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$1 Canadian = $1.07 US


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my neighbour just came back from Ohio a few days ago and was saying that a few stores he went to were they only giving 70-75 cents on the dollar

That's outrageous. What is this, 2003? I wonder if any suckers actually take them up on that!

Sheesh .. I now officially make 20% less for every dollar I earn than I did at this time last year. Get your act together, yanks.

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You're right, it is way cheaper to travel in America now. And our economies are very close-knit. I just wanted to use the word "hoopla" in a post.

Good point about the "inferiority complex", which I think is uniquely Canadian. What's the yen worth, less than a cent? I don't think the Japanese have an inferiority complex.

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That's what I'm doing too. Keep it in USD accounts until this blows over, or invest it in international markets that are currently on sale. Otherwise it is just fucking depressing.

[edit:] ack, that doesn't make much sense to read back .. I used 'it' there twice in the same sentence to refer to two different things. What I was referring to was investing available CAD in foreign markets to offset the decline in USD. Must be Friday or something.

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i write bad
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That's what I'm doing too. Keep it in USD accounts until this blows over, or invest it in international markets that are currently on sale. Otherwise it is just fucking depressing.

[edit:] ack, that doesn't make much sense to read back .. I used 'it' there twice in the same sentence to refer to two different things. What I was referring to was investing available CAD in foreign markets to offset the decline in USD. Must be Friday or something.

Replace USD with LSD and read this again. :wink:

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Early into King George the Second's Presidency; Saddam switched the trading currency of oil from the US Dollar to the EURO

A war war here and a war war there and by the time the money runs out; everybody is wondering who to blame?

Just in time for a Democrat President to step into office in 2008 with a treasury in shambles. Should be a cinch for Republicans to be back in control by 2012.

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