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The Office


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I was a disbeliever too. However, i have come around and find this one to have legs of its own now. Last season was an absolute riot! Haven't watched the episodes from this season yet, but everyone is raving about them.

Go out and rent the second season, then start watching. Steve Carroll is brilliant. Not a Ricky Gervais clone, but has built the character as his own now.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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BD.........do it. Much like yourself, Douglas and I are big fans of the BBC series. This one was watched through very skeptical eyes at first but we are now massive fans of it. Like I said, the first couple of episodes in the series are directly lifted from the BBC version. Its not surprising since Rickey Gervais is a co-producer on this one.

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"I'm a deer hunter. I go all the time with my dad. One thing about deer, they have very good vision. One thing about me...I am better at hiding than they are at vision."

Like everyone else I thought this would be another crappy american remake...but I love it now...the "survivor" episode from season 1 really hooked me. Dwight rules!

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I never thought someone could pull of the Garreth character better than had been done but hot-damn if Dwight Shrute isnt one of the funniest things going on the tv.

Dwight Shrute: Let me describe the perfect date: I take her out to a nice dinner. She looks amazing. Some guy tries to hit on her... now he wants to fight- so I grab him- I throw him into the jukebox! Then the other ninja’s got a knife, he comes at me, we grapple, I turn his knife on him. Blood on the dance floor. She’s scared now. I take her home. I’m holding her in my arms. I reach in for a kiss... I hear something in the leaves, I flip her around, she gets a poison arrow right in her back. She was in on it the whole time... but I knew.

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I'm almost in tears each week. I LOATHED this show when it first started in Season one, but somewhere in Season Two, Ollie suggested I try it out and I almost pissed my pants.

You'll be sure to drop all memories of Ricky Gervais and the other actors when you discover the original storylines and dialog.

The season premiere had some of the funniest moments on television EVER!

NBC.com has some clips

longest running gags ever:

"Assistant to the regional manager"

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"I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff I can look up anyone’s psychiatric records or surgical histories. Yeast infections…there are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably…because we’re downriver…from that old bread factory…"

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I keep seeing your avatar bouche and think that it's weezy posting!

The Office is funny stuff! British and USian. Too bad I forget to watch it EVERY week. I've only seen 3 episodes total probably of the US version. That and My Name is Earl... I forget to watch that every week too. Come to think of it, the only thing I remember to watch is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. That's a good show too.

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Dwight claims to be able to raise and lower his cholesterol at will. When asked why he would want to raise his cholesterol, he responds, "So I can lower it."

Dwight: Michael? Michael, Michael, Michael. Come here, come here, come here. Listen up everyone! It is the 11:23 exactly. The exact moment when you emerged from your mother’s vaginal canal.

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The Office=Incredible

I loved the "Head Office" crew playing Call of Duty and taking Jim into the office to reprimand him about his game skills, hahaha.

I used to do that in my old office. We'd even have strategy meetings for the next session of Counterstrike.

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