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Environmentally Responsible Car Ownership


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Is biodiesel the way to go?

My occupation requires that I have a car and that I do a lot of travelling with it. I'm trying to figure out how a person can be environmentally responsible as possible with a new car. It occurred to me that buying a diesel vehicle and running it on biodiesel (as much as possible) may be a great way to go.

Does anyone have an opinion on such matters?

Anyone know where to find a list of biodiesel refueling stations?

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Well, while we're on the topic, I am also about to buy an enviro-vehicle, and I expect it will be a Smart Car. I've heard that the hybrids have their own environmental concerns, because there is some sort of "battery" or something that must eventually be discarded.

Anyone know the real deal on Smarts or hybrids? I am pretty sure I'm getting a Smart, unless someone convinces me otherwise.

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a diesel vehicle is generally better in a lot of respects. diesel is a less refined fuel, so less energy input per unit of energy output. they have the added bonus of running on biodiesel (as opposed to dino-diesel :) ) diesel also burns cleaner, at least chemically speaking. diesel exhaust has a higher % particulate (visible black crud) but less VOC's and other nonsense associated with gasoline.

there are some problems. biodiesel "gels" in cold weather, you will want to mind the temperature if you are running on biodiesel...depending on the source of the "bio," it will start to get weird at -10C. the municipal works yard in halton hills went biodiesel until the weather got cold :P

hybrids seems like a good alternative, but you then have a consumable battery to replace. basher ownds a honda hybrid, he would be a good source of info as far as battery life, composition and cost.

as a rule batteries are evil, but all cars have 'em...

there's my $0.02

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Depending on what you use them for, I think Smart Cars are dumb cars. For one, they are not good for highway driving - and quite frankly, dangerous on the highway. Second, they are only good for driving around town, thus are bad for the environment when you could use the TTC instead. Third, they are useless for loading anything in them, other than one other person in passenger seat.If you still need to use a car, then look into Zip Cars. You can rent them, gas and insurance included, for as low as $6 an hour. Zip Cars come in many models and sizes, including Smart Cars and the Toyota Hybrid and even gas-sucking SUV's. I wish I never bought my car. I'd rather rent and/or Zip Car instead.

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Why do you say Smart Cars are dangerous and not good for highway driving? I have no personal experience, but anyone in Whistler who I know who had one drove up and down the Sea-to-Sky Highway with it all the time, and that is one crazy highway. Given that they are designed with roll cages like race cars, I'm not too concerned, but I'm interested in why you think they are dangerous, because I might change my mind.

As far as only being able to put two people and a bit of luggage in the back, that's no problem for me. I'm aware of that and have considered it. I can always use my wife's car on days that I need to transport more people or my dog or something.

I am very curious about the danger-factor you mentioned, though. That could concern me.

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Hey Corey,

For one thing, a fender-bender in a Smart Car is pretty darn serious. Also, Toronto drivers are some of the most aggressive and dangerous in the country. And another thing, how comfortable are you with winter driving in a Smart Car - or heading on a trip on the 401 during a heavy rain, trying to pass transport trucks. They are European built and not designed for North American highways like the 401. And one more thing, Smart Cars are pretty expensive and on a practicality scale, not a good buy overall.

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.... They are European built and not designed for North American highways like the 401...

Not sure what you're getting at here... Europe has dozens of multi-lane highways like the 401.

The Smart car is built by Mercedes - a German automaker. Germany is the home of the autobahn.

That said, I'd be scared shitless driving a smart car on any highway.

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.... They are European built and not designed for North American highways like the 401...

Not sure what you're getting at here... Europe has dozens of multi-lane highways like the 401.

The Smart car is built by Mercedes - a German automaker. Germany is the home of the autobahn.

That said' date=' I'd be scared shitless driving a smart car on any highway.


I believe I was getting at that they suit small European city streets where parking and driving is tight.

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I take your points.

I am still unafraid of driving a Smart Car. Call me "stupid".

I do agree with Birdy, however, that in any collision, it is always best to be the driver of the Hummer, or even the transport truck. (I spent years defending negligent drivers who caused accidents, and must say that Birdy is correct that the bigger car usually wins.) I still don't plan on buying a Hummer, though.

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:) nor do i.

Not sure what you're getting at here... Europe has dozens of multi-lane highways like the 401.

The Smart car is built by Mercedes - a German automaker. Germany is the home of the autobahn.

That said, I'd be scared shitless driving a smart car on any highway.

i think moreso European highways aren't littered with transport trucks and SUVs like the 401.

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behind a car the other day, light changed, buddy put-putted ahead really slow... I was eye-ballin him wondering "what the hell" but then they got up to speed and I didn't worry about it... when they turned a few blocks ahead I realized it was a hybrid (assuming maybe electric from the slow start?)

had to re-adjust my drivin tolerance levels... alls good now... bring on the hydrids

(this one was pretty big, didn't look like it'd crumply too easily... pontiac I think)

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what about building/converting into an electric car....?

Since hearing an interview by the EVCO (Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa) 'round about the time "Who Killed the Electric Car" came to theatres, and learning that it would take less than $5000 to convert, I've been putting the 'word out' that I'm looking to find someone who would take on this project (paid, of course) for us. So far, no bites.

So I throw it out to this community...has it beeen done? recommendations?

Next option is to find out where (& how much) for Tomfoolery to get the school bus transmogrified to run on waste-grease (with an on-board converter, I think, too)



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