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People, thank you for keeping this a discussion and not another 'bullshit' episode.

AD I might be off of the figures of the pipeline, but I would love to see the actual figures if you know a link to where they are. I really want to learn as much as I can about the Canadian Oil industry.(know your ememy and exploit their weakness)I know its worng and I should present actual facts but I have generalized alot of what I have said in an effort to not drag things out and keep more to the point. You can not provide enlightenment to those who can or chose not to first, see.

As a father who wants to see a clean healthy planet for my grandkids and their grandkids, also as someone who generally cares about what is going on around me, I thank you for choosing to ride your bike.

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Can you name the truck with four wheel drive,

Smells like a steak, and seats thirty five?

Canyonero! Canyonero!

Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down

It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown

Canyonero! Canyonero!

Hey, hey!

Twelve yards long, two lanes wide,

Sixty five tons of American pride!

Canyonero! Canyonero!

Top of the line in utility sports,

Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!

Canyonero! Canyonero!

She blinds everybody with her super high beams

She's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin' drivin' machine

Canyonero! Canyonero! Canyonero!

Whoa, Canyonero! Whoa!

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AD what Im saying is we have the...ABILITY...to produce. That number is what is capable of flowing through the pipeline in one 24hour period unless my brother in-law who works on the pipeline is wrong. If we have the ability to produce such an amount of raw petroleum, why dont we have the ability to reduce the usage/waste/sale of said petroleum.

What Im saying is why are we selling(basically giving) this and all of our Natural Resources to the US and any other countries and driving our own costs through the roof. Why are importing Oil when we have our own????????

I don't know all the facts either but I think under NAFTA Canada is contractually obligated to export no less than 60 per cent of all extracted oil to the US. When we wake up one day and realize oil is a non renewable resource, destroys planets, people and brings about war, and then decide to quit giving it all away to the US, we still have to continue for the next 5 years at the 60 per cent pace.

Again, I am pretty sure I read that somewhere but don't know for sure. Either way, oil/gas is considerably undervalued if you consider all the damage and expense it causes. Even at a $1.30 it's a steal.

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there is this site which has some interesting info - http://oilsandstruth.org/

there is also a little fact sheet that a friend at encana sent me this morning, i quoted from it in my posts about pipelines. i did a bit more research and asked some other people here at work as my company does a lot of work in the oil patch and couldn't find any other pipeline figures, or pipelines. the numbers on the sheet were verified as by the encana contact as "very close" to present day numbers, but he couldn't tell me how old the figures were either. so i guess take the current-ness with a lump of salt (or bitumen) http://www.oilsandsdiscovery.com/oil_sands_story/pdfs/pipeline.pdf

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Dont forget the value of Oil is in American Federal Reserve Dollars. Is it really worth it for Canada right now with our dollar so high and no tariffs or taxes?? They have our lumber, our oil, our money, major businesses, the list is endless. Next will be our water. What benefits does Canada get??? They want to build a wall between us to keep us out. Thank you for all your nice things Canada now fack off and don't bother us.

edit. Thanks AD. Now can I bring the pipeline that was just built through Afghanistan by the US Army into this too??

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edit. Thanks AD. Now can I bring the pipeline that was just built through Afghanistan by the US Army into this too??

Sure' date=' if it exists. Since when does the Army build pipelines?


They don't, they give the contract to one of those lovely companies like Halibuton.

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I saw a doc recently that showed the MASSIVE pipeline that is being built the Middle East right now (of course i forget what it was called and a lot of the details). There were a ton of UK engineers involved and it is all very secretive. The areas where it is being built are very secretive. The doc team found "fields" of pipes all the way along waiting to get installed. The whole thing will be underground too (enviro impacts!!!)

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I saw a doc recently that showed the MASSIVE pipeline that is being built the Middle East right now (of course i forget what it was called and a lot of the details). There were a ton of UK engineers involved and it is all very secretive. The areas where it is being built are very secretive. The doc team found "fields" of pipes all the way along waiting to get installed. The whole thing will be underground too (enviro impacts!!!)

well - there are lots of pipelines for lots of things. afghanistan isn't even in the middle east. so what are we even talking about here?

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well - there are lots of pipelines for lots of things. afghanistan isn't even in the middle east. so what are we even talking about here?

