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What the Bleep Do We Know!?


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Todd’s up north, there were no shows tweaking my interest, I was taking a break from the grind of school, and my friends all had something better to do, so I rented this movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?†that a colleague of mine has recommended (it was hard to track down, I might add)

This film is part documentary (lots of interviews with experts in various medical fields, and interests in quantum physics), part story, and part visual effects/animations. The main character finds herself in an Alice in Wonderland type experience when her daily, uninspired life begins to unravel, revealing the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality.

Well this flick is Enlightening and perplexing to say the least! It is highly worth checking out (Paisley, I know you especially would get a kick out of this)…

If you dare, try and siphon though some of the points that I was able to take away from this, and chew on them….

-What is happening within us can create what’s happening outside of us.

-When we see/observe an object, the same areas of our brain light up/become active as those which are activated when we are merely recalling a memory of that same object/ or related experience

-If the brain does not distinguish between sight and memory, than this begs the question of what is reality

-Our “perception†of reality only arrives after we reflect on what we have observed within the context of our memories/past experiences

-Memories can actually cloud our vision

-Therefore there is no “out there†external of the self that is independent of what is going on “inside†of ourselves

-The brain does not know the difference between what it sees and what it remembers

-In this movie, Quantum physics (of which I know very little about, and find challenging to wrap my head around…) is described as the “physics of possibilitiesâ€

-Essentially quantum physics hypothesizes about the sub-atomic world (e.g. thoughts, intuitions, etc.)… it can admittedly get a little nutty

-The universe if mostly empty

-We tend to think of mass as a solid entity, but in fact mass is quite insignificant compared to the universe (space is more predominant, therefore one must question whether mass is actually the voids within space, and not the other way around)

-Atoms come and go, and quantum physics begins to question what happens to these particles in between? (Maybe hippies and there talk of "vibes" isn't so far off after all)...

-Atoms/objects can exist in multiple places within the universe at the same time (they use the simplified example of a blurred photograph to illustrate this point), it is our observation which places it into the context of experience (any experience is only one of many possibilities within the realm or continuum of consciousness)

-On a societal level, this raises questions about who or what gets to choose amongst the possibilities of reality

-for example, is there “substance†to a thought? (This depends on what we think is reality)… all answers would be true, there are different levels of truth which collectively produce our unified experience

-One expert referred to the process of observation as representing the spirit (i.e. our consciousness drives the rest of our biomedical body)

-Ideas and thoughts produce feelings which create proteins (peptides) within our bodies

-These proteins then attach themselves to cells (which have numerous different possible receptors, each creating the own biochemical reaction that in turn create our sense or perception of what is reality)

-For example, love (or the experience of love) can be many different things to different people, dependent upon their past experiences (e.g. compassion, pain, security, lust, etc.)

-Each cell is alive and has consciousness (cells are the smallest unit of consciousness in the body)

-This movie also touches on “religionâ€

-Conventional religions and science tend to advocate that we are not in control of our individual and collective destinies and therefore escape accountability

-Quantum physics suggests that we cannot play the victim, as we all have the ability to affect the reality that we see and live

-Our thoughts can alter our surroundings on a molecular level, and we can also become “stuck†within our own realities

-“God†(and not in the “backwater†sense) is not distinct from us, we all are God, even on a cellular level (obviously the movie explains this notion much better)

-Once interviewee claimed that the height of arrogance is the height of control of those who create God in their own image

-There is no judgement day, only joices of existence

-There is also thought provoking discussion on addictions, which a lot of us in this community could probably benefit from taking the time to think about

-We bring to ourselves “situations/indulgences†in life that fulfill the biochemical needs of our bodies on a cellular level

-If we bombard ourselves with the same biochemical experiences over and over again, this can limit our ability to experience alternate realities

-Watch the movie which explains this in greater detail on a cellular and spiritual level, and take away what you will

To summarize these random thoughts, all I can say is that this flick is worth watching. You have to pay close attention though, cause there’s a hell of a lot of info packed into 90 minutes. I have no doubt that I have not done this film justice, and I don’t necessarily buy into all that was presented, but I do buy into the fact that some of these claims are possibilities of truth. The movie makes one question whether we are able to achieve a level of enlightenment that allows one to see themselves through the eyes of someone else that they have become?

Brain hurt yet? Mine does…

Anyone else seen this flick, or care to comment?

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I've read about most of those concepts in the past and they are mind-bending indeed. That movie however was a little cheezily produced and sharon fell asleep, but I can't help but try it out again. There is a followup that seems to have been done much better.

I have a DivX or something...i'll try it out again.

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I believe the follow-up is called "Down the Rabbit Hole" or something along those lines. I haven't been able to track that one down yet though... The blockbusters are taking over the world...

Oh and Cully? I beg to differ. But things can certainly go one way or another...

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oh man.. I just watched half of this a couple of weeks ago. The part that blew my mind was the part with the water and how the person wrote the messages on the water, and things appeared in it.... that was amazing.

Or the part with the Shaman and the ships...

The things stick with you. I really want to see the end!

