want can actually mail her a book or two!!!

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Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know I just talked to Christine today. She seems tired and a little out of it but still is her normal cheery self. She'll be laid-up for about 4 months. The vision problems have subsided and her memory seems to be coming back which is great news. She still has no memory of the accident itself. Recovery here we come!

Thanks for all the book suggestions.

Deb, I'll find out tomorrow how long she'll be in hospital and let you know where she will be after that.

I told her of all the support and well wishes from you guys and she started to cry. Not the reaction I was hoping for but she was very touched.

Thanks again everybody.

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Thanks for the wonderfully positive news Leanner Banner!

I cannot imagine waking up, injured in a hospital without being able to remember how I got there. That must be very difficult to cope with.

Maybe \/\/illy can setup some electronicy thing that we can send money too? Perhaps you guys can put up a list of all of the well-wishers that would like to contribute to something that will help her get through the long haul?

If it was me, it'd be some sorta cool gaming thing. Didn't Scotty get a nice PS2 while he was in the hospital?

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Thanks for the wonderfully positive news Leanner Banner!

I cannot imagine waking up, injured in a hospital without being able to remember how I got there. That must be very difficult to cope with.

Maybe \/\/illy can setup some electronicy thing that we can send money too? Perhaps you guys can put up a list of all of the well-wishers that would like to contribute to something that will help her get through the long haul?

If it was me, it'd be some sorta cool gaming thing. Didn't Scotty get a nice PS2 while he was in the hospital?

If she likes X-box mine is there for the taking... Tiger Woods can eat up some hours for sure...

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((good Vibes)) hopefully the road to recover is a sucessful one.... I just finished "Perfume Jitterbug" by Tom Robbins, it doesn't have the depth as those other books you mentioned, but, its a nice story, makes you think a little and puts a smile on your face. I haven't read any of his other books, but I hear they are all pretty good.

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Big hugs for you and Will tomorrow and send one to Christine for me as well!


Why don't you get your ass over her and give me one in person bitch! ;)

well I mean if you guys can't wait until tomorrow to see me you better have some mustard on hand when I arrive! For some there's butterscotch nipples but we'll always have mustard.

and don't worry timouse if I thought for a second putting my ass over Christine and hugging Willy would help in any way...

I suppose it would either get a good laugh or a cringe/gag so lets not chance it and assume he meant "here"

Yes lets just tell Christine I'm thinking of her and not to worry I'll keep my ass to myself next time I see her.

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