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Burning Man Burning Incident


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It seems impossible to survive, when that man burns it's creates a very, very large fire.

It's too bad, but there are several extreme injuries every year methinks. It's very, very fun, but would fail each and every safety inspection one could imagine. Everything has a sharp pointy thing sticking out of it somewhere, or homemade wiring suspended above a hot tub or something. Then there are the plane crashes and cars spouting 60 foot plumes of fire.

If you've ever thought of going, you should go next year for sure.

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I attended this year's Burn... unbelievable (more details to come).

However, I did not hear of this incident, and still, can't speculate on it. Coming home, I read in the Reno paper that there was one death at this year's festival. It was a young man who sustained a head injury and died the next day. I suspect it was the idiot who jumped off the second story of an artcar I was partying on.. he knocked himself out cold for a long time.

It's a dangerous playground out there... as Velvet said, bursting with fire!

I now sit at my desk, trying to focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, I'm still riding an unbelievable high, fueled by excitement, and anticipation of the next year!

I'm not sure I'll ever say, "wow, that's a big fire!" again.

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I was playing... 22 hours a day on the most awe-inspiring, creative and dangerous playground in the world.

There is no main stage. Many of the theme camps had musical support, but there are very few live bands performing... mostly DJ's. However, this is not a music festival. The greatest most single presence here is the element of fire... on a greater scale than you can possibly imagine. Take all of the fires you have ever sat around, stack them 100 high, and 100 wide.. add all of the best fireworks displays you have ever seen, and then multiply times 10. See, you still can't imagine the magnitude of this event.

Friday night, I sat under an explosion of 300 gallons of jet fuel, pressurized with propane, and thrust into the air. It made the biggest gas cloud I have ever seen. It was scary hot, and I could only pray that it would end... it lasted about 6 seconds. Never in my life has my entire field of vision been filled with combustion. Infuckingcredible! When I returned to camp (several kms away), my neighbours were scared that there had been a disaster off in the deep playa (read: desert). I explained that it was a controlled explosion (not a detonation). They still shook their heads, "On purpose?" Yes, on purpose! Unbelievable!!!

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yeah, according to repeat participants, the saturday burn (the man) has been growing more and more elaborate each year. this year however, the temple burn (sunday) was scaled down, but followed by an impressive burning of "the belgian waffle" structure... constructed of 2"x3" wood beams, about a million of them into a giant matchstick-type structure.

the gas explosion on friday was unrelated. just another exhibition on the playa... another speck of sand at the beach. :)

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Que c'est did you see 'Message to/from the Future' the installation people wear calling the Belgian Waffle. Folks look up a pic of this it was just unbelievable the pics I saw (I think they're on www.nytimes.com/images maybe use the cyberpunk password if you need). Also I think another piece was called 'Hope Flower Fear Trap' that was really trippy. But not like this behemoth looking woven beast on a HUGE scale.

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yes, i absolutely loved the belgian 'waffle', or 'wave' as i believe it was intended to be called. this thing was out of this world... rumour had it, a wealthy belgian man hired a crew to come and help build this, as he wanted to be married under it at burning man. sunday night, they threw a party, supposedly including 40,000 belgian beers, and then burned it to the ground from the top down!

here are a few pictures:




my pictures don't do this thing justice. it was lit inside and out at night, with raging parties... and i didn't get very close while it burned. the burn picture is the 'waffle' while looking through a massive cathedral.

here's a picture of the cathedral:


these were two of the largest installations on the playa. ...more to come later. i'm exhausted.

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so i've been doing some research on the event and one thing that kinda cheeses me off is they don't provide WASTE MANAGMENT.

"leave with what you bring" is the idea.

so this is a good idea in THeory....but when you have 40 000 people gathering and camping for a week....tons of garbage is created...

and although people are leaving with it....i'm sure most just dump it in a dumpster on their drive away from the area....

now, although this leaves the playa clean....isn't this just making burning man's waste some one elses problem instead of the organizers?? kinda lame...solves nothing enviormentally and does nothing to promote cleaner camping....

if u want to see incredible waste managment by a mass gathering....look to BONNAROO. now thats incredible and inspiring.

anyone thats been care to shed some light??

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that is a main part of what burning man is about. it's not a "festival" in the sense you are thinking of (ie. bonnaroo). you leave the playa as it was. there is no vending there...and no need for waste. you bring all your own food and drink for the time you will be there. people also bring shitloads of art-creation stuff...but they pack it all out after. it does take weeks for the playa to get cleaned up.

besides the art/junk, i think it does promote "cleaner camping", in that you package your own resources and don't depend on organizers for anything.

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I've been checking the news for info on the guy who ran through the fire. It seems that 15 people went to hospital for unmentioned treatment, so presumably he was one of those.

There doesn't seem to be any specific report on it, but the incident definitely happened, and I know that because my friend was not only near it, but read about it in the "Burning Man Newspaper" that is published within the festival each morning.

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i think it promotes cleaner camping as well... the pack in, pack out policy causes you to plan for minimal waste.

there are also burn barrels on site, so if you bring things in combustible packages (paper and wood), you can burn your waste on site. for example, we used wood 2"x3"'s to construct a shade structure, and were able to burn the supports rather than bring them home. ...same with the water cases (cardboard).

driving home, i did consider that it would be a profitable venture for local communities to provide waste services ($5/bag or something), but they don't want it. unfortunately there are garbage bags strewn along the highway, but most seem to be improperly secured to rooftops, rather than simply discarded. either way, inexcuseable.

that said, we did ditch a couple bags of garbage at our hotel dumpster in reno.

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