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Waters dumped for Sens Game

Northern Wish

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I just called Scotiabank Place. They hope to have this resolved by the end of the day. NHL sets the schedule for the finals. They also take over all security etc. In earlier rounds there is leeway (so games get moved because of things like Dora), but the finals are different. If they cannot reschedule Roger Waters, the show will be canceled.

I can't see the show being rescheduled for June 3 or June 5 as it would mean shows 3 nights in a row for him and he doesn't have any of those elsewhere on his schedule. The tour ends in Toronto on July 14, so he could play Ottawa after that date (Scotiabank Place is free the next few nights).

(with my luck it'll be rescheduled when I'm out of town)

this sucks IMNSHO.

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hey Waters freaks - while you're awaiting word of the concert, dig his private diaries:



Got up. Had a bath. Doctor came round - said they would have to operate to remove my sunglasses. Decided to give it a miss - after all, I've never seen Dave Gilmour in shades. "


Phoned Eric Clapton - but his mum said he can't come out to play with me anymore as I depress him. Talked to her about the war for a bit till she hung up. Mothers - they're all the same. Went in the studio and met some guy called Steve Vai - apparently he plays guitar. Asked him to put some stuff over my demos but he just warmed up for an hour, asked if it was OK and left. Dave and the guys were in the studio next door and sent through a demo they were working on to see if I would put some lyrics on it. I did, it went like this -

Fuck off Dave Gilmour

And the rest of you too

Keep your sodding ferraris

Your mums smell like poo

You got the floyd name

but I know your game

It's all metaphysics

And I write better lyrics

Not my best work but I thougt it appropriate under the circumstances. Phoned my lawyer and asked him to phone Dave's lawyer and say that Dave was a wanker. And anyway, didn't I get a restraining order?? "

Funny stuff

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yeah, it's a classic piece of satire.

Got up, had a bath. Decided to have a cup of tea. Milk had gone off again. Made a mental note to shoot Dave Gilmour. Went for a walk in the park. It was a nice day, lot's of mothers with their children on the swings etc. No fathers around - maybe they all died in the war. Couldn't stay long - the police turned up and took me to the station. Got questioned for two hours on why a middle aged man dressed all in black with sunglasses on should hang around the playground. Talked to the officers about the war and how my father was killed. Got let off with a caution and a promise to see a shrink.....
Had lunch and the postman turned up. A letter from mum reminding me that it's Uncle Bob's birthday next week. The power she still wields...will I never be free?? Beat my fists against the wall in anger and frustration for about 20 minutes. Decided to have a cup of tea.
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I just called Scotiabank Place. They hope to have this resolved by the end of the day. NHL sets the schedule for the finals. They also take over all security etc. In earlier rounds there is leeway (so games get moved because of things like Dora), but the finals are different. If they cannot reschedule Roger Waters, the show will be canceled.

If that's the case I'm surprised the series isn't starting on Saturday in Anaheim. The reason I heard that it wasn't is because of a conflict with Stars On Ice.

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Less drama for NBC coverage if they started with Game #1. They want to start with Game #3. When is Game #3? Next Saturday ... go figure.


Game #1 would conflict with Miss Universe 2007!

Game #2 would conflict with Outrageous TV Moments and Medium.

You can see where programming priority lies :P

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Game #1 would conflict with Miss Universe 2007!

Game #2 would conflict with Outrageous TV Moments and Medium.

You can see where programming priority lies :P

Yeah, it lies with the ratings. Way more people will be watching Miss Universe and Medium than would ever watch hockey, especially a game involving a small-market Canadian team.

ONCE again, SPORTS takes priority over MUSIC! It's just like highschool. New equipment and jerseys for the football team, and old clogged and rusty trumpets for the music students.

way to go

No, this is not just like high school. That building wouldn't exist were it not for the Senators, and their making the finals is perhaps a once-a-generation occurrence. Roger Waters will be playing nearby, and perhaps will still be playing at Scotiabank Place, so it's not as though people won't have a chance to see him. For all intents and purposes, it's the Senators' building, so I see no problem with him having to step aside, even though this has disappointed some people. It's not as though the Senators are trying to play in Roger Waters Stadium. As for your "rich football team v. impoverished high school band analogy", I'm pretty sure that Roger Waters could buy and sell every member of the Senators and their management multiple times over, so I don't really think that works.

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