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A plane just crashed into a building in NYC


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The entire "news" industry is scum. They are using people's fears of the words "plane, crash, building, New York" to sensationalize what seems to be a non-event.

No disrespect to any victims or emergency personnel at the scene.


im at work and was just at this local greasepit getting a meat enema, where they always have CNN on... i think i heard Wolf Blitzer say "not related to terrorism" and "only 5 years since 9/11" about a dozen times in 20 seconds.... all people hear is "related to terrorism" and "9/11".

so many analysts trying to get reports and they're all the same... "i heard a loud noise and saw lots of smoke".

christ on a stick.... this is not supposed to be entertainment!!!

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The entire "news" industry is scum. They are using people's fears of the words "plane, crash, building, New York" to sensationalize what seems to be a non-event.

As a member of the media, I find this a tad offensive Basher. Did a plane not crash into a building in New York? what other words are there to describe what happened?

this is huge news in light of 9/11. anytime a plane crashes into any building anywhere it is an event - mainly because it so rarely happens.

Every report I've seen stresses the fact that it is not terrorist related. Maybe I'm missing the sensationalism because I'm immune to it or something? help me out here.

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Sorry to offend you, MK. I was flipping channels and hit CNN - they show a small fire in a building that was hit by a small plane, and they have terrorism experts and taglines like "10/11 the next 9/11?" running across the bottom of the screen.

It offended me. The amount of fear-mongering spewed out by the American mainstream media really is offensive. We don't see it as much up here, which is a good thing.

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I like the Stewart clip Bouche - very fitting.

Keep in mind though that one of the main purposes of the media is to ask questions. All those CNN headlines are legit - the FOx ones notsomuch. For example, "Saddam and 9/11?" was exploring possible ties between the two. We know there are none and I guarantee CNN's story proved that. Joe Blow couldn't prove that. Glorious media.

The first thing I asked when I heard about today's crash was, "another 9/11?"

I bet you thought it to?

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