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Schoolteacher Arrested in JonBenet Ramsey Case


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His problems are just beginning. Wait until his fellow inmates find out what he's in for.

In a strangely heartwarming twist of justice, we can rest assured they will administer their own brand of sentencing.

What a weird world we live in.

Anyway, this is just so sad, but I am glad to see resolution of some sort.

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I like the response at http://dailygut.com Maybe we could get Ted Nugent involved. More exciting than a bear hunt!! :P


My favorite part of the article:

"Asked what happened when JonBenet died, he (the killer) said: 'It would take several hours to describe that. It's a very involved series of events that would involve a lot of time. It's very painful for me to talk about it.'"

Was it as painful as the ordeal the parents when through when suspicion drifted toward them and their son? Or as painful as Jon Benet's final moments being raped and strangled by a vicious perv?

Only in a culture where feelings matter more than actions can a killer actually express how his crime has made him a victim too. He could probably use a hug. Perhaps, by one of the bears from Grizzly Man.

This brings up another mildly interesting point: Bangkok obviously has become a massive bug lamp for kiddy fiddlers who like banging ten year old girls and boys. As long as we let that go on, we aren't that innocent either. As I keep reading about these "sex tourist" deals that are offered to American creeps who can't screw kids here - I keep thinking that this might be an opportunity for another kind of tourist package, one that allows avid hunters to go on the prowl for sex tourists.

"Ten days of truly big game hunting where the most dangerous game thrive!"

We could have different packages based on the hunter's individual needs, including trespass fees, group leases, fully guided hunts and, of course: trophies! Using four wheel drives or stay in remote cabins or tent camps - and whether you are an archery, muzzleloader or rifle hunter - we furnish everything.

Including taxidermy services.

Just a thought.

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What gets me here is that I don't think he's CONFESSED. The media is saying that he's confessed in the headlines. All he has said is:

"I was with here when she died"

"It was an accident"

In response to "are you innocent"

he says "no."

There could be much more to the story. (puts on CSI jacket)

The accused is in the basement with Mr. Ramsey and the daughter. They are working together for some strange reason. Maybe to stage a kidnapping in order to shelter money from taxes. Who knows? I think the father may still be involved.

Something goes wrong, and the accused was "with her when she died" but maybe he didn't kill her and the father did. So the accused is NOT innocent as he was there and didn't report the crime. Accessory!

How was the accused travelling all over asia for the last 10 years? Mr. Ramsey may have given the accused a wack of money to disappear.

That was crazy-theory-that-could-easily-play-out-on-TV # 1, although, it needs more detail as to why Mr.Ramsey and the accused would have been working together.

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I'm with ollie here.. I know a case like this really plays on people's emotions and it's hard not to get upset.. but.. don't we live in an "innocent until proven guilty" society?

Like ollie, I'm not saying the guy is innocent, but I don't want to get ahead of the game and sentence him before his case is heard (or has he come out and admitted guilt? maybe he has I don't know).

*update* well.. it looks like the guy has pretty much admited to doing the crime... so I guess I've made a moot point.

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I just noticed that not everyone gets access to the article that I linked to, if they aren't registerd with the New York Times. (I accessed it at home, but I can't from work.)

As it happens, I know that the Electronic Frontier Foundation made a project of registering the username "cyberpunk" and the password "cyberpunk" on many mainstream media sites. I tried those on the NYT site, and it worked. Use that if you can't read the article, and use it in future for any such sites as it may work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in a really shitty mood and that guys pervy fucking picture is really pissing me off. I want to reach into the computer and ring his disturbed fucking neck.

Clearly he didn't do it, he's living out some sick Benet fixation and has written himself into the plot like Charlie Kauffman in Adaptation.

My feeling has always been although I've never read this theory that the father was sexually molesting the daughter and was caught by the wife and a series of events unfolded that led to her death. I guess his DNA obviously doesn't match so maybe that's a totally bunk theory but so much about the parent's behaviour is suspect. I mean he finds her in a crawlspace and picks her up and carries her upstairs - I guess if you're in shock but come on 'crime scene'. The whole thing is sketchy and frankly it pisses me off the way Elian Gonzalez pisses off Dave Chappelle - thank god that chick is cute cause if she was an ugly black girl we never would have heard about her ass.

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sick of the media treatment of these types of over-hyped cases

its a terrible crime, no doubt... but there have been thousands of kids sadly abused and/or murdered since this one first got splashed on CNN morning noon and night for week after week a DECADE ago... its hardly been out of the news since

why the hell is this particular case so ridiculously high profile? because she was in beauty pagents caught on video tape at 4 years old? (which I personally think is a perversely sick thing for parents to push their kids into)

bet there's hundred's of missing ghetto kids who don't even warrant an Amber Alert on the CNN website

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