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4-4:20 pro pot speech at cop shop...smart?


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Originally posted by Tooly:

i was hoping CH would have some live footage kicking but theyre showing clueless

maybe that's a good thing --- you think viewers would make the connection that cash and connections make airheads..... comparable to spaced out stoners?

worse of two evils???? i say the ignorant one with messed up focus more than the spacer with blurry hard to put into words focus....

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Not to putn t fine a point on it, and since we are on the same wavelegth.

It is still illegal to smoke pot in public. The police with whom I have spoken advised me to think of it as alcohol. Do it where it is licensed and endorsed and you are fine. Ie. home, private clubs, bars etc.

If you smoke in public you are comitting a misdemeanor (sp?) offence and can be ticketed.

I hope they all get tickets.

Personally, I smoke outside all the time, but make sure I am around the corner, in an alley or a lot or park to keep it low key as I have always done.

I hope you guys went out. I will call this bastard and tell him what I think.

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My friend e-mailed y'all's banter to me, so I had to join up so I could reply.

I support Marc Emery. Not only has his magazine helped to dispell many myths, spread herb appreciation and knowledge, and challenge America's Global Domination stance, but they've also been part of the impetous for many of the current changes in Canada's pot laws.

I first read of Terry Parker, who uses Cannabis for Epilepsy in Cannabis Culture. Because of Terry Parkers case, Pot laws are considered unconstitutional in Canada. In Ontario, said defence was presented, and the courts found in favour of the defence. There are no laws that the police can legally use against you at this time. We need to seize the moment! Last week I met some kids in St. Catherines who had their weed confiscated by a cop. This has always been a violation of your human rights, and finally now the courts agree.

Emery has been arrested for posession in five other provinces for doing the same thing. This is not a media stunt! These actions will trigger precedent setting decisions in courtrooms acrossthe country.

As for sticking it in the cops faces; Someone is only insulted if they chooose to be. Herb has never had any business being illegal. Just because it has been illegal, doesn't mean we should prescribe to those values that were formed under the tyranny of prohibition. There is nothing at all wrong with smoking herb. That's the point!

To treat herb like one does alcohol would be to say they are the same and have the same effect. I feel their effects are nearly opposite. Alcohol is treated like a poison by your body because it is a poison. Alcohol is a man-made poison. Herb is created by the same force that created us, therefore no man has the right to pass judgement upon this plant, or the people who interact with her. And now, finally, there is no law preventing people from exercising that fundamental right. If Marc Emery decides to be the guy to do it, more power to him!

Check out pot-tv.net for footage from kingston.

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interesting.....this guy was in london yesterday or the day before, and i think we're having more of an uproar on this board than any attention the media in london gave him. he did his thing, said his piece, and left. that was it. point taken. police didnt emerge, nor should they have, nor would anyone have expected them to.

i dont see it as a slap in the face to anyone. its a choice, like anyone makes, and thats that.

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I didn't realize it until I went to his site. I had read a really killer article in a business insert from the Financial Post (or some other paper) that had about a dozen info-filled pages on the business of pot. Most of the article followed Emery around to his business of selling seeds and shit.

It was VERY interesting. I had no idea that the POT industry is the second largest industry only beat out by the Cattle industry. Holy shite!

I guess what I also took out of it was some respect for the guy in the article, who, if it's the same guy, I can't help but be intrigued by his ultimate plan.

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Marc Emery is a politician. It's that simple. He may be one who's mandate we all support, but he is still a politician. I don't believe for a second that his ultimate goals are to improve the quality of human life, but rather are to further his political career. He shoots his mouth off when it should be kept shut and he hasn't represented the movement in the way that would have been most effective. In his televised interview that I watched a couple of years back (with CBC?), he must have smoked a huge fun-stick moments before. His responses were delayed, off-topic, and non-sensible in most cases. Anyone watching it would have thought it a perfect example of the effects this drug will have on our society: It'll produce dull, slow-witted, lazy people, who don't have the common sense to keep their wits about them when they need to. If you think that's the most effective way to represent the pro-pot movement, perhaps you should open a window, sit back, put down the bong, let the buzz wear off, and re-think things. [Wink]

Love and peace (and plenty of recreational bong-hitting)!

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Amen. He's being funded by commercial pot growers who, quite similarly, aren't out to provide good smoke but out to make big bucks. I respect his intentions but I will NEVER support a one-issue platform, whether it's the Green Party or the Marijuana party.

I'll leave Yo alone about the alcohol/pot comparison. God created the coke plant too my friend [smile]

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happily, when I picked up this mornings hamilton Spectator there was simply a pleasant little article saying that there had been a gathering of 100 people discussing the implications of decriminalized marijuana at the police station... small article, page 5, well written and not over-sensationalized...

alls well that ends well

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Originally posted by ahess6488:

I'll leave Yo alone about the alcohol/pot comparison. God created the coke plant too my friend

Too true. God also dreamed up fermentation, a natural process, for that matter. It was us that refined the techniques of isolation, reduction and concentration. Many of the natives of South America have been happily chewing the coca leaf for millenia without issue.

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Tony made a good point, one that slips past so many potheads and skids it's unreal. Pot SHOULD, in all ways, be treated like Alcohol. It has the potential to harm you or your loved ones, it doesn't mix well with driving, it's a controlled substance...so flouting this legal loophole by lighting up and walking down main street in your town really isn't doing much in the long-term to normalize the use of pot. Step outside your own realm for one second and consider the example you're setting for younger people who are just now discovering pot...should they follow one's example by rolling a huge doobie and blowing it in a cop's face? That's no more acceptable than drinking a 40 in a public park and smashing the bottle on a cop car...as much fun as that might sound.

I'm also not a big supporter of Marc Emery because outside of the medical aspect of it, I don't feel the need to march in the streets for recreational marijuana. If any of you learned about Maslow's hierarchy in school, I think our society is still working on the bottom rung of that pyramid..the basic human requirements of food, clothing, shelter, etc...Ensuring health and welfare for people comes first in my book, legalized dope smoking is much further down the last. And I know some people will say that it's the constitutional aspect that's important but the "Right to Life.." (to borrow from our neighbours) comes jsut before liberty, no?

The other aspect of pot that I think is getting lost in the decriminalization argument is the creation of a sense of community you can establish with a joint. I believe it should be honoured as a group thing, shared with friends and lovers and family because the greatest interactions with the drug are in the presence of other people. And like alcohol, many of my greatest memories that involve pot ALSO involve my friends. I don't like seeing people rolling up doobies and smoking them by themselves, or refusing to share what you've got. The goesaroundcomesaround part of me likes to share what I have because you just never know when you'll be caught high and dry at a Carly Simon concert or something. So let's all try and emphasize our sense of community by sharing the resources.

P.S. The least amount of sharing in Ontario: Ottawa (pathetic really)

The most in Ontario: Guelph (I miss G-Town)

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