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Holiday Gift Ideas...


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i saw an ad for digital picture frames for $60 at either the source (radio shack) or best buy, i cant remember which one.

to answer the question, the best things I ever got were things that I can use, in my everyday day life.

like a gps for my car,

pocket knife


stuff like that,

I really really realy hate getting things that dont really have a use, i've been getting alot of that latley, like stuffed animals, pottery, and other things that just sit around collecting dust on my shelves, and eventualy end out packed or somthing

if i'm going to buy some one a gift I want it to be something they will use alot so when ever they use it they'll think of me

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I got my mom's some hand carved salad tongs from some dude in ont. that and a smelly candle.

dad gets a wine bottle re-corking machine. and some socks.

bought my bro a book called "bringing down the house" a book about how 6 MIT students took over 3 mil from vegas casino's in a blackjack card counting ring. i'll prob read that one before i give it to him.

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I like being taken out as a gift. My brother gives me gift certificates to the movies and tells me I have to take him. So we go to the bookstore, get way overpriced fancy coffee (which I love) and look at books together for an hour or two and then go catch a flick. That way I have something to open (the gift certificates, which once were in a shoe box covered in several thousand layers of duct tape, packing tape, reflective tape, etc.)

I would love to get a reservation confirmation to a hotel and tickets to a concert or other cultural event.

I would rather get to do something with people than have something. Even just going out for dinner, or ordering in and watching a good movie.

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One of my favorite gifts of all time was from bouche last Christmas. It was a year's subscription to audible.com. I have listened to at least 20 books this year. That's way more than I'd ever have a chance to sit down and read.

I "read" when I drive, I "read" when I work out, I "read" when I travel.... LOVE IT!

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