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Ottawa Bus Service...


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Thank God someone finally noticed our management is screwing things up and is doing something about it...

Transpo bosses warned: Shape up

Council threatens to seize control if bus service doesn't improve ... and fast


It's been a horrible past couple of weeks hearing the drivers are to blame, and being frontline staff it's been hard to listen to customer complaints...

PS...if you've ever had a problem, please, email your councillor.

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FYI emailing your coucillor does nothing. They don't even send you a bullshit stock response letting you know that they received the mail.

I've been trying all winter to get help in Sandy Hill.........


I've been very dissapointed with Georges Bedard and his response (or precisely lack of) to emails. I even voiced my dissapointment in further emails. I only got responses from his staff, and never him directly. This was wrt his position on the baseball stadium and the new Can-Am team. I never received a response with his position on the issue. And I did get responses from other councillors who do not represent me.

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Transpo bosses warned: Shape up

Council threatens to seize control if bus service doesn't improve ... and fast

Our city's council couldn't control a two-seater backhouse - not sure what they hope to do to our public transit system if they "seize control".

I wonder the same thing. City council has threatened to take control, but hasn't (as far as I've read) said exactly what it's going to do that'll improve service.



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I have been furious with oc transpo ever since I started riding them. its not the drivers. its the fact that we pay the most in the country for a crappy service. well they pay more in toronto, but they have subway, rail cars and bus service 24 hours a day!!

When I was riding the bus they were ALWAYS cramped, late or never came. and the fairs kept going up and the services cut back. it made no sense to me then and this makes no sense to me now.

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get a car people.

buses are destroying our environment. 95% of all pollution is contributed by public transit.

did you know that every bus that is on the road equals about 500 cars each day? That cannot be overlooked. If everyone drove a car to work, there would be less traffic since all those giant buses would not be taking up all that space. They have their OWN FUCKING LANE for crissakes!

buses are also costing us our jobs to get outsourced overseas. Since there are so many buses on the road, many companies have to move operations to 3rd world countries that have no buses since these people don't need them to get to work. They have mules and carts.

Here`s an anti-bus rally from last january attached.

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get a car people.

buses are destroying our environment. 95% of all pollution is contributed by public transit.

did you know that every bus that is on the road equals about 500 cars each day? That cannot be overlooked. If everyone drove a car to work, there would be less traffic since all those giant buses would not be taking up all that space. They have their OWN FUCKING LANE for crissakes!

buses are also costing us our jobs to get outsourced overseas. Since there are so many buses on the road, many companies have to move operations to 3rd world countries that have no buses since these people don't need them to get to work. They have mules and carts.

Here`s an anti-bus rally from last january attached.


You have got to be kidding me...that was meant to be in purple right.....

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The city is getting more than $27 million in provincial funding for public transit projects, MPP Jim Watson announced on board an OC Tranpso bus at the Lincoln Fields station this morning.

The capital funding will flow to the city by March 31. It is not yet clear what specific projects the money will be used for or whether it will help to offset part of the 4.9% property tax increase previously approved by council.




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I was on the phone this morning with a guy from OC Transpo. He was a great help to me. I have yet to have a problem with the transit around here. On the way home from Nero on the Friday my gf and I even had the privelege of watching a girl open her purse, remove the items and proceed to vomit. I took pictures. She wouldn't let me get a pic of the inside of the purse though. It was a great bus ride home.

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$1B tunnel worth the cost, mayor says; Transit plan offers four options, all with underground projects


Mayor Larry O'Brien says a downtown subway could cost $1 billion, but it will be worth the money to get the city a first-class public transit system that is reliable and cuts travel times.

Yesterday, planning staff unveiled four options for a new citywide transit plan, each costing at least $3 billion.

But all the options include a tunnel, or subway, to be built downtown -- a huge project intended to lead to the construction of shops and service businesses underground. The city says it must go underground because downtown is near its capacity for dealing with transit. Without a subway, a surface transit system would need a bus to arrive every 10 seconds at downtown stops by 2031, according to the city.

Building a subway "takes away the bottleneck" that is choking the transit system, Mr. O'Brien said in an interview. He said the north-south light-rail plan of his predecessor, Bob Chiarelli, would not have worked because the vehicles would have been stuck in surface traffic with other vehicles. The mayor said voters "intuitively know" that the city needs to go underground to improve transit service.

The subway would likely run from LeBreton Flats, near Bronson Avenue in the west, to the University of Ottawa in the east, with several stations.

At a press conference at the World Exchange Plaza, where one of the subway stations could be located, Mr. O'Brien said a subway downtown could reduce travel time for commuters by 15 minutes each day and improve transit reliability from 85 per cent to 98 per cent.

He said over a year, commuters could save about 55 hours of travelling time. "No more guessing. No more being late for work."

He acknowledged the subway would be expensive, but "it's better to invest in something that will solve the problem rather than waste money."

He also said the timing of each section of the plan will be open to negotiation and subject to the money that's available.

The city says it wants to hear from the public about the four options before the transit and transportation committees meet on April 16, when planning staff will present a preferred option. Council is to make a decision on the downtown part of the transit plan on May 28. Mr. O'Brien said he will read every e-mail and letter he gets on the plan.

Of the four choices, Options 3 and 4 appear to be the ones city officials are likely to favour.

Bay Ward Councillor Alex Cullen said he is excited about the prospect of riders taking an escalator to the basement of downtown buildings, entering the subway and using transit. "It's going to be fantastic."

Alta Vista Ward Councillor Peter Hume said while going underground is "incredibly complicated," it's the only option because a road-level system can't handle the volume of traffic the city will have.

Mr. Hume, who prefers Option 4, says Ottawa's transit system will undoubtedly be built in stages, with federal and provincial government money coming from time to time. But he said it's essential that the city get a comprehensive plan so Ottawa is ready to act when the funds become available.

River Ward Councillor Maria McRae said she wants to hear from citizens before making a final choice, but she favours bringing on commuter rail, rather than more "smelly, dirty buses," noting commuter trains last about twice as long as buses.

She said the size and expense of the transit project can be intimidating, but the city needs good transit if it is to keep growing: "Big money, big decision. But big city."

- - -

Four Options for Citywide Transit Plan

Option 1: The fastest to build, sticks with buses and runs them in the downtown tunnel. The existing O-Train would be the city's only rail service. Bus transitways would be extended deeper into the suburbs. This option, estimated to cost $3.16 billion, would be the easiest to implement, but it would have the highest operating costs and generate the most pollution.

Option 2: A mixed rail-bus plan, with the bus transitway system left in place and extensions built farther into the suburbs, the O-Train converted to a twin-track commuter-rail service from the University of Ottawa west and south to Bowesville Road, including a spur into Ottawa Airport. Buses and commuter-rail trains would share the downtown tunnel. It is estimated to cost $3.87 billion.

Option 3: Keeps the current O-Train, but the tunnel is reserved for light trains and the east-west transitway is converted to rail. This option is expected to cost $3.37 billion.

Option 4: The subway would have a light-rail line and the transitway would be converted to a twin-track electric-rail system from Blair station in the east to Baseline station in the west. The O-Train would be converted to a twin-track light-rail service extending south to Bowesville Road and the airport. The rest of the system would be be bus transitway. This option is estimated to cost $3.82 billion.

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Snow removal, noise and parking infractions outside of my building due to a construction site across the street.

I got no help or response- that is until there were two accidents within 3 hours of each other at the intersection I had been calling about. Miraculously an army of the by law Golfs have been frequenting the area ever since.

I guess people have to be hurt to get results.....

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