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HAppy Super Bowl Day!


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Great fucking win by the Giants tonight. What a display of kickass defence! Was bummed I couldn't make it to my buddy's place tonight for some wagering, as I would have made off like a bandit with Giants bets :( Oh well, it was good to see the "underdog" win such a good game.

Can they please regulate the tempo of the singing of the national anthem? Damn, i hate it when they slow it down to almost half-speed like tonight (and, as always, lip-synched).

Tom Petty did a good job at half-time. At least I didn't have to fast forward through it. It did make me realize that I could save money and not be too heart-broken not seeing him this summer on his second finale tour :P

Wonder what part of the world all those "Perfect" championship gear that was premanufactured will all go???






Hey, nice to see Belichick stick around for the last play of the game :P

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Tom Petty did a good job at half-time. At least I didn't have to fast forward through it.

At least we got to see a real band at half time. So much better than the lip sync'd crap and horrible performances they usually have.

I thought the Heartbreakers kicked ass.

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At least we got to see a real band at half time. So much better than the lip sync'd crap and horrible performances they usually have.

I thought the Heartbreakers kicked ass.

I agree ... much better than any other half time show I remember seeing ... I thought they packed a lot of rockin' into that short time frame.

And the game was great!

Peace, Mark

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At least we got to see a real band at half time. So much better than the lip sync'd crap and horrible performances they usually have.

Hey hippies. Pay more attention. The past few years have been outstanding.

I forgot about Prince ... and the Stones ... short-term memory loss for this aging hippie! :)

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