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Facebook is addictive!


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i hear lots of employers are catching on, more likely wasting lots of time on facebook themselves, and screening through people applying for jobs on facebook, kids not getting jobs because of it. they showed some kids at mac saying pics of him drunk on facebook ended up not getting him the job.

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I joined last week and I did a handful of searchs that turned up no one I knew outside of the same folks on myspace, so I deleted (or tired to) my account.

My issues with it are, after deleting my account, its still showing up as an active account (no matter what I do) and my information is still on their record. I've emailed the support there and have been told there isn't anything they can do after I join and agree to their terms. Worst part is, if I try to log in, it says I haven't got an account, I don't have one but apparently they do on me.

Also, anyone who joins and has my email address (my private email) in their address book automatically includes me in the mass "hey come join facebook" email that they send after joining (unknowingly perhaps). I have recieved about 15 from there in the last week.

This has turned my private email into a new spam playground, I went from three of four spam emails a week to about fifty today alone. Argh, what a mess. Time for a new email address I guess.

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I joined last week and I did a handful of searchs that turned up no one I knew outside of the same folks on myspace, so I deleted (or tired to) my account.

My issues with it are, after deleting my account, its still showing up as an active account (no matter what I do) and my information is still on their record. I've emailed the support there and have been told there isn't anything they can do after I join and agree to their terms. Worst part is, if I try to log in, it says I haven't got an account, I don't have one but apparently they do on me.

Also, anyone who joins and has my email address (my private email) in their address book automatically includes me in the mass "hey come join facebook" email that they send after joining (unknowingly perhaps). I have recieved about 15 from there in the last week.

This has turned my private email into a new spam playground, I went from three of four spam emails a week to about fifty today alone. Argh, what a mess. Time for a new email address I guess.

crap...wish I'd read this before finnally agreeing to join.

So I joined but I don't get the point. I mean I e-mail or myspace friends I want to chat with...I'm not looking for another venue to chat in...I thought mabey it was another music finding site...but it doesn't appear to be which is why I dig myspace. I tried to search for stuff but it told me I had to be apart of a group to do that...so mabey there is music and art to find???

I hope I don't get a gizillion mails in my e-mail now....fuck I allready recieve like at least 20 friggin 'babyfit'mails a day and I've never read even one of them...ballz.

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Tooly and Alabama Man both raise points that I have been thinking about along with other thoughts that actually freak me out !!! These so called FREE fun sites seem so harmless and fun, but when you stop and think about the negative things that could happen from these sites its scary, to me atleast. Maybe I have watched to many sci-fi or conspiracy movies but it seems like this is right out of one of them. I mean these sites are free to us, but those sites need money to run, I know alot of money can be generated from the ads on the site.. but buisness is greedy, our information can be woth ALOT to people we have no idea they are handing it over too. Not only that, but if someone wanted to steal your identify or really fuck with your life all the info they need along with pictures and everything is right there for the picking...that we have voluntarilly handed over for anyone to see. I've always been kinda paranoid by nature but I just feel we are all being watched to a degree and we just keep handed them the info....

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