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Who are you going to vote for?

Freak By Night

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Other answers you could have given:

"Whichever candidate pays me the most. Make me an offer."

"I'm not sure. Fluffy, come here Fluffy, there you are, aren't you a cute cat? Yes you are. Fluffy, tell the nice man who I'm going to be voting for."

"Hey, I was just about the fire up the bong. Want to come and discuss your candidate?"

"I'm going to be voting for the candidate that bothers me the least. So far, you're the only one who's come by."



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I got to wondering...

Is it politically advantageous for Harper to call an election almost in parallel with the USA election campaign?

If McCain starts dropping in the polls will that sort of anti-conservative sentiment have an effect on Harper's numbers?

Will Dion be able to parlay the cry for change south of the border into his own campaign, painting himself as the Canadian Obama? (Don't laugh.)

As for my vote, I'll probably continue to hold my nose and vote Liberal as long as Harper is anywhere near the throne of power. But I do like the suggestions should I get a call from a pollster.

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a recent poll for the Guelph by-election showed:

Liberals: 38%

Greens: 24%

Conservatives: 13%

NDP: 8%

Undecided: 17%

and given that this did not include the 5000 UGuelph students who were unable to register for the Sept 8 by-election, but are able to register for the impending Oct 14 general election, one can probably expect even less support for the Tories.

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My sister has in interesting story.

She just moved back home from Sapin after living in Europe for years. Her son was born in England but by right should also be a canadian citizen. She tried to get him a health card a few weeks ago (he's 3yrs old if that matters)and they wouldnt give her one because he "wasnt Canadian". Her son has had health issues from the day one and its rather important for to be able to see a doctor on a reg basis.

So to make a long story short, she fought with Canadian immigration (I'm assuming thats who it was) for quite some time and didnt make any headway. At some point a friend of hers suggested she contact her local MP (liberal)for help. She tried, but to no avail - the guy wouldnt return her emails/phone calls or anything.

In steps Conservative guy running for local MP. Dude totally hooks her up, gets everything sorted out in no time at all. My nephew has his health card and canadian citizenship.

Now one could argue dude just did this cuz he needs the votes, which very well may be true, but what the crap was the Liberals problem?

My sister is torn now as she has been Liberal her whole life and she really doesnt like Steven Harper one iota, but she feels this guy went out of his way to help her. In fact she even told the guy, "you'd get my vote in the next election if it werent for Harper." To which he replied, "well thats why you have to vote for me so I can work my way to the top."

Weird huh?

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I'd suggest to your sister that she write a (polite) letter detailing what went on (the situation, the calls, the e-mails, the lack of response) to the MP who let her down, letting him know how he let her down, and how someone who wasn't her elected representative stepped in and helped her. Also send copies to the riding's Liberal Party association, and maybe even the federal Liberal party. Also have her bring up this issue with her MP whenever he or his representatives come around campaigning.



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I'd suggest to your sister that she write a (polite) letter detailing what went on (the situation, the calls, the e-mails, the lack of response) to the MP who let her down, letting him know how he let her down, and how someone who wasn't her elected representative stepped in and helped her. Also send copies to the riding's Liberal Party association, and maybe even the federal Liberal party. Also have her bring up this issue with her MP whenever he or his representatives come around campaigning.



good call

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Awesome, thanks Brad. I just copied and pasted your response and sent her an email, hope you dont mind!

I don't mind at all. Her MP failed her (in something he's supposed to do), and he needs to be called on it, both to him directly, and to his higher-ups.



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While it sounds like the Liberal MP was neglecting the request for help, the bigger issue I think is a non-elected candidate being given the powers of an MP. That's truly undemocratic, but how the Conservatives operate all across the country "don't go to the Liberal MP, come to me and I'll have my friends in the Conservative gov't pull some strings" (and in turn you owe me your support).

Dangerous precedent.

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Conservative MP's and candidates are given preferential access to the Conservative Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

It's common that opposition MP's who the Conservatives are targeting will be rendered "impotent" and inffective by removing powers normally available to them as MP's - such as requesting the Minister intervene in a case such as this, then suddenly in on a white horse rides Joe Blow, local Conservative candidate - and it suddenly gets done.

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i bet the woman would say that none of that matters - she needed to get care for her son. whose fault it is is secondary. whether it's the system, the MP or the Conservative white knight, the focus shouldn't be there, it should be on the constituent's needs. of course we all know that isn't what happens, but ideals are ok too.

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Steve created a law that makes fixed election dates and is now going to ask the person who is responsible for upholding Canadian Law to break it for him... that's also a dangerous precedent . It would put the PM above the laws of the land and effectively give us a presidency, a commander who is able to disregard the will of democracy in favor of the PM's ideals/ideas about what is good for the citizenry.

ALWAYS vote your conscience in a way that forwards your ideals... not out of any debt or favor...

If you do not support the ideology of a party do not support their cause.

Lizzy May is the Canadian Obama.

Soapbox over.

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I tend to lean green but I also lean CAP, as I believe that this country's workforce is worth more than they are paid, and although our unemployment rates are generally low there is a lot of underemployment that isn't counted.

Canada used to be one of the most amazing countries in the world.

I hope that we find a government that truly reflects our ideals and aspirations.

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tone it down, bro.
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That's truly undemocratic...

I've always thought the majority of what happens in parliament, or better yet, out of parliament, to be truly undemocratic. :)

Step one - return phone calls.

Not so surprisingly, i'm voting for the CPC.

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Dewer, I'm rather satisfied with him. If I were in a different riding with a different MP, I might waffle a bit - for example, I didn't care much for the Greens under Harris when their environmental policy kinda sucked and the conservatism ran high, but under May I'm much more interested. If I were in a different riding, I might consider them, contingent on the quality of the candidate they were running.

FWIW, I totally agree with Hux.

Conservative MP's and candidates are given preferential access to the Conservative Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

That is alarming.

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