It is just that the topic of oil, pipelines, war zones, etc. came up and it got my frazzled brain spinnin' .

A lot of people feel that the importance, geographically, of Iraq is part becuase of the possibilities of new pipelines being constructed. You don't want to build one that traverses a country that one cannot "control".

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over a fine sensi one evening, someone told me that global warming and gas shortages are a scam invented by the oil companies to hype all the new energy technologies that they also own. developed countries are "forced" to accept the new technologies (also in part because we can afford to) but under-developed countries and developing countries (like China) cannot afford new energies and thus have to continue to rely on oil and coal. in the end they will never catch up to our economic dominance because of their inefficiencies and they screw up their environments ta boot. so, both the oil (new energy) companies profit and western hegemony continues.

of course, i could have heard it wrong.

go Sens!

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I'm with the Llama Man. We have to change our attitude (as a society) about oil. We have to freely choose NOT to use it, and be Happy and Positive about that, or more accurately... REDUCE our consumption. Cheap gas and cheap cars/cheap flights only leads to more consumption.

As far as a global war starting over oil... well sorry, it's already started... WWI... the first deployment of troops was the British to Iraq to prevent the creation of a Railine from Berlin to Baghdad, so that they wouldn't be able to secure their own source of oil.

This video was really enlightening, and with the comedy, I found he got his points across quite well...

Sure, an individual may think they are not consuming much gas/fuel if they don't drive... but our food source is essentially a TRADE of oil for food..

At the turn of the last century (1900), we used 1 Calorie of oil to create 2300 Calories of food... now with industrial farming, that ratio has shrunk to a 1:1 gas to food ratio. Wether is the pesticides, industrial farming machines, or the distribution, and don't forget the marketing!... it's an oil intensive process.

If every one choose not to use gas on one day, it would be impressive. However, every gas station I drove past today had people in them... and it only goes to show how far off we are... especially when we complain about the rising cost of gas, instead of volunteering not to consume things that are gas intensive. At this point, making the price of gas goes up is the only way to effectively control the consumption of the resource by the masses. I welcome the $3.00 Litre... I mean a cup of gas costs a QUARTER... a cup of Coffee cost $1.50... to $5.00... I mean that's just a fackin' Grand Canyon gap in terms of the raw power of each of these 'resources' when you consider how much WORK a cup of Gas can accomplish compared to a worker with a cup of Coffee... I'll take a chainsaw with a tired worker over a Worker with an axe all jacked on Java any day.

And more GOOD news... our dollar is as high as it has been since 1978 today. We are now worth more today than we have in 30 years compared to America... when you figure in the per-capita factor... us Canadian COULD be very influential.

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Aside from having to look at your avatar that was a wonderful post.

THere are so many factors that come into play when the oil debate arises. There are a lot of elements to it that people are often in the dark about. The history is all important as well. Those that control the oil flow have power ... we are encouraged to feed the beast and anything trying to go against it is easily squished :(

I've always loved asking people what they paid for their bottled water when they are complaining about the price of gas at the pumps.

I'm all for higher gas prices as well. HOWEVER, the extra profits should not being going to the oil companies, but rather through taxes that would be levied. Those taxes (kept in check by public watchdogs) would then be used to fund alternative energy sources, encourage citizens to opt for those alternatives, etc.

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Yeah, in no way is the solution one that is as simple as:

Go this way: Good

Go that way: Bad

if there was a common undercurrent though is that the masses are INCREDIBLY unaware of what this "market world" we live in is, and how it works. (Kind of like a driver who doesn't know how the car works, just that you stick the key in and it goes)...

That's perhaps why raising awarness through things like 1 day boycotts are useful... but also a sign of how futile they REALLY are right now... they would only be impressive if a huge percentage of people participated... cause then they would be promoting awareness, and would see a democracy capable of imposing a REAL change on society, and that's kind of the goal... which in itself is only a step to an even bigger goal/paradigm/consequence that awaits us and our children, and our childrens children in the future.

I can't say it enough though it seems around here. I am optimistic, in as much as I believe I will be able to endure the worst. My lifestyle I believe is slightly ahead of the curve of the masses in as I don't believe I will have to give up that much to change... perhaps this plastic box infront of me will be my biggest loss?!

Naw... it's going to be Banana's in Feburary... that shit still blows my mind!!!

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