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Kids paint the Music of Dave Lauzon


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I was going through these again and thought that some of you might find them pretty cool.

These are paintings done by kids aged 6-12 who had their very own Dave Lauzon concert! Dave and I taught a workshop where he explained the language of music-major and minor notes to create emotion etc, and also how he creates his own music.Then I talked to them about visual language and how it could be related to creating pictures in your head while listening to music.Then Dave played a full set for the kids while they painted how his music made them feel.

Thanks again Dave!!!









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What a great idea!

My favorite is the Beavers of Sadness happily sinking.

Me too - that one and the first one w/ the open road heading to the sun setting/rising behind the hills. That said, they are all quite amazing

The one of the guy on the horse and the lady with the baby makes me want to go and give the kid who drew that a hug.

Thanks for sharing Allison.

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Beavers of Sadness

Hilarious.You should change Harmonic Tide's name to that.And start playing Canadiana emo.

Speaking of jayr-he also taught a workshop that week.We made drums, and he taught the kids basic rythmn, my boyfriend made up lyrics with the kids and then they recorded their own song.

The kids band was called Mrs.Krinklepot's Screaming Yoghurt Band.

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