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moe.down review.... :( for real

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Yeah the weather sucked.

I pretty much made a decision to just focus on the music and pay the rain no more mind than was necessary. It worked. Got us through the weekend.

The important part to me: much of the music was superb. Totally renewed my respect for moe. And new respect for a couple of the beer tent bands.

Review and lots of pics to come.

Dima: I'm surprised at you. You cant choose the weather. Yeah it sucked. But you CAN choose your attitude. You love moe more than anyone I know. You left early??? Sunday moe. rocked AND THE SUN ACTUALLY CAME OUT for a bit. Eat that.

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I agree with some of the shit Dima said for sure. The vibe was definitley much more sombre this year(even in sketch alley) because of the rain. It's amazing what an effect weather can have on the collective mood. And then how much an effect ones own mood can have on their enjoyment of an event. The site def. looked rougher too.

I was camped out with an unbelievable posse of merry-makers, so I don't think it would've been possible to have a bad time. Thanks for keeping spirts high guys!! Everybody from Canada I ran into seemeed to be having a great time.

Overall, the music I saw, I enjoyed.

I thought moe. played really well all weekend I thought the Page sit in was great and loved the spacey 'Wind it up' intro. Last sets on saturday and sunday were smokin.. I think I enjoyed every set. (although I thought the afternoon set was pretty standard/boring, I was also feeling like hell though.)

Otherwise: Grace Potter rocked out hard. I was super impressed by her voice, B3 playing, and great band. It was in the southern rock vein I'd say, soulful for sure.

Page's band was very ambient. It was a little too quiet and drowsy, but I really liked a few of the tunes.

Ramble Dove was a drunken hoedown. They were saying some weird shit, and I like that.

Ziggy Marley's sound check took up 45 minutes of their set.. That was a little frustrating. Their set didnt make up for it either. I'll always treasure his message : "ride the wave, free the slave".. (? what slave?)

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The big out-of-left-field surprise for me was Before Cowboys. I'm not sure I expected anything, but what I saw/heard impressed me immensely (I think I commented that it sounded like "prog country").

Pat McClimans Group was also a lot of fun; even though their first set didn't impress me much (but they did stump me with a Zappa cover I didn't recognize; I talked to them later on, and it was "Magic Fingers" from "200 Motels"), in their second set, they opened up the grooves a bit to allow a bit more fun(k) stuff. The guy they had on chair was the best chair-sitting I'd even seen (on stage, anyway), and the "Tomorrow Never Knows" with Rob was a blast.

How much trouble/fun did everybody have getting out? jonyak and I took off early, and got onto the paved road without assistance by about 9:00am; we were glad to have left so early, because we figured the parking area wouldn't get any better, and if we did manage to get stuck, we'd have a shorter wait for a push or a tow from the tractor(s).

(The other big find this weekend was on the drive home: Lloyd's Of Lowville is a seriously old-school diner right near the mall with the grocery store. One breakfast special [eggs, keilbasa, home fries, toast, coffee, coffee, coffee], and we were good to go. One of the local patrons even thanked me for coming down for the weekend. :))



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How much trouble/fun did everybody have getting out? jonyak and I took off early, and got onto the paved road without assistance by about 9:00am; we were glad to have left so early, because we figured the parking area wouldn't get any better, and if we did manage to get stuck, we'd have a shorter wait for a push or a tow from the tractor(s).

(The other big find this weekend was on the drive home: Lloyd's Of Lowville is a seriously old-school diner right near the mall with the grocery store. One breakfast special [eggs, keilbasa, home fries, toast, coffee, coffee, coffee], and we were good to go. One of the local patrons even thanked me for coming down for the weekend. :))



No trouble getting out. But man, your diner praise kills me Brad- we drive right by that diner, considered it but kept going, thinking it looked a little old and crappy.. Drove to Goghan, NY and had the worst meal in the history of mankind at Schulze's Family restaurant.

It was so bad and we were so delirious we had to laugh. But truly, worst food and service ever. We thought it might be better named: 'stuff on a plate'.

I won't get into details, but imagine the worst possible cafeteria food from the 50s.. and you have an idea.

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i left early cuz i couldn't eat or even stomach water...i didn't feel normal again till the next day...

i'm not sure what i came down with, but it was horrible....

think HANGOVER+stomach flue+migrane..


what moe.'s up, must moe.down....

saturday was a great show...

i'm really happy most still had a good time...

i guess for me, it was just a horrible combination of awful odds that lead to a lousy trip....oh well... still have faith in the moe. though....no doubt.

oh and gentlemonkey, i have a little bone to pick with you.....

in the line up in around 4:30 on friday..... you walked by my car and stopped to say hello to a fellow holding a baby....i yelled "JAY!!" out the window....u looked right in my direction....looked right through me....had your conversation with baby holding man, and then continued walking.....our eyes met....you broke my heart.

*pokes holes in the eyes of jay in all my nero photos, eats ben and jerry's, watches Sleepless in Seatle*

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oh and gentlemonkey, i have a little bone.....

I'm sorry about your little bone, Dima.

Seriously though- I remember running into my friend w/baby, but I didnt hear you at all. I was all frazzled at that points cause we we're still in line, but had already started moving shit to a campsite. *MUuuust get set uppp!*

Next time, maybe jump on my back and rub your stubbly legs on my arms. That usually gets my attention.

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oh and gentlemonkey' date=' i have a little bone.....


I'm sorry about your little bone, Dima.

Seriously though- I remember running into my friend w/baby, but I didnt hear you at all. I was all frazzled at that points cause we we're still in line, but had already started moving shit to a campsite. *MUuuust get set uppp!*

Next time, maybe jump on my back and rub your stubbly legs on my arms. That usually gets my attention.


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oh and gentlemonkey' date=' i have a little bone.....


I'm sorry about your little bone, Dima.

Seriously though- I remember running into my friend w/baby, but I didnt hear you at all. I was all frazzled at that points cause we we're still in line, but had already started moving shit to a campsite. *MUuuust get set uppp!*

Next time, maybe jump on my back and rub your stubbly legs on my arms. That usually gets my attention.


What are you implying, sir?

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sad i didn't get to meet the dima...

i bumped into freak by night though. It was good to get to know all yous who I didn't meet in PEI...prost,cully,stapes,jay,kyla,jonyak,bradm, steph,mattm...

As for Scott, Jordan and Lisa...where the hells were ya'll? You can bet the "poop behind the bule" story was retold countless times. poop.

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Too bad you missed this:

09/03/06 (Sun) Snow Ridge Ski Mountain - Turin, NY

Set 1: Moth^ > New York City^, Down Boy, Waiting For The Punchline, Y.O.Y. > Moth* > Brent Black

In particular, the tail end of this set was one of the all time moe. down highlights IMHO. The bass action that Rob pulled during the Brent Black was unfreakinbelievable!!! Also, the Jazz Wank>Dr. Gaffenberg to open the second was quite tasty as well. Otherwise, I thought that Page was weak as well which was disappointing considering that he's my fave and the rest of the moe. action had solid highlights but nothing stood out like the Sunday night. Par for the course though...

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