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Colbert vs O'Reilly


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From http://blogs.mercurynews.com/aei/2007/01/a_night_of_colb.html

The much-discussed crossover involving Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor'' and Comedy Central's Colbert Report'' is going to happen.

The two cable channels have announced that Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert will trade appearances on their respective shows the night of Jan. 18 -- which should make some for real giggles. "The Colbert Report'' is, of course, a faux news show that sends up right-wing pundits, while "The O'Reilly Factor'' (the top-rated show in all of cable news) just seems like a faux news show (well, to liberals anyway.)

It sounds as if both men are going into the cross-over with the right attitude. In a statement, Colbert said it was going to be "an honor to speak face-to-face with a broadcasting legend -- and I feel the same way about Mr. O'Reilly.'' Meanwhile, O'Reilly allowed that he was "looking forward to speaking to the man who owes his entire career to me.''

And that's the truthiness.

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Colbert is the man without fear! First, his speech at the National Press Dinner in front of the president is one of the great satire bits of all time. Now I can't wait for O'Reilly. Billy Boy is such an asshole and doesn't take to this too well. For a prime example, see if you can find his appearance on Letterman. Dave takes him to town and puts him in his arrogant place.

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What I thought was hillarious was the o'Reily was talking about aculture war between his king of "traditionalist" and the "secular progressives". Then he went on to call Colbert a "secular progressive" like it was a dirty word.

If someone called me a "secular progressive" I say yes and be proud. I mean it speaks to leaving behind the outdated constructs of religious social dogman and allowing yourselve to embrace new concepts and "progress".

Too much.

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I find Colbert and O'Reilly two of the most aggravating personalities on television.

Colbert might be amusing in small doses, but I find the way he hides behind his character pretty cowardly and exploitative of his guests most of the time. Beyond that, my biggest issue with Stewart and Colbert is how a ton of people get the majority of their "news" from these two. The Daily Show and the Colbert Report could be worthwhile and entertaining supplements to harder news, but I think it's scary when people get most of their political news - and all of their political opinions - from these comedy shows.

As for O'Reilly, he's clearly closed-minded and insecure, and that's not to mention the chronic lying.

I guess what I'm trying to say is the thought of Colbert and O'Reilly on the same show is, for me, akin to having Jessica and Ashlee Simpson both coming out of my stereo at the same time. No thanks.

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I love Colbert and think he is the best thing on TV in a long time. Finally someone sticking to the right wing, and beating them at their own game.

The writing on that show is "top-notch" and Colbet's timing and comedic delivery are second to none as is his attention to detail.

As for people "getting their news" from these shows. That is their fault. These are comedy shows and if people can not tell the difference then that is the problem, not the show. These shows cannot be held accountable as real news shows....'cause they are not real!

if there was a 24hr all Colbert/Daily show channel I'd watch all the time.

for me O'Reily Vs. Colbert is like having Britney Spears wining out of tune in one ear and Miles Davis riffing with skill in the other. all I gotta due is tune out Britney.

P.S. Colbert is not cowardly in the slightest. The man went to the white house and called bush out face to face on number of issues and dropped massive bombs to the commander in chief, who was squirming not 30 ft away. Colbert has no fear!

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