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Express Lanes at Grocery Stores...


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Why do idiots still use them when they have 40 items...


So I says to the guy..."Looks like you have more than 8 items there sir"

He says...."What are you, the manager?"

I says..."WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH YER GODDAM CUCUMBERS" Then I proceeded to punch him squarely in the nose, then beat him senseless with his 17 bags of plums.....

Allright...that last part didn't really happen, but that's what I wanted to happen.


Is what I really said.......

Boo for me...

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Why do grocery stores even have express lines? Why give a dedicated line (or set of lines) for the store's worst customers (i.e., the ones who are buying the least)? If anything, stores should reward the customers who are buying the most.



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i am actually one of those guys that always uses the express lane with reckless abandon.

if i have like 30 items, i use it.....

how cares i say...

the cashier always says "this is 8 items or less"

but i just say "yeah...i didn't notice....i already have all my stuff layed out.....plllleeease" ...and then i give her the puppy dog eyes...they can't resist.

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i've commented on peoples erroneous usage of the express line and gotten a "no speaka the english" from someone i'm VERY sure spoke english, and once, the guy gave his friend the few extra things and some money and said "THERE!" gleefully like he'd had that planned out for years.

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Ugh, I hate that!!

Next time that happens count out loud as he puts his items on the belt... ONE... TWO.... THREE... and then when he's over the limit start making siren sounds and flare your arms or something.

i think this would be hilarious to see! haha!

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I really like the "cash only" lanes, wherever they may be. If someone tries to abuse this lane, they have to get rejected - not because they're being jerkwads and the cashier doesn't fall for those foolish puppydawg eyes, but because the technology just isn't there. So there.

and I like the double express lanes: 8 items or less and; 12 items or less. Which means that you, as a 1-bag-o-potatoes-buying-dude, can scope out the "express" lanes to see which one is housing the jerkwad. You can choose to call out the jerkwad, or pay for your badadas and scoot.

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You know there is at least a 3 item lee-way on those lines...depending on what they are of course. I look down, if I see 10 items, in an 8 line aisle and there is noone behind me, I'm not going to sweat it.

This is also the line that if you are infront of someone who happense to have 10 less items than you, it is your obligation to let them through.

It's a form of traffic. Those same people that abuse the line and do not exploit their own courtesy, if they had any, are the same degenerates that destroy your sanity in day to day travel to work, back home again, or to the grocery store to get bullied to hell at the check-out.

Some items are packaged into one. If you showed up with 4 tomatoes, instead of a pack of 4 tomatoes...how would they be counted? What about the Party Pack of Clamato? Well, I know the answer has to do with the amount of items needed to scan, but if you have 10 cans of tuna, and they are all the same, the cashier only needs to scan in one at a qty of ten.

Basically, I realize, that there is no clear 8 items, and as well, you have a bunch of assholes living on the same planet as you.

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I worked as a grocery store cashier, and there was no way to scan in ten tins of tuna without scanning each one individually. The "quantity" button only worked for produce, otherwise you got an eorror message and had to call the head cashier to fix it for you. The worst though was when baby food or cat food was on sale, and people takes cases of hundreds and bring them to express.

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I was in a cash only line the other day, and I realized I had no cash - flashed the puppy-dog eyes and asked to use interact. So he went to the smoke counter, then I accidentally put in the wrong password---OOPSIE we had to start again.....I could feel people behind me in line burning holes through my skin with their glares.

oh well! I had to laugh!

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i was a cashier for a couple years at IGA, and in our store, 10 cans of something counted as one item. (we never had a problem with scanning quantity like fairysari did).

as far as that goes with the express lane, i can understand 10 cans of tuna being one item, they're small. but 10 big jugs of milk or something, not so much. fortunately we didn't have the jerkwads in whistler :)

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