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Jambands.ca Portal


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Many of you may not know that there is alot of contributions coming in lately and they do not get posted in the Cavern. Instead these articles, previews, reviews, etc are being posted in their own forums.

I am promoting them to the main portal page as they are formatted and posted. However, sometimes ALOT happens at once.

Please make your starting point www.jambands.ca

Check out some recent additions including, AD's Part 1 to his Bonnaroo experience, a review of Willie Nelson's fantastic boxed set extravaganza and other news bytes that are being sent in by some of our favourite contacts in the industry.


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Nice try buddy. Forcing us past more advertising by trying to direct everyone to the homepage rather than just linking directly to what we're interested in or have time to read isn't going to fly. You want people to see something? Post it here. This is where we all come.

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or you could just update your bookmarks?

the site is pretty big if you actually get out of the cavern and start exploring.

AD can handle these situations so much better than myself. I would have just called you stupid or ignorant. Perhaps both if I were feisty.

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[color:purple]I know how lazy \/\/illy is that he can't bother making one extra click to see what a peer in the community has contributed to the portal :P

What I can do is create a DIRECT link to the Cavern on the main portal so if y'all setup your bookmark/favourites to www.jambands.ca, land there, you'll have only one click to come here if there's nothing you see that you want to read and comment on.

This is the problem:

Articles are being written by your peers in this community, yet you are not seeing them nor commenting on them. This can get discouraging to contributers. As well, people that land here from the internet that aren't members will not comment because there is no discussion already happening.

I would like to ask people to do participate and make comments on articles and reviews. If there is only 10-20 of us you doing it, that's a big start.

I promise, I will join in!

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the site is pretty big if you actually get out of the cavern and start exploring.

exactly why I don't!

too much time is spent by people on the freaking internet

I don't care THAT much I guess

I go to the sanctuary, read a couple threads, maybe reply to som'n, maybe post som'n...that's plenty for me thanks

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or you could just update your bookmarks?

the site is pretty big if you actually get out of the cavern and start exploring.

AD can handle these situations so much better than myself. I would have just called you stupid or ignorant. Perhaps both if I were feisty.

Fine, start a thread with a friendly reminder for EVERYONE who visits the site to update their bookmarks. I can't believe I'm so ignorant. What a stupid idea I threw out. I'm kicking myself here.

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[color:purple]I know how lazy \/\/illy is that he can't bother making one extra click to see what a peer in the community has contributed to the portal :P

It has nothing to do with lazy but rather with time alotted and interest in said subject matter.

What I can do is create a DIRECT link to the Cavern on the main portal so if y'all setup your bookmark/favourites to www.jambands.ca, land there, you'll have only one click to come here if there's nothing you see that you want to read and comment on.

I don't want another step. Thanks for offering though. Do you have any idea how many times I click the mouse button every day already? I've got to fine tune my computer interaction to streamline it to take me where I want and when I want it.

This is the problem:

Articles are being written by your peers in this community, yet you are not seeing them nor commenting on them. This can get discouraging to contributers. As well, people that land here from the internet that aren't members will not comment because there is no discussion already happening.

That's not a problem of mine. If the contributors are getting discouraged, they should smarten up and just contribute here. Odds are I'll see it and if you're lucky I'll discuss it.

I would like to ask people to do participate and make comments on articles and reviews. If there is only 10-20 of us you doing it, that's a big start.

Just put the articles and reviews in here and I'll be sure to do both.

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Sorry \/\/illy, this site has grown in such a way that I've had to enforce a structure. I'll eventually get some other way to 'notify' users of new content within the sanctuary.

Do you realize how useless it would be for this site to dump content in a general forum? What if you wanted to find a review or article from say January or last summer? search you say? The sites indexer and search engine would KILL the server with dumping everything in here.

It'd be much easier to go to the archive of articles and search there.

Oh I could go on and on.

I'm just asking for a little cooperation and I got quoted up the ass :(

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It seems pretty evident that people are checking out the features. (number of views) Might take a few days to get around to em, but most people seem to.

I am not going to lie, I come here for the comraderie, music talk and the funny bullsh!t. So I will continue to surf directly into the forum.

But when I have extra time to poke around the features, I do and I will.

edit to add: I didnt mean to sound like an asshole, but i kinda did.

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