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I'd suggest that you actually go to blockbuster to find it. It's not a rare movie. I saw it about 3 times on the Movie Network after seeing it elsewhere on TV.

It's an accessible introduction to quantum physics.

The only new ideas I had found in that movie were the water crystal exercise, the '2 places at once' and the approaches to these topics.

I am by no means a quantum physics geek (kinda wish i were...heady shit) but none of these topics were very heavy on my sensibilities as they weren't new to me.

I agree - cheesy production, but since there needs to be plot and CGI to keep most peoples' attentions nowadays it was entirely important even on a lower budget.

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yays, have a copy of What The Bleep/Down the Rabbit Hole... someone got me to sit down in front of it a while back... good film, definately covers a lot of ground I tend to ponder anyways (didn't realize what a quantum physicist I was until I saw it :)

Imagine if there had never been anything, not even space. And no one to even realize there had never been anything?

great synopsis of whats layed out in the movie Edger... sounds like you're really feeling it... actually have a collection of companion books for the film on my other computer, and some unrelated but really killer quantum physics books... will throw em onto a disc for you for some rainy day Edge

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I went to three different blockbusters (on separate occasions), and two Rogers before I found one that actually had it in stock

A few of them used to have it, but had sold their copies due to "lack of rentals"

The same thing seems to be the case with the follow-up

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Sounds good paisley...

Yeah, I was surprised by the whole quantum physics thing too. Never knew it could be so much fun! Not all new ideas to me either, but was definitely one of the first times I had had it explained to me in those terms...

Kind of reminded me of the Celestine Prophecy. Especially that scene in the garden.

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I went to three different blockbusters (on separate occasions), and two Rogers before I found one that actually had it in stock

A few of them used to have it, but had sold their copies due to "lack of rentals"

The same thing seems to be the case with the follow-up

and will throw those movies onto the another disc for ya

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I stared at the screen for a few minutes trying not to be rude about the Celestine Prophecy.It worked.

What the bleep is fairly interesting and does a fair job at a quantum physics for dummies approach.What freaked me out is that JZKnight/Ramtha(the zsa zsa lookalike withn the weird voice)angle-the directors and quite a few of the speakers in the film are all devotees of the Ramtha cult.Kind of detracts from the whole scientific objectivity aspect.

Down the Rabbit Hole is just another expanded edition of the original I think.

I love the part with the pictures of water crystals that have been spoken to.

In a total asshole vein- deaf people talking in that weird tone freaks me out.I wish they wouldn't.

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niffermouse and i watched this a long time ago, and were initially sort of "meh" about it.

a few weeks ago, we went for a visit to our local organic farm and took their puppy for a run in the woods. when we came back, we talked briefly to our friend who owns the farm...a propos to nothing, johann started talking about this film and told us we should see it again. so we went to our hokey small town video store and found it on sale for $9.

watched it again and got much more out of it...dirtybird, you mentioned the celestine prophecy as something similar. that book, which originally i thought to be full of obvious ideas, has been coming to mind more and more, and particularly after seeing WTBDWK again.

my friend johann the farmer is a very inspiring guy, and lives his life realizing that "whether you think that you can or cannot, you are right." this theme runs through WTB, and, who knows, if you truly can change your own reality by thoughts, at the very least life becomes a lot more fun.

niffermouse and i are in the middle of selling our house and moving to KW, and this way of thinking about things has been really helpful to both of us.

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I found this movie to be really lame when I watched a few years ago. I was not at all convinved by the scientists, who prefaced every thing they said with, "Of course there's no way to prove any of this."

We just rented the Celestine Prophesy movie last week and wow. I had forgotten how much I had disliked the book. Add to that horrible actors and poor production values and you've got one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Although the shots of the Peruvian jungles are beautiful.

What is it with the CP though. If it is supposed to be a philosphy it is really weak and hokey. If it is supposed to be a work of fiction then it has a really boring a obvious storyline with no intersting characters. Kind of like Ishmeal.

[color:purple]Maybe I need to get my tealeaves read while consulting my magic crystals and having my aura cleansed.

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I love the part with the pictures of water crystals that have been spoken to.

This was my favorite part of the movie.

Momma Ginny and I went to see this movie at The Staircase Theatre way back when it came out. I loved it. MarcO and I rented it a bit later when it came out on DVD, which was easy to find then.

I definetly felt that some of the concepts blew my mind a bit, so much to think about...

It's interesting that you couldn't tell the main actress was deaf at first, thought that was an interesting twist.

A few parts were a bit cheezy I agree, but overall I think this was a great film!

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This 'movie' is fantastic and really blew my mind... I got the "down the rabbit hole" version from torrentspy. It's just a super extended version with extra interviews etc... I think it's like 5 hours in total.

I think the same folks made another Doc called "The Secret" which can also be found on torrentspy and is also very worth watching. If your into that kinda thing...

We are all connected to the oneness, and we all paint our own reality. Once people realize this, anything is possible! I'm already seeing positive changes in how my life is working. If you think in the negative, the universe will send that negativity back to you. We must always think in the postive, and of what we want.

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