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Uncomfortable Moments


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It actually happened today in front of me and about 4 others.

A woman that I work on a project with was collecting some information in a business requirement meeting and a girl in the meeting beside me leaned in while there was a side conversation going on and said to my collegue "By the way, when are you due?"

That was followed by "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat".

oh man. our project manager was like michael scott at the end of the table, holding in the most laughter at a very in appropriate time.

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reminds me of jaimoe in high school. a few of us were sitting in bleachers watching a basketball game when he started complaining about this couple who would make out in the hallways.

I think he called them the most disgusting couple ever or something. Right away the people sitting right directly in front of us turned around, and sure enough it was said couple.

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Oh man!!!! Somebody did that at my office a few years ago too. Unbelievable.

You NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant ... period! Wait for the information to be offered, or for somebody else to take the risk.

Just yesterday a buddy of mine here commented to a coworker (who is 8 months preggo) that she "looked sooooo pregnant". Now, it was good that she was in a jovial mood. It could very easily have gone hormonal and gotten downright nasty ;)

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The only time I've ever been falsely accused of being pregnant was at forty main. I was sitting slouched on a couch and someone handed me a stack of photos to look through. To free-up my hands I rested my beer can on my lap and stuck out my belly to keep it from spilling. Dude handing my the photos said "Hey, when are you due?" The porch went silent and it felt like all eyes were on me to see my reaction. I wasn't upset, just flabbergasted at what a moronic comment that was - especially considering I was drinking a beer!

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The only time I've ever been falsely accused of being pregnant was at forty main. I was sitting slouched on a couch and someone handed me a stack of photos to look through. To free-up my hands I rested my beer can on my lap and stuck out my belly to keep it from spilling. Dude handing my the photos said "Hey, when are you due?" The porch went silent and it felt like all eyes were on me to see my reaction. I wasn't upset, just flabbergasted at what a moronic comment that was - especially considering I was drinking a beer!

sounds like FreakerbtSpeaker's handywork

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The only time I've ever been falsely accused of being pregnant was at forty main. I was sitting slouched on a couch and someone handed me a stack of photos to look through. To free-up my hands I rested my beer can on my lap and stuck out my belly to keep it from spilling. Dude handing my the photos said "Hey, when are you due?" The porch went silent and it felt like all eyes were on me to see my reaction. I wasn't upset, just flabbergasted at what a moronic comment that was - especially considering I was drinking a beer!

Hallowe'en one year at university, one of my friend's sisters came for a visit. She was dressed as pregnant trailer trash and was working on a healthy buzz when another girl approached her and asked her very seriously if she really thought she should be drinking in her condition. It was a bona fide Abbott and Costello moment for a little while, as the girl in the costume had no idea what the other one was talking about. Pretty funny stuff.

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I was in the boardroom for our Period End review meetings, unfortunately sitting in between my boss and the president. An email came through from a co-worker about a shitty customer we had to deal with, that we had actually satisfied one set of his demands- but he was making another complaint about something far smaller. The meeting was not going well as we had been losing market share blah blah blah.

I returned said email with something to the effect of "why doesn't this old fuck just die already"...... To (accidentally) all of the managers. My president and boss both turned in on me with looks that could kill.

They were both easily 20 years older than the customer at the time.

Needless to say I now put all emails into a draft bin and wait a half hour before sending......

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Grade 11, we are sitting around at the city track meet. This hottie from another highschool is running the 400. I go into a "Oh man, do I ever want to get into those drawers." rant. Buddy beside me is kicking me and I am saying "FUCK OFF MAN!" proceeding to profess my love for her physique and what I would do to it.

Finally, I see his eyes and he is motioning behind me. Her dad is giving me the kill-look but he got his revenge. Big time.

He was a phys-ed teacher at our school and the head coach of the senior football team. I got SEVERELY punished the next 2 seasons in practice. Stuff like 'non-contact punt return drills' would suddenly became "FUUUULL CONTAAAAACT" if I was taking the return. I lost a ton of snot during those sets of fall months.

I learned a very valuable lesson but all those hits to the head caused me to forget it.

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Grade 11, we are sitting around at the city track meet. This hottie from another highschool is running the 400. I go into a "Oh man, do I ever want to get into those drawers." rant. Buddy beside me is kicking me and I am saying "FUCK OFF MAN!" proceeding to profess my love for her physique and what I would do to it.

Finally, I see his eyes and he is motioning behind me. Her dad is giving me the kill-look but he got his revenge. Big time.

He was a phys-ed teacher at our school and the head coach of the senior football team. I got SEVERELY punished the next 2 seasons in practice. Stuff like 'non-contact punt return drills' would suddenly became "FUUUULL CONTAAAAACT" if I was taking the return. I lost a ton of snot during those sets of fall months.

I learned a very valuable lesson but all those hits to the head caused me to forget it.

Did you get into her drawers? What was her name? Do you have her number?